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The Greatest President: A Collaborative Essay. You will be collaborating with an assigned partner to write a five paragraph essay that answers this question: Who was the greatest early American president?. Today, we PLAN.
The Greatest President:A Collaborative Essay You will be collaborating with an assigned partner to write a five paragraph essay that answers this question: Who was the greatest early American president?
Today, we PLAN. You and your partner will collaborate to complete an outline/writing plan today. Tomorrow you’ll be writing the essay based on your plan. Your hard work today will pay off Big time tomorrow!
What makes a great president? • What defines presidential success? • In your group, brainstorm a list of 3 criteria the make a good president. • If you’re stuck, start with “settles domestic disputes!” • Share your best criteria – could you use evidence from Washington’s answer to support this? • On your Writing Plan, write 3 criteria that gives your definition of presidential success. Be prepared to share with the class.
So, who is the greatest president? Look over your research. Using your definition of greatness, decide which president best meets the criteria of greatness. Will you be able to support your argument with evidence??
Brainstorm and bullet point Evidence Look over your research. Using your definition of greatness, decide which president best meets the criteria of greatness. Under each criteria, note one example of greatness from that president.
Now, let’s OUTLINE/Plan Now is when we gather information and carefully plan for the essay. The more effort you put in today, the easier your task will be tomorrow. Any planning not finished in class is homework tonight.
The THESIS A thesis statement makes a claim that you will defend with your essay. This statement will be like a road map or GPS for the rest of your essay. Be sure you take the time to make it a good one! The best thesis gives THREE pieces of evidence into the claim. Example: George Washington the greatest of the starting six presidents because he set precedents including the inaugural address, he solved foreign issues including avoiding war with France, and settled domestic issues such as putting down the Whiskey Rebellion.
Prove your thesis. Complete the outline for your writing. Each partner must complete his/hers. Now you will “flesh out” your earlier planning. Use the foreign and domestic actions you decided on earlier. (Can you change if you find they’re not working to prove your thesis? YES) Record important details about each event. (Tomorrow, you’ll be turning these details into a paragraph, so be sure you’re including enough info.) Make sure the connection between the event and the quality of a great president is clear. (HOW does this event exemplify greatness?)
An Introduction – The formula Don’t be afraid to write a tentative introduction first and then change it later. An attention grabber Your criteria of greatness Thesis Statement
An Introduction –Open with an Attention Grabber Don’t be afraid to write a tentative introduction first and then change it later. An intriguing example A provocative quotation A puzzling scenario A vivid and unexpected story/anecdote A thought provoking question
Fiore Sample Intro When running for re-election, former president Ronald Reagan asked the voters, “Are you better off than you were four years ago?” Clearly the voters thought yes because they voted him into a second term. Reagan is one of six presidents deemed great. Presidential greatness can be defined many ways. Leaving lasting legacies and leaving the country better than you found it is one criteria of a great president. Also, great presidents solve foreign and domestic issues in hopes of ensuring domestic tranquility and providing for the common defense. Using these three greatness criteria, George Washington is the greatest of the starting six presidents because he left many legacies such as the inaugural address, he solved domestic issues such as the Whiskey Rebellion and he remained neutral in the French and British war. Our country was definitely better off after the administration of this outstanding executive leader.
Body Paragraphs – A formula • Using your outline, here’s the format: • Your criteria turns into your opening sentence. • You explanation of the event turns into you body. • Your answer to the last question is the concluding sentence.
Fiore Sample Body Paragraph George Washington settled one of the most volatile domestic issues when he put down the Whiskey Rebellion. The Whiskey Rebellion flared up in Western Pennsylvania when Congress passed a tax on whiskey farmers. Congress used their new power to tax in order to try to eliminate the Revolutionary war debt that was stifling the country. Farmers didn’t like the tax and refused to pay. They even went so far as to burn down the house of the tax collector. Washington showed initiative and strength when he ordered 12,000 militia to Pennsylvania to enforce the tax. The militia arrested those who wouldn’t pay and stopped the rebellion. Later, Mr. Washington met with Congress and worked with them to lower the whiskey tax. The rebellion ended. This rebellion could have led to increased rebellion but instead he used his power to solve the problem. In ending this violent domestic rebellion and enforcing the tax, George’s greatness showed.
Wrap it all up: A Conclusion A good conclusion is your chance to wrap up your essay and show your reader that you’ve proven your thesis. A good Conclusion should be connected to your thesis/introduction; prove again that your thesis is true; make your essay feel finished. A good conclusion should not simply repeat your introduction/thesis, nor should it introduce anything new.
Conclusion Techniques Play the “So What” Game. If you’re stuck and feel like your conclusion isn’t saying anything new or interesting, ask a friend to read it with you. Whenever you make a statement from your conclusion, ask the friend to say, “So what?” or “Why should anybody care?” Then ponder that question and answer it. Return to the theme or themes in the introduction. This strategy brings the reader full circle. For example, if you begin by describing a scenario, you can end with the same scenario as proof that your essay is helpful in creating a new understanding. You may also refer to the introductory paragraph by using key words or parallel concepts and images that you also used in the introduction. Include a provocative insight or quotation from the research or reading you did for your paper. Point to broader implications. For example, if your paper examines the Greensboro sit-ins or another event in the Civil Rights Movement, you could point out its impact on the Civil Rights Movement as a whole.
Fiore Sample Conclusion If George Washington asked the same question to his people as Ronald Reagan, we know they would have answered an astounding yes. They elected him twice and they would have elected him a third time if he hadn’t stepped down. By solving domestic and foreign issues with strength and thought and by leaving a long set of legacies, George Washington proved himself to be the greatest president of all time.
Now, you have 30 minutes to write together. On one piece of paper, write a three paragraph essay. Collaborate fully. Together write an introduction. Pick your two best body paragraphs and write those. Complete your conclusion. At the end, give each person a percentage of collaborative points. 50/50 33/33/33