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This power point presentation describes about ayurvedic supplements to boost immunity power and increase stamina naturally<br>
Supplements To Boost Immunity Power Weak immunity is the diminished ability to fight germs, viruses and other bodily invaders that can result in ailments, certain diseases and many more threats to well-being. Getting sick and ill repeatedly makes one weaker than earlier as body is not able to get enough time to overcome ill effects of a disease or illness happened. Nowadays many people get sick in spite of eating healthy diet because of polluted air and water.
Supplements To Boost Immunity Power Even if one is using methods to make water pure for drinking but making air pollution-free is an impossible task. Busy and tight routine is also responsible for low energy and poor immunity. Many working people use processed foods to satisfy their hunger and this deprives their body from vital nutrients necessary to stay healthy and strong. Cold and flu are common when immunity is weak.
Supplements To Boost Immunity Power These things may look simple but due to weak immunity these can lead to severe problems that last for long time. We can say that weak immunity is the starting of getting severe health problems. There are many over-the-counter medications available that strengthen immunity but such treatments give benefits only as long as one uses these supplements. When one stops taking these medications, weak immunity problem arises again.
Supplements To Boost Immunity Power • Use of herbs is best in keeping immunity naturally strong and therefore one should use ayurvedic supplements to boost immunity power that keep body protected for prolong time. Natural ways to boost immunity power: • Quit smoking as it increases toxins in body. • Eat a diet high in fruits, vegetables and whole grains and low in saturated fat.
Supplements To Boost Immunity Power • Exercise regularly to increase stamina naturally • Maintain a healthy weight to keep body fit and fine. • Keep an eye on blood pressure and blood sugar with regular checkup. • If you drink alcohol, drink only in moderation. • Taking adequate sleep can give body proper time to recover from illnesses and weakness.
Imutol Capsules • Take steps to avoid infection, such as washing your hands before cooking meals thoroughly. • Also, get regular medical screening tests. • One can use Imutol capsules which are effective ayurvedic supplements to boost immunity power. These supplements increase ability of body to fight infections and stay healthy.
Imutol Capsules • Other benefits that Imutol capsules offer are listed below: • Do not let mucous to deposit inside lungs and throat. • Improve blood circulation in body to provide maximum nutrition to cells to produce antigens and energy. • Increase production of antibodies which further helps to increase bacteria fighting ability of a person.
Imutol Capsules • Keep bowel movements regular which helps to eliminate waste out of body regularly. • These ayurvedic supplements to boost immunity power can also neutralize effects of toxins inside body and protect cells from free radicals. • Keep blood free from impurities and toxins.
Ingredients Of Imutol Capsules Imutol capsules contain Tulsi, Chitrak, Kesar, Daruharidra, SuvarnaBhasma, Shatavari, Anantmul, Haridra, AbhrakBhasma, Nimba and Kutki. These are processed in decoction of Manjistha, Amlaki, Ashwagandha, Arjun, Yashtimadhu, Brahmi, Bhumyamalaki, Sonth, Giloy, Punanrnava and Bhangra which makes these highly effective ayurvedic supplements to boost immunity power.
Imutol Capsules These herbs possess high medicinal value and provide wide variety of nutrients that enhance body functions to strengthen immunity and increase stamina naturally. It is recommended to regularly use these ayurvedic supplements for 3 to 4 months to boost immunity naturally.
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