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Establishing an effective procurement network to achieve 100% sustainable goods and services. Enhance soldier and family support services, energy efficiency, water conservation, and sustainable facility objectives. Improve training spaces and become a Center of Excellence for joint and combined arms operations.
Installation Management Final Strategic Goal #1 Goal: Achieve procurement of 100% sustainable goods and services by establishing an effective procurement network that minimizes life cycle costs, maximizes acquisition options, reduces delays, and establishes system-wide accountability and ownership Metric(s): - PALT (Procurement Acquisition Lead Time), - Cost Savings (LCC - Life Cycle Costing, ROI - Return on Investment, decrease in costs of new contracts) Timeframe: 2030 Proponent: DOC
Installation Management Final Strategic Goal #2 • Goal: Fort Benning leads DOD in the provision of Soldier and Family Support Services • Establish one easily identifiable and accessible facility that houses all Human Resource service organizations for soldiers, family members, retirees and civilians. • Metric(s): Supports 100% of in/out processing; supports 100% of administrative processing; saves training time by x% due to reduced travel requirements; improved readiness; increased retention; increase number of soldiers and family members without problems; soldiers aware of services and information; soldiers acclimated into local community; decrease access time to HR services. • Timeframe: new facility built 2010, overall goal 2030 • Proponent: ACS Center
Installation Management Final Strategic Goal #3 • Goal: Capture full economic potential for energy efficiency through the use of innovative and sustainable approaches to energy acquisition, management and consumption • No net increase in fossil fuel based energy usage through greater efficiency, conservation and alternate sources, without restricting growth • Partner with energy producer to generate cost-effective energy from alternate sources/methods, such as solid waste, biomass, solar, fuel cells. • Eliminate fossil fuel usage in government tactical and non-tactical vehicles and material handling equipment on the installation by 2030 • Metric(s): • fossil fuel use per person • alternate energy fuel usage • facility energy consumption • quantity of non-fossil fuels purchased • Timeframe: 2030 • Proponent: DPW (facilities), DOL (vehicles)
Installation Management Final Strategic Goal #4 Goal: Implement sustainable water acquisition, use and management practices that support the mission of Fort Benning - Implement water conservation best practices to reduce per person usage by 50% by 2030 - Zero contaminants in surface water runoff by 2015 Metric(s): Volume of water reused Water use per person Categories of water reused Contaminant levels in surface waters Acres of bare ground Water use classifications Timeframe: continuous Proponent: DPW/EMD
Installation Management Final Strategic Goal #5 Goal: Facilities at Fort Benning meet sustainability objectives - Life cycle considerations are included in planning, design, construction, operations and maintenance (ONGOING) - All new construction projects designed GOLD per LEED by 2006 - All revitalization/repair projects meet GOLD LEED by 2006 - LEED standards for residential and other construction types established by 2010 - Residential projects meet these standards by 2015 Metric(s): LEED (or applicable standards as they become available) Timeframe: 2015 Proponent: DPW
Military Training Final Strategic Goal #1 Goal: Increase training space (air, land, water, bandwidth) by 50%. Endstate: Integrated/Multi-purpose ranges/training areas, a successful ACUB program, clean-up UXO areas, restore/maintain current training areas, establish effective scheduling process, ID critical training requirements current/future, obtain training space needed, protect deployment training capability. Metric(s): • # of usable live fire/maneuver acres • # of usable multi-purpose live fire ranges • # of UXO acres • # of degraded acres rehabilitated • throughput and range utilization rate • training capacity for riverine and airborne operations Timeframe: 2030 Proponent: DOT, DPW
Military Training Final Strategic Goal #2 Goal: Fort Benning becomes the Army Live-Virtual-Constructive (LVC) Center of Excellence for Joint and Combined Arms Operations. Endstate: Persistent LVC capability that enables integrated individual/collective tasks collaborating from different geographical locations. Metric(s): • % of LVC training strategy implemented • Available network architecture/Bandwidth • % of Joint Simulation interoperability obtained • TRADOC experimentation site established by 2010 • Integrate new LVC into US Army Infantry School Programs of Instruction within 36 months of acceptance Timeframe: Present through 2030
Military TrainingFinal Strategic Goal #3 Goal: Establish world’s most innovative Infantry Training System Support Center of Excellence. Endstate: Use advanced sustainable technologies to develop a UXO-free zone for training with innovative alternatively-fueled systems that maximize training footprint while minimizing safety and environmental impacts. Metric(s): • incorporate use of sustainable technologies in all Initial Capabilities Documents (ICDs) and Capabilities Development Documents (CDDs). • % of acres of multi-use training areas without restrictions • number of Soldiers trained to standard • % of fossil fuel use • air emissions • % use of green munitions • % use of short range munitions • % use of non-dud producing munitions Timeframe: 2030 Proponent: DCD, DOT
Power ProjectionFinal Strategic Goal #1 • Goal: Increase deployment capacity and decrease deployment time for brigade elements by 2030 to 25% of FORSCOM standards: • Increase capacity and consolidate NODES and infrastructure (rail, airlift, maintenance, line haul, supply) • Improvements in transportation systems by land, air,and ports • Optimize installation transportation systems • Metric(s): • Deployment timelines • Force protection incidents • Units of energy/mode of movement • Transportation impacts (community and environment) • Timeframe: 2010- 2030 • Proponent:DOL
Power ProjectionFinal Strategic Goal #2 Goal: Eliminate frustrated cargo and decrease deployment time through reduction and improved management of HAZMAT on the installation and during deployment Metric(s): Reduce frustrated cargo and HAZMAT issues 50% by 2015, 75% by 2020 and 100% by 2025 Timeframe: 20 years Proponent: DOL
Power ProjectionFinal Strategic Goal #3 • Goal: Provide multi-purpose mob/demob support facility & one stop processing center for joint units & individuals • Metric(s): • 1391 for Bn set completed and approved to the ACSIM by 2007 • Transient throughput • Unit satisfaction survey • $ expended for temp. facilities and furnishings (tents, etc) • Bn set by 2012 to LEED Platinum standard • Bn set by 2019 to LEED Platinum standard • Bde set completed by 2030 to LEED Platinum standard • Timeframe: 1st Bn set completed by 2012; 2nd Bn set completed by 2019; Complete Bde set by 2030 (Bn set=5 CO’s, admin, barracks, motor pool, DFAC, TMC, classrooms, arms room)
Regional InteractionFinal Strategic Goal Goal: A Chattahoochee Valley community that sustains the Fort Benning mission, enhances quality of life, and protects and restores the environment Objectives: • Become a regional partner and engage regional entities to develop a collaborative bi-state comprehensive plan (water, sewer, transportation, energy, land use, watershed stewardship, housing, economic development, parks/recreation, etc.) • Develop a compatible use buffer for training, land management, habitat and greenspace • Develop a data center (inventory of existing plans, studies, etc.) • Establish Bi-State legislation (disclosure with deed, coordination) • Identify funding mechanisms • Educate and involve stakeholders on benefits of sustainability and the need for regional partnerships • Build local capacity (tools, personnel, etc.) to implement the comprehensive plan • Identify, demonstrate, and communicate the benefits (tangible and intangible) of Fort Benning to the region • Expand opportunities to integrate Fort Benning and regional communities
Regional InteractionFinal Strategic Goal Metric(s): • Indices of QOL, Environment, and Mission • Examples: • Education – graduation and GED rates, test scores, literacy rates • Cost of living – ad valorem rates • Housing – percent of subsidized housing, # of building permits, average cost of homes • Recreation/green space – accessible acres per citizen in region • Employment rate • Environmental literacy • Biodiversity • % of Army Compatible Use Buffer (ACUB) established • Ambient air quality • Water quality (e.g., Total Maximum Daily Load) and quantity • Unit Status Report (USR) - Readiness Report • Unit Satisfaction Survey (Civilian Military Council) – noise and smoke complaints • Infrastructure capacity • Uninterrupted training events Timeframe: 2030