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Build/Turnover/Release Process. for Practice Manager Practice Manager Modules Professional Cost Auditing Integrations Custom Modules. Build. The Team Lead or designated developer announces to the team a build will be generated. The members of the team check in their code as needed.
Build/Turnover/Release Process for Practice Manager Practice Manager Modules Professional Cost Auditing Integrations Custom Modules
Build • The Team Lead or designated developer announces to the team a build will be generated. • The members of the team check in their code as needed. • The Team Lead or designated developer prepares the build file set. • (Darius, it would be nice to elaborate a bit more on the process here).
Development Turnover • The Team Lead evaluates the PCRs remaining to be completed for the designated release to determine the type of turnover. • GA Turnover means all “A” and “B” PCRs are marked as “Done” or “Final,” the product documentation is complete, and all install and upgrade programs, if any, are complete. • Beta Turnover means all “A” and “B” PCRs are marked as “Done” or “Final,” the product documentation is complete (but not necessarily edited), and all install and upgrade programs, if any, are complete (but not necessarily tested). • Alpha Turnover means all “A” PCRs are marked as “Done” or “Final”. • In \\ltdevsql1\d\qa\builds\, the folder containing the last turnover for the product is copied to the appropriate folder for the turnover – alpha, beta or ga, and renamed to coincide with the build designation. If this is the first build of a new release, then the last build folder (GA) of the last release is copied (e.g., pm86.34.06 is copied and renamed pm87.05.02).
Development Turnover – Cont. • The files, including the turnover document, are updated in that folder. • If this is a beta or ga turnover, the install developer is notified that they need to update the install files prior to release. • If this is a beta or ga turnover, the technical writer is notified that they need to update the documentation prior to release. • The turnover checklist is completed by the team lead, checking-off each appropriate item in the DEV column. • The turnover e-mail, with checklist attached, is sent from the team lead to the following persons: • PM_QA • Darius Kirna • Program Manager • Rick Huszagh
Turnover Acceptance • QA completes the turnover checklist. • If the turnover is accepted, QA sends an announcement, with checklist attached, to the following persons, advising them the turnover has been accepted: • Team Lead • Darius Kirna • Rick Huszagh • Program Manager • If the turnover is reject, QA sends an announcement, with the checklist and reason for rejection attached, to the following persons, advising them the turnover has been rejected: • Team Lead • Darius Kirna • Rick Huszagh • Program Manager
Turnover Announcement • If the turnover was accepted, Darius uploads the files from \\ltdevsql1\d\qa\builds\ to the corresponding folder on ftp:\\www1.law.com\reallegal\pm_download\ (the folder structure of the builds and pm_download folders are identical). • Once the files have been uploaded, Darius forwards the acceptance e-mail and checklist to the following persons: • Program Manager • Rick Huszagh • The Program Manager updates the appropriate Web page for the release. These can be found on ftp:\\www1.law.com\reallegal\pm_home\. The folder structure of pm_home is the same as that of pm_download, only it contains HTML files instead of downloadable product files. • The Program Manager announces the availability of the build to the PM_Turnover distribution list.
Release Announcement • QA announces to the Program Manager that a build has completed GA Certification when the following conditions are met (note that this could be a Beta or GA turnover): • All “A” and “B” PCRs have been marked as Final. • The turnover document and product documentation has been reviewed and accepted. • The installation and upgrade files have been tested and marked as Final. • The build folders on \\ltdevsql1\ and \\www1.law.com\ are moved to the GA folder IF the certified release was, in fact, originally submitted as a beta release. This is carried out by Darius Kirna and the Program Manager, respectively. If this was a GA turnover, no update is necessary. • The GA web page for the release is updated. • The Program Manager announces the availability of the build to the PM_Release distribution list.
Flow Chart Development Turnover Team Lead: Announce to developers and tech writers new build is to be done. Developers and Tech Writers: Check in code and files. Build modules. Developers and Tech Writers: Notify Team Lead when complete. Team Lead: Prepare build file set. Install Dev: Update install and upgrade files with new file set. Team Lead: Analyze the Pending PCRs and file set to determine build type. Team Lead: Create build set on \\ltdevsql1\d\qa\builds\ Team Lead: Create turnover document for the build. Team Lead: Complete the Turnover Checklist for the build. Team Lead: Send turnover e-mail with checklist attached to: PM_QA Darius Ricky Program Manager
Flow Chart - Continued QA Acceptance/Rejection of Turnover QA Lead: Forward turnover e-mail with checklist and acceptance attached to: Team Lead Darius Ricky Program Manager QA Lead: Complete turnover checklist. QA: Begin testing cycle. Accept Turnover? Yes No QA Lead: Forward turnover e-mail with checklist and rejection attached to: Team Lead Darius Ricky Program Manager
Flow Chart - Continued Turnover Announcement Darius: Upload build files from \\ltdevsql1\d\qa\builds\ folder to www1.law.com\reallegal\.pm_download\ folder. Program Manager: Update Web pages in www1.law.com\reallegal\pm_home\ folder. QA: Turnover accepted. Darius: Forward turnover e-mail with checklist attached and build upload announcement to: Ricky Program Manager Program Manager: Announce availability of new build to PM_Turnover e-mail distribution group.
Flow Chart - Continued GA Release Announcement QA Lead: Forward turnover e-mail with checklist and certification attached to: Team Lead Darius Ricky Program Manager QA: Completes testing. Program Manager: If needed, move build to GA folder on www1.law.com and update Web page(s) on pm.law.com. Certified For GA? Yes No QA Lead: Forward turnover e-mail with checklist and rejection attached to: Team Lead Darius Ricky Program Manager Program Manager: Announce availability of new release to PM_Release e-mail distribution group. Team Lead: Start next development build cycle