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Choosing a Platform. Remote Sensing Media. Aircraft Based photography (BW, Color), infrared (BW, Color) RADAR (SLAR, SAR) LIDAR (light detection and ranging) Satellite Based SPOT LandSat NOAA/AVHRR GOES. Airborne Remote Sensing ?.
Remote Sensing Media • Aircraft Based • photography (BW, Color), infrared (BW, Color) • RADAR (SLAR, SAR) • LIDAR (light detection and ranging) • Satellite Based • SPOT • LandSat • NOAA/AVHRR • GOES
Airborne Remote Sensing ? • Airborne remote sensing is not an efficient tool suitable for such monitoring for many reasons. • First, airborne sensors can only provide a relatively local view. • Each acquisition of data using an airborne system requires an active decision to fly the instrument over the target area. • It is extremely difficult to accurately reproduce flight lines, which dramatically increases the difficulty of analysing and interpreting the monitoring data. • Airborne instruments suffer through flight stresses each time that the instrument is flown, which can compound the difficulty of comparing data acquired at different times. • The operating expenses for an airborne instrument are very high
Platforms In order for a sensor to collect and record energy reflected or emitted from a target or surface, it must reside on a stable platform removed from the target or surface being observed. Platforms for remote sensors may be situated on the ground, on an aircraft or balloon (or some other platform within the Earth's atmosphere), or on a spacecraft or satellite outside of the Earth's atmosphere.
Groundbased Platform • Often used to record detailed information about the surface which is compared with information collected from aircraft or satellite sensors • Sensors may be placed on a ladder, scaffolding, tall building, crane, etc
Aerial Platform • Aircraft are often used to collect very detailed images and facilitate the collection of data over virtually any portion of the Earth's surface at any time
Satellite Platform • satellites permit repetitive coverage of the Earth's surface on a continuing basis. Cost is often a significant factor in choosing among the various platform options.
Satellite Characteristics: Orbits • The path followed by a satellite is referred to as its orbit. Satellite orbits are matched to the capability and objective of the sensor(s) they carry. Orbit selection can vary in terms of altitude (their height above the Earth's surface) and their orientation and rotation relative to the Earth
Orbits : GOES • geostationary satellites, at altitudes of approximately 36,000 kilometres, revolve at speeds which match the rotation of the Earth so they seem stationary, relative to the Earth's surface • This allows the satellites to observe and collect information continuously over specific areas
Orbits : Near POES • named for the inclination of the orbit relative to a line running between the North and South poles • Many of these satellite orbits are also sun-synchronous such that they cover each area of the world at a constant local time of day called local sun time.
Satellite Characteristics: Swath • As a satellite revolves around the Earth, the sensor "sees" a certain portion of the Earth's surface. The area imaged on the surface, is referred to as the SWATH • Imaging swaths for spaceborne sensors generally vary between tens and hundreds of kilometres wide
SPOT • Developed by France, launched in 1986 • Provides full stereoscopic imaging • Three spectral bands • .5-.59, .61-.68, .79-.89 • Ground Resolution • 20m multi-spectral • 10m panchromatic • Uses • geologic exploration, regional planning
Landsat • Developed by NASA in mid-1960’s • Two sensors • Return Beam Vidicon - similar to a TV camera • Multispectral Scanner (MSS) • Landsat 4 and 5 introduced Thematic Mapper (TM) • higher spatial resolution than MSS. Data in 7 bands instead of 4
ERTS-1 • First Unmanned Satellite Dedicated to Multi-Spectral Remote Sensing • Renamed Landsat • The RBV (Return Beam Vidicon) consisted of three TV-like cameras which used color filters to provide multispectral bands • MSS (Multi-Spectral Scanner)
Orbit Types • Geostationary (Met satellites) • Meteosat (Europe) • GOES (US) • GMS (Japan) • INSAT (India) • Polar Orbiting • Landsat (US) • SPOT (France) • NOAA (US) • ERS-1, -2 (Europe) • Radarsat (Canada) • JERS (Japan) • Envisat (Europe)
Orbits Types • Temporal Resolution • minutes to days • NOAA (AVHRR), 12 hrs, 1km (1978+) • Landsat TM, 16 days, 30 m (1972+) • SPOT, 26(...) days, 10-20 m (1986+) • revisit depends on • latitude • sensor FOV, pointing • orbit (inclination, altitude) • cloud cover (for optical instruments) • Orbits • geostationary (36 000 km altitude) • polar orbiting (200-1000 km altitude) • Spatial resolution • 10s cm (??) - 100s km • determined by altitude of satellite (across track), altitude and speed (along track), viewing angle
View from satellite ( Ikonos ) Setulang laut free duty area KLCC