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Data Publications – Dryad-UK Workshop

Data Publications – Dryad-UK Workshop. Simon Hodson, s.hodson@jisc.ac.uk. Context. Digital research data has become increasingly important in most research areas. Good management, curation and preservation is important for the integrity of science.

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Data Publications – Dryad-UK Workshop

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  1. Data Publications – Dryad-UK Workshop Simon Hodson, s.hodson@jisc.ac.uk

  2. Context • Digital research data has become increasingly important in most research areas. • Good management, curation and preservation is important for the integrity of science. • Research data has value for verification, reuse and repurposing; reuse of research data can be particularly important in interdisciplinary studies. • Research funders are increasingly asking researchers to make the underlying research available. • Scholarly publications are beginning to insist that underlying datasets should be made publicly available.

  3. The value of research data • Research data are a valuable investment. • Good research needs good data. • JISC wants to encourage research data sharing, open research data. • Demonstrate the value of research data: researchers, funders, publishers, institutions. • How?

  4. Why data publications? • Data publications are one way of establishing a value proposition for research data. • Data publications are a way of getting researcher buy-in, encouraging increasing view of the value of data; recognition for data publishing. • Cultural change: a way of overcoming the prisoner’s dilemma. • Dryad cite impressive rate for researchers submitting data. • The foreknowledge that the data will be published improves data management practice; and improves the quality of the research.

  5. Challenges… • Sensitive data. Anonymisation. Embargoes etc. • Reluctance to share. • Cost? Is this worth the investment? Promise of critical mass, network effects, cultural change? • Preservation / curation challenges: how to fund this?

  6. Why Dryad? • Partnerships: research data repository, journals, societies, funders etc… • Funding model. • Serving researchers needs.

  7. JISC Managing Research Data Programme (JISCMRD) • JISC Research Data Programme seeks to expand effective data management and data sharing to benefit research and the HE sector more generally. • Working towards developing a national strategy with key stakeholders (RCs, FCs, Institutions etc). • Establish the foundations for an effective UK research data infrastructure.

  8. Programme Overview • DEFINING STRATEGY, POLICY • MoU (co-ordination with RCs etc) • Impact and benefits of data centres study • BUILDING INFRASTRUCTURE AND IMPROVING PROCESSES • Research data management planning (DMP-RCs) • Research data management infrastructure (07/09, RDMI) • PLANNING TOOLS AND METHODOLOGIES • Integrated (research) Data Management Planning Tools/Support (IDMP); • DEMONSTRATING THE BENEFITS • Citing, linking and integrating research data (revised 14/09) • Research data publications (revised 14/09) • BUILDING CAPACITY AND SKILLS • PG Data Management Training Materials (new call 04/10)

  9. 07/09 RDMI

  10. DMP-RCs

  11. 14/09 Call Strand B: Data Publications • Funding is available for projects to explore and pilot innovative technical and organisational models for enhanced research data publications. • Intended outcomes are models of scholarly publication that encourage the open publication of research data, and thereby stimulate the better management, more open sharing and easier reuse of research data.

  12. Strand B: Enhanced research data publications • Data journal, enhanced publication or overlay journals… • Scholarly, peer-reviewed, online publications that champion the sharing of data as an output of research activity, by exposing or linking to data held in an associated repository or archive. • OJIMS: project to establish an open access, subject based repository for the meteorological sciences and scoped an overlay journal that would link into those data and documents. • DRYAD: a repository for published research data in the field of evolutionary biology, with ‘tight linkages to major evolutionary biology journals and domain-specific community databases.’

  13. Strand B: Approach • Projects may consider technical issues. • Projects mustconsider organisational matters. • The development of appropriate partnerships is essential to this strand as is a consideration of sustainability. • Bids must demonstrate clearly how the proposed pilot will involve an appropriate partnerships that is likely to ensure the pilot data publication model will gain support from the research community and stakeholders targeted. • By involving key stakeholders, bids should demonstrate that the proposed work will have as broad as possible an impact.

  14. Strand B: Deliverables • A pilot model for an innovative research data publication, journal. • Report considerations of technical, organisational and partnership issues. • A business model addressing take-up and sustainability.

  15. JISCMRD Programme Expectations • Participation in strand/programme activities: • Strands Workshop, October 2010. • JISCMRD Conference, March 2011. • Final Programme Workshop, July 2011. • Programme Manager visit and meeting(s) with DCC / Programme Support. • Six-monthly reports as indicated in the JISC project management guidelines.

  16. JISCMRD Programme Expectations • Project website and blog. Active contribution to programme and community discussions. • Community discussion list: RESEARCH-DATAMAN@JISCMAIL.AC.UK • List for programme management information: JISCMRD@JISCMAIL.AC.UK • Programme Netvibes at: http://www.netvibes.com/jiscmrd#General • Closed programme wiki for funded projects. • Tag: #jiscmrd

  17. Key Information: Strand B • Up to £200,000 per project. • 2-4 Projects. • Roughly £400K available. • Deadline for submission by e-mail: 12 noon, Tuesday 25 May. • Submissions to RESEARCHDATA@jisc.ac.uk • Evaluation panel, early July. • Projects to start in August 2010. • Projects to complete by 31 July 2011.

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