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Crafting Effective Advertising Messages: Strategies and Frameworks

Learn about cognitive, affective, and conative strategies in message development, using Hierarchy of Effect Model. Explore different types of message strategies and executional frameworks, along with leveraging spokespersons for impactful advertisements.

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Crafting Effective Advertising Messages: Strategies and Frameworks

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  1. Message Strategies and Executional Framework Source- Integrated , advertising, promotion, and Mar1keting Communication By Clow & Baack

  2. Cognitive strategies Affective Strategies Conative Strategies Message strategies

  3. Presentation of rational information to the Consumer Types of Cognitive strategies 1.Generic message- 2. Preventive 3.USP 4. Hyperbole or Exaggeration 5.Comparative advertisement Cognitive Strategies

  4. Resonance advertising Attempt to connect with a consumer’s experience to develop stronger ties between product and consumer E.g. Advertisement with old theme Emotional advertising Attempt to elicit powerful emotions that eventually lead to product recall & choice E.g. Max New York Insurance advertisement Affective Strategies

  5. Conative Strategies • Action inducing conative advertisement : E.g. Point of purchase display designed to cause the people to impulse buy. • Promotional support conative advertisements- designed to support promotional efforts E.g. Sweepstakes ,Contest

  6. Cognitive strategies, Affective Strategies, Conative Strategies must matched with the Hierarchy of effect model.

  7. Advertising Component Message strategies Hierarchy of effect model Awareness Cognitive Strategies Knowledge Headline/Subhead line Liking Affective Strategies Amplification Preference Conviction Proof of Claim Conative Strategies Actual Purchase Action to Take

  8. Animation Slice-of-Life Dramatization Testimonial Authoritative Demonstration Fantasy Informative Executional Framework

  9. Sources & Spokesperson Four types of sources available to the advertisers Celebrities CEOs Experts Typical Persons

  10. Celebrity Endorsement The variations of celebrity endorsement 1.Unpaid Spokesperson- support charity Highly credible 2.Celebrity Voice-Over: 3.Dead-Person Endorsement-

  11. CEO Visible and personable CEO can become major assets for the firms for the firm and products E.g. Kingfisher advertisement By Vijay Mallya

  12. Expert source Physician, Lawyer, Accountants, Financial Planners. Provides backing for the testimonials, serves as a authoritative figures, demonstrate products and enhance the credibility of the informative advertisement.

  13. Typical Person source 1. Paid actors/Models 2.Typical everyday person

  14. Source characteristics Credibility Most of the sources do not score highly on all the four attributes

  15. Source characteristics Attractiveness- Physical characteristics- Personality characteristics-form emotional bond with the spokesperson Likeability-respond positively to the spokesperson. Trustworthiness-degree of confidence Expertise-CEO/Experts

  16. Celebrities- Believability, persuasiveness, trustworthy, likeability. If celebrities characteristics and product a logical match Disadvantages 1.Negative publicity caused by inappropriate conduct. 2.Too many brand endorsement tarnishes the credibility. 3.Celebrities are paid which distract the credibility. Matching Source Type and Characteristics

  17. CEO Trustworthy & Expert. Must have enough characteristics to gain consumer interest. Disadvantage- 1. Not a professional actor 2. does not very well come across the commercial Matching Source Type and Characteristics

  18. Matching Source Type and Characteristics • Expert- • Useful in promoting health care products & complicated products. • Consumer places trust in products recommended by expert

  19. Typical persons- Ads- difficult to prepare. Multiple source to build credibility. Disadvantage- Use flub lines & less natural on screen.

  20. Creating an advertisement • Message • Strategy • Cognitive • Affective • 3. Conative Creative Brief (Message Theme) • Executional Framework • Animation • 2. Slice of Life • 3. Dramatization • 4.Testimonials • Authoritative • Demonstration • .Fantasy • Informative Mean –End Chain • Appeals • Fear • 2. Humour • 3. Sex • 4. Music • 5.Rationality • 6. Emotions • 7.Scarcity Spokesperson Leverage Points

  21. Principles of effective advertising • Visual consistency • Campaign duration • Repeated taglines • Consistent positioning-avoid ambiguity • Simplicity • Identifiable selling points • Create an effective flow

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