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Contus which has completed more than 400 projects for SME clients around the world, is a global tech savvy and futuristic software solutions company which is currently excelling in Android, iPhone and windows 8 mobile application development: contus.com With 5 years of adept experience, Contus has been providing end to end solutions, as well as dedicated resources for the areas of web based enterprise solutions, Web and mobile application development, web portal development and Internet marketing services.
Android Apps Of This Week Researched and Developed by Contus
Second-screen TV app • Zeebox. What is this all about? As the name stands for it enhances TV; but how? It helps you connect, share, and interact. You will be "live" ever, you can tweet your thoughts on what you're watching. Researched and Developed byContus
Fixya • Video camera- a solution to your problems Instead of describing your problem you can capture video by your device, to communicate your problem. Fixya is a community of people that watches your video and tries to provide you a solution Researchedand Developed by Contus
AVG Memory & Cache Cleaner • AVG Cleaner Known....! Now you can download it for free to save space and boost speed. This monitors, erases and clears your device's internal and SD card memory. Stopping or removing such processes can assist in improving your device's performance and act as a speed booster. Researched and Developed byContus
Theory Test UK 2013 DTS • Theory Test-NEW 2013 EDITION Theory Test app is for learner car drivers and motorcyclists This app includes the latest official revision questions & answers from the Driving Standards Agency (DSA), the people who set the tests. Download and Gain access. sUITABLE FOR: car drivers and motorcyclists in UK and Northern Ireland. Researched and Developed by Contus
Dextr Email Beta • New Mail App Dextr brings you closer to people . Puts People first. Use Dextr to focus solely on conversations in the inbox. Feel the fastest browsing and effortless follow up. Researched and Developed by Contus
Player FM • Podcasts easy way Player FM helps you discover and play talk shows on hundreds of topics. Stream or sync...it's your choice. Make it convenient to stream from online sources just like an internet radio, you can also sync, so that you can play offline, anytime anywhere. Researched and Developed by Contus
Sooper Trailers • Movie Trailers Delights viewers and helps them enjoy the most recent movie trailers. Provide them with perfect playlists and easy-to-search options. Fan followers can easily track the up-to-the-minute movie trailers with ease. Researched and Developed by Contus
Dave Daring • Perfect for pre-schoolers A colorful illustrated puzzle and exploration app for kids aging 3 and up. Using this app your child will learn a lot of new objects and work on his or hers vocabulary in a fun way. Researched and Developed by Contus
Beautiful Widgets Free • Widgets on demand Tons of widgets, tons of themes, just for you. Beautiful Widgets is your best friend for customizing your home screen. Make it personal, be unique & express yourself. Predict weather on your dedicated screen using Accuweather data. Researched and Developed by Contus
Hope the information provided is beneficial Thank You Researched and Developed by Contus