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Atencion Primaria em Salud en Brasil Dr. Felix Rigoli Dr. Renato Tasca

Atencion Primaria em Salud en Brasil Dr. Felix Rigoli Dr. Renato Tasca. Cobertura de APS en el SUS - Brasil. Equipos de Salud da la Familia Médico (1) Enfermero (1) Auxiliares Técnicos (2) Agentes Comunitarios de salud (6). 2011. Cobertura ESF (02/11): 52,6 % población

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Atencion Primaria em Salud en Brasil Dr. Felix Rigoli Dr. Renato Tasca

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  1. Atencion Primaria em Salud en Brasil Dr. Felix Rigoli Dr. Renato Tasca

  2. Cobertura de APS en el SUS - Brasil Equipos de Salud da la Familia • Médico (1) • Enfermero (1) • Auxiliares Técnicos (2) • Agentes Comunitarios de salud (6) 2011 Cobertura ESF (02/11): 52,6 % población 93,6% municipios 2007 1998

  3. Prestigio internacional del PSF “Brazil’s Family Health Programme is probably the most impressive example worldwide of a rapidly scaled up, cost effective, comprehensive primary care system”. Matthew Harris y Andy Haines en Editorial del British Medical Journal (BMJ 2010; 341:c4945)

  4. Evidencias de impacto “The analyses presented here suggest that PSF coverage is independently associated with reductions in IMR: an increase in PSF coverage by 10 percent was associated with an average 4.6 percent decrease in IMR, controlling for other health determinants.” • Macinko et al. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health Jan. 2006

  5. Prestigio internacional del PSF “This study finds that during 1999-2007 (timeframe of the PSF), hospitalizations in Brazil for ambulatory care-sensitive chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease, stroke, and asthma, fell at a rate that was statistically significant and almost twice the rate of decline in hospitalizations for all other causes.” Macinko et al. Health Affairs, Dec 2010

  6. Prestigio internacional del PSF Between 1999 and 2007 in Brazil,“Primary Health Care sensitive-conditions hospital admissions declined by 24%-over 2.5 times more rapidly than the decline in hospitalizations for all other conditions.” Dourado et al. Med Care. 2011 Mar 21

  7. Prestigio internacional del PSF “We estimate the effects of the Health of the Family program on mortality and on household behavior related to child labor and schooling, employment of adults, and fertility. We find consistent effects of the program on reductions in mortality throughout the age distribution, but mainly at earlier ages.” Romero Rocha and Soares, Global Development Network, WP 1, 2009

  8. Prioridad del actual Gobierno:Redes de Atención a la Salud/APS • Resolución “tripartita” que establece la prioridad nacional y define las directrices de implementación de las Redes de atención a la salud • Todos los programas prioritarios del Ministerio son basados en redes integradas de atención (emergencia, salud materna, salud mental, etc.) • APS fortalecida y eje central del desarrollo del sistema de salud - SUS

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