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Union copy structures and dynamic segments tress. Traditional segment trees. Segment Trees - motivation. When one wants to inspect a small portion of a large and complex objects . Example:
Union copy structures and dynamic segments tress
Segment Trees - motivation. • When one wants to inspect a smallportion of a large and complex objects.Example: • GIS: windowing query in a map - given a detailed map contains enormous amount of data, the system has to determine efficiently the part of the map corresponding to a specified region (window).
Semi dynamic segment trees. • Let I ={ [x1, x1’ ], [x2, x2’ ],, [xn, xn’ ] } be a set of n intervals. • Letp1, p2,, pm be the list of distinct intervals endpoints, sorted from left to right. The elementary intervals are defined to be : (-, p1), [p1, p1], (p1, p2), [p2, p2],(pm,) pm p1 p2
Constructing a segment tree • A balanced binary tree T. The leaves of T correspond to the elementary intervals (ordered from left to right). The elementary interval in a leaf is denoted Int( ) • The internal nodes of T correspond to the intervals that are the union of elementary intervals: Int(v) is the union of intervals of its two children.
Constructing a segment tree- cont. • Each node or leaf v in T stores the interval Int(v) and a canonical setI(v) I of intervals. This set contains the intervals [x, x’] I s.t Int(v) [x, x’] andInv(Parent(v)) [x, x’]. • Lemma:A segment tree on a set of n intervals uses O(nlogn) storage.
Segment tree- example S2, S5 S5 S1 S3 S1 S1 S4,S3 S2, S5 S4 S3 p7 p1 p3 p4 p6 p2 p5 s3 s2 s1 s5 s4
Lemma - proof T is a balances binary tree its height is O(logn). Claim:any interval [x, x’] is stored in the set I(v) for at most two nodes at the same depth of T. proof:Let v1, v2, v3 be three nodes from left to right in same depth. Suppose [x, x’] is at v1 and v3. [x, x’] spans the interval from left point of Int(v1) to right point of Int(v3), v2 lies between v1, v3 Int(parent(v2)) [x, x’] .
Lemma - proof. Continue Any interval is stored at most twice at a given depth of T. The total amount of storage is O(nlogn). v2 v1 v3
Algorithm: Query Segment Tree(V,qx) • Input: the root of a segment tree and a query point qx. • Output: All intervals in the tree containing qx . • Report all intervals in I(v). • If v is not a leaf • then if qx Int(lc(v)) • then QuerySegmentTree(lc(v), qx) • else QuerySegmentTree(rc(v), qx)
Algorithm: Query Segment Tree(V,qx) - Complexity. • Visit O(logn) nodes in total. • At each node v spend O(1+kv) time. The intervals containing a query point qx are reported in O(logn+k) time, where k is the number of reported intervals.
Algorithm:Constructing a segment tree. • Sort the endpoints of the intervals and get the elementary intervals. • Construct a balanced binary tree on the elementary intervals and determine Int(v) for each v. (bottom-up manner). • Determine the canonical subsets : insert the intervals one by one to T.
Algorithm:Insert Segment Tree(V,[x,x’]) • Input: the root of a segment tree and an interval. • Output: The interval will be stored in tree. If Inv(v) [x, x’] then store [x, x’] at v. else ifInt(lc(v)) [x, x’] thenInsertSegmentTree(lc(v), [x, x’]) if Inv(rc(v)) [x, x’] thenInsertSegmentTree(rc(v), [x, x’])
Algorithm: Insert Segment Tree(V,[x,x’]) - Complexity. • An interval is stored at most twice at each level. • There is at most one node at every level whose interval contains x (the same for x’). • Hence, We visit at most 4 nodes per level. The insertion time is O(logn). Construction time is O(nlogn).
Introduction • Generalization of union-find problem: copy operation is also supported. • The structure: A bipartite graph with two node sets V1, V2 and edges between them. • V1 form the sets and V2 form the elements. An edge between v1V1and v2V2indicates that v2is a memberelement of the set v1.
Notations • Let = {S1,Sm} be a collection of sets. • = {x1,,xn} be a collection of elements. • The sets in are subsets of . • Let x be the collection of sets that contain an element x.
The structure Consists four ingredients: • Set nodes - . • Element nodes - . • Normal nodes - connect sets to elements. • Reversed nodes - connect elements to sets. Whenever there is a path from a set node to an element node, the corresponding element is in the corresponding set.
The structure - continue. The following invariant are maintained: • A set node has one outgoing edge. • An element node has one incoming edge. • A normal node has one incoming edge, and at least two outgoing edges. • A reversed node has one outgoing edge and at least two incoming edges. • No edge may go from a reversed node to another reversed node.
The structure - continue. • No edge may go from a normal node to another normal node. • There is one unique path from a set node to an element node iff the element is in the set. • Any path in the union-copy structure from a set node to an element node consists of an alternating sequence of normal and reversed nodes. The union copy structure is acyclic.
S2 S3 S5 S1 S4 x4 x2 x7 x6 x1 x3 x5 x8 The structure - example set normal reversed element
Defining the operations. • Set-create(S) - create a new empty set in with name S. • Set-insert(Si,xj) - (defined when xj Si). make Si Si{xj}. • Set-destroy(Si)-remove Si from . • Set-find(Si) - report all elements in Si. • Set-union(Si,Sj) - (defined when Si, Sj disjoint). Si SiSjand Sj. • Set-copy(Si,Sj) - (defined when Sj is empty). Sj Si. • Element-create(x) - create an element x in and x .
Defining the operations. Continue • Element-insert(xi, Sj) - (define when xiSj)xi xi {Sj}. • Element-destroy(xi) - remove xi from and from all its sets. • Element-find(xi) - report all sets that contain xi. • Element-union(xi,xj) - (defined when no set contains them both). Sxj, SS{xi}\{xj},hence xibecomes xixj andxj. • Element-copy(xi,xj) - (defined when xj in no set). Puts xj in all sets containing xi.
S2 S3 S5 S1 S4 x4 x2 x7 x6 x1 x3 x5 x8 Set-insert(S4,x2)
Set-destroy(S3) S3 S3 S2 S5 S1 S4 x4 x2 x7 x6 x1 x3 x5 x8
Set-union(S4,S1) S2 S3 S5 S1 S4 x4 x2 x7 x6 x1 x3 x5 x8
Set-copy(S5,S6) S2 S3 S5 S6 S1 S4 x4 x2 x7 x6 x1 x3 x5 x8
The structure - notations. • N-UF is a union-find structure represents the normal nodes.Sets in N-UFnormal nodes.Elements in N-UFoutgoing edges. • R-UF is a union-find structure represents the reversed nodes.Sets in N-UFreversed nodes.Elements in R-UFincoming edges.
Operations N-UF structure supports • N-union(v,w) - Unite the edges of the v and w to become the edges of v. w looses its edges. • N-find(ei) - Return the normal node of ei. • N-add(v,ei) - Add edge ei to node v. • N-delete(ei) - Deleteei from its origin. • N-enumerate(v) - Return all outgoing edges of v.
The operations. Set-find(Si) • ifout(Si) nilthen Traverse(out(Si) ) Traverse(e) • casetype(dest(e))of • element: report the element as an answer. • normal: for alle’N-enumerate(dest(e))do Traverse(e’ ) • reversed:Traverse(out(R-find(e)))
Set-union(Si, Sj ) • ifout(Si) nilortype(child(Si)) normal then exchange Siand Sj. • ifout(Sj) nilthen ready. • else iftype(child(Si)) normalandtype(child(Sj)) normalthenN-union(child(Si), child(Sj)) • else iftype(child(Si)) normal thenN-add(child(Si), out(Sj)) • else // both are reversed or elements. make a normal node v.N-add(v, out(Si) ); N-add(v, out(Sj) )child(Si) v;out(Sj) nil
Sj Si Sj Si Set-union - examples. Sj Si Sj Si Sj Si Si Sj v
Set-copy(Si, Sj) • ifout(Si) nilthen ready. • else iftype(child(Si))=reversedthenR-add(R-find(out(Si)), out(Sj)) • else // type(child(Si))=normal or element. make a reversed node v.child(v) child(Si) R-add(v, out(Si)) R-add(v, out(Sj))
Sj Si Set-copy - examples. Sj Si Si Si v
Set-insert(Si, xj) • Make a new edge e • ifout(Si) nil thenout(Si) e • else iftype(child(Si)) normal thenN-add(child((Si), e) • else // type(child(Si)) is reversed or element. Make a normal node vN-add(v, out(Si)) ; N-add(v, e)child(Si) = v • // now e has an origin. • ifin(xj) nil thenin(xj) e • else iftype(parent(xj)) reversed then R-add(parent(xj), e)
Set-insert(Si, xj) - continue • else // type(parent(xj)) is normal or set. Make a reversed node w.R-add(w, in(xj) ); R-add(w, e)parent(xj) w • // now e has a destination. Si Si v e w xj xj
Set-destroy(Si) • ifout(Si) nilthencasetype(child(Si))ofelement:in(child(Si)) nil reversed :Restore(out(Si) )normal:for alleN-enumerate(child(Si))doiftype(dest(e))element thenin(dest(e)) nilelse //type(dest(e)) is reversed. Restore(e) • remove Si
Set-destroy(Si) - Restore(e) • v R-find(e) • R-delete(e) from v • ifv has only one incoming edge e’theniftype(org(e’)) setortype(child(v)) element then out(v) e’else // org(e’) and child(v) types are normal.w N-find(e’)for all e’’N-enumerate(child(v)) doN-add(w, e’’ ) remove child(v) remove v
Set-destroy(Si) - examples Si v Si w e’ v
The analysis Theorem Given a collection of m sets and collection of n elements, a union copy structure has the following performance: set-create O(1) elm-create O(1) set-insert O(1) elm-insert O(1) set-destroy O(1+k(FN(n)+FR(m))) elm-destroy O(1+k(FR(m)+FN(n))) set-find O(1+kFR(m)) elm-find O(1+kFN(n)) set-union O(UN(n)) elm-union O(UR(m)) set-copy O(FR(m)) elm-copy O(FN(n))
Theorem - proof Any normal node has out degree n. Any reversed node has in degree m. The operations N-find (R ), N-enumerate (R ) operate on sets of size O(n) ( O(m) ). Proof for set-find: If there are k answers, then there are O(k) normal nodes and reversed nodes that have been visited. N-enumerate is linear with the degree of the node the total time spent on normal nodes is O(k). The time to visit a reversed node is O(FR(m)). At most O(1+kFR(m)) time is taken.
Dynamic segments trees - motivation • With semi-dynamic data structures, new segments may only inserted if their endpoints are chosen from a restricted universe. • When using dynamic segments trees segments may be inserted and deleted freely. Split and concatenate operations are also provided.
Defining the operations. • Create(T) - (defined if T does not exist yet). Creates an empty tree T. • Insert(T,[x1,x2]) - (defined if [x1,x2]T). [x1,x2]is inserted to T. • Delete(T,[x1,x2])- (defined if [x1,x2]T). [x1,x2] is deleted from T. • Stabbing-query(T,y) - all segments [x1,x2] for which x1 y x2 are reported.
Defining the operations. Continue • Concatenate(T1,T2,T) - (defined if the right endpoint of segment in T1 is less than the left endpoint of segment in T2 , and T is empty. It makes T T1T2 .T1 and T2 are returned empty. • Split(T,T1,T2,y) - (Defined if all segments [x1,x2]in T either y x1 or x2 y, and T1, T2 are empty). It makes T1 {[x1,x2]; x2 y},T2 {[x1,x2]; y x1}T is returned empty.
Weak segment tree - definition. • A w.s.t for a set S of segments consists of a binary treeT, with ordered elementary intervals in its leaves. Each node represents a subset of S, s.t sS we have: • s is represented exactly once on every path from the root to a leaf, of which the elementary interval in contained in s. • s is not represented on any other path from the root to a leaf.A traditional segment tree is a w.s.t.
Weak segment tree - example. I1 I1,I2 I1 I2 (-,1) (3,-) [1,1] (1,2) (2,3) [3,3] [2,2] I1=[1,3] I2=[2,3] I1 I2 I2 I1 I1 I1,I2
The union copy structure for dynamic segment trees • Every node in T corresponds to a set in the union-copy structure. • Every segment corresponds to an element. The union-copy structure has O(n) sets and O(n) elements.
The union copy structure for dynamic segment trees. Continue • We take for the N-UF a union-find structure. (O(1) time for N-union). • For R-UF we take a structure in which R-find takes O(1) (UF(i) structure of La Poutre). Allows :R-find in O(1) ,R-union in O((n)) amortized.
The structure. The dynamic segment tree consists of: • A week segment tree notedSTT (RB tree). Every node is augmented with an extra pointer to a set node of the union-copy structure. • A union-copy structure. • A dictionary tree (RB tree) noted DT, storing the set S of segments in its leaves order on increasing (lexicography) left endpoint. Every leaf stores a segment which is an element node of the union-copy structure.