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Simple Past Tense (narrative past, imperfect etc.)

Simple Past Tense (narrative past, imperfect etc.). Main uses: writing e.g. books, newspapers, advertisements etc. use the simple past form of the helping auxilliary verb haben or sein. Present Perfect vs Past Perfect. Ich bin gegangen. F Ich war gegangen.

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Simple Past Tense (narrative past, imperfect etc.)

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  1. Simple Past Tense(narrative past, imperfect etc.) Main uses: writing e.g. books, newspapers, advertisements etc.

  2. use the simple past form of the helping auxilliary verbhaben or sein Present Perfect vs Past Perfect Ich bin gegangen.FIch war gegangen. Ich habe geschlafen.FIch hatte geschlafen.

  3. simple past of waren waren waren sein ich du er/sie/es wir ihr sie Sie war warst wart war

  4. simple past of hatten hatten hatten haben ich du er/sie/es wir ihr sie Sie hatte hattest hattet hatte

  5. wir Sie sie st du n ihr t simple past tense marker Modal verbs: no umlaut in the simple past tense können ich te er

  6. Endings summary for weak verbs: ich wohnte du wohntest er/sie/es wohnte wir wohnten ihr wohntet sie/Sie wohnten

  7. te suffix -te is the simple past tense marker for all regular weak verbs.

  8. gestern heute morgen später machen Weak regular verb “machen” mach en t

  9. gestern heute morgen später sagen Weak regular verb “sagen” sag en t

  10. gestern heute morgen später wünschen Weak regular verb “wünschen” wünsch en t

  11. ge ge ge ge ge participles - present and past perfect tenses Irregular Weak Verbs e e e e e bracht dacht kannt nannt wußt bringen denken kennen nennen wissen simple past

  12. Strong Verbs

  13. Strong Verbs Strong verb stems cannot always be predicted. They must be each be learned on an individual basis. Strong verbs are among the oldest and most commonly used verbs. Most verbs that are strong in German are also strong in English. I came, I saw, .. sang, ..sat, ..ate, ..drank... Ich kam, ich sah sang saß aß trank...

  14. ~en ~ ~ ~en ~en ~en endings for simple past of strong verbs The ich and er/sie/es pronouns have no endings for strong verbs in the simple past. ich du er/sie/es Sie wir ihr sie Sie ~st ~t

  15. Some handy hints! • Remember that the ich form and the er/sie/es form are the same as each other, and that the wir and sie (they), and Sie (formal you) forms are the same as each other. • Some verbs whose stem ends in -dor -thave an extra e before the imperfect endings are added, eg ich arbeitete.

  16. Fill in the missing verbs (imperfect & perfect tense):

  17. Fill in the missing verbs (imperfect & perfect tense):

  18. Translate these sentences into English I said that. We did the work. You bought too much. You lived next to us. You worked hard. It rained hard. They talked a lot.

  19. Translate these sentences into English I wanted to hear that. We weren’t allowed to say that. You named him Hans. You knew that already. You couldn’t know that. She brought the wine. They burned the books.

  20. Translate these sentences into English I went home. We didn’t see him. You spoke too fast. You didn’t help us. They slept late. She read the book. They wrote it in German.

  21. Activity - worksheet • Fill in the blanks with the simple-past forms of the verbs in brackets. • Make sure to add appropriate endings to match the subject! • Be careful – many of the verbs are strong verbs so check your dictionary! • Help each other!

  22. LA 2 – Filmfeste! • Use the imperfect tense to create a short film with the theme of “Alles im grünen Bereich” • Use a narrator’s voice – “John ging nach Melbourne. Er sah seinen Freund Bob”. • Groups of no more than 2 people • “Everything is green” • “It’s all under control” http://www.goethe.de/ins/au/lp/prj/gsf/ff7/enindex.htm http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLInZMgfONA

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