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Class Size and Its Effect on Academic Achievement ____________________________________________________________________ Does class size matter? Maria O’Regan Edu 7202, Spring 2012. Table of Contents. Statement of the Problem Slide 3 Review of Literature Slide 4

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  1. Class Size and Its Effect on Academic Achievement____________________________________________________________________Does class size matter?Maria O’ReganEdu 7202, Spring 2012

  2. Table of Contents • Statement of the Problem Slide 3 • Review of Literature Slide 4 • Statement of Hypothesis Slides 5-6 • Method/Participants Slide 7 • Research Design Slide 8 • Internal & External Threat Slide 9 • Results Slides 10-14 • Discussions/Implications Slide 15 • References Slides 16

  3. Statement of the Problem With class size at an all time high, children are having trouble completing tasks and receiving the attention they need. Teachers in larger class settings are not able to individually help each student or even trying to help a percentage of the class proves to be difficult. Students in smaller classes have the opportunity to receive more attention and better lessons allowing for better chance of success in the classroom.

  4. Review of Literature • Class size is a controversial topic (Gamoran & Milesi, 2006; Hedges, Konstantopoulos, & Nye, 2001). • STAR (Student/Teacher Achievement) : Small classes of 13 to 17 students had a positive impact on student achievement (relative to regular-sized classes of 22 to 26 students) (Achilles & Finn, 2003; Mosteller, Light, & Sachs, 1996; Hanushek & Krueger, 2000). • Solution to over crowding classroom: co-teaching, aide, assistant teacher (Achilles & Finn, 2003; Walter- Thomas, 1997). • Conflicts, different teach methods, authoritative, inconvenience (Achilles &Finn, 2003; Walter- Thomas, 1997).

  5. Review of Literature Pros • Early intervention allows students to benefit in later grades (Chung & Konstantopoulos, 2009; Achilles & Finn,2003) • Smaller class size allows for better teacher performance (Chen & Chen, 2009; Achilles, Finn & Pannozzoo, 2003). • Small classes are more unified in daily task (Achilles & Finn,2003; Funkhouser, 2009). Cons • More costly to have small classes (Achilles & Finn, 2003; Hedges, Konstantopoulos, & Nye, 2001). • Less daily social interaction (Pedder, 2006; McLeod, 2007;). • Does not prepare students for life ahead when placed in large group, ie. college, work (Murdoch & Guy, 2002; Pedder, 2006)

  6. Statement of the Hypothesis • HR 1: To teach one unit on math content and one unit on language arts content by one teacher to seven Pre-Kindergarten students from PS X in Brooklyn, NY for 45 minute sessions, over a six week period, three times a week, will increase their overall content knowledge in math and language arts as measured by a math and language arts test. • HR2: To teach one unit on math content and one unit on language arts content by two teachers to twenty-one Pre-Kindergarten students from PS X in Brooklyn, NY for 45 minute sessions, over a six week period, three times a week, will decrease their overall content knowledge in math and language arts as measured by a math and language arts test.

  7. Method: Participants, Instruments, and Procedure • Participants: 27 Prekindergarten students from P.S. X in Brooklyn, New York. • Instruments • Pretest: Mock Gifted and Talented Prep Exam • Treatment: Lessons based on gifted and talented prep • Post Test: Mock Gifted and Talented Prep Exam (same as pretest) • Surveys: given to the teachers and students to see they feelings about the gifted and talented exam.

  8. Research Design • Research Design: Quasi-Experimental Design • Nonequivalent Control Group Design • This designed is based upon two groups that will be pretested (O), exposed to a treatment (X), and posttested (O). • Two groups: • Symbolic Design: O X1 O O X2 O • (O) Pre-test, (X1) Treatment for Group 1, (X2) Treatment for Group 2, (O) Post-test • Two groups of students: Class A will consist of 21 kids and two teachers Class B consists of 7 students and one teacher. • The research will be focusing on the students progress in regards to class size ratio and tested by the NYC DOE Gifted and Talented Exam.

  9. Threats Internal Validity • History • Testing/Pre-test Sensitization • Instrumentation • Mortality • Selection-Maturation Interaction External Validity • Ecological • Generalizable conditions • Pre-test Treatment • Selection-Treatment Interaction • Specificity of Variables Treatment • Diffusion:Experimenter Effect

  10. Correlation: Class A Pretest and Attitudes Toward GTE Prep For Class A, there is fair low correlation between their pretest score and attitudes toward GTE Prep. ATTITUDE RATING: I like GTE PREP 4-Strongely Agree, 3-Agree, 2-Disagree, 1-Strongly Disagree

  11. Correlation: Class B Pretest and Attitudes Toward GTE Prep For Class B, there is fair high correlation between their pretest score and attitudes toward GTE Prep. ATTITUDE RATING: I like GTE PREP. 4-Strongely Agree, 3-Agree, 2-Disagree, 1-Strongly Disagree

  12. Correlation Between Hours Spent and Post Test Scores • How often do you do Gifted and Talented Practice tests at home (outside school)? • 1- 0-2 Hours a Week 2- 3-5 Hours a Week • 3- 6-8 Hours a Week4- 9 or more Hours a Week • *Important Correlation- more outside help better the score

  13. Data Analysis Pre and Post Test

  14. Bell Curve: Dispersion of Post-test Scores 48% of the students tested scored within -1 SD of the average mean, 7.18. 18% of the students tested scored within +1 SD of the average mean, 7.18.

  15. Discussion and Implications Based on the Results: • In this study, it showed that students in a smaller class, class B did significantly better the the GTE. Every student increased their score. • Smaller classes give more opportunity for small group work as well as one to one. • Students in a larger class size, class A had less of an opportunity to increase their score, however more than half, 65% scores increased, 20% stayed the same and 15% decreased. • Class A in the survey showed they have more outside class time (tutoring, hw, etc) spent on GTE prep than class B. • This study with other participants may be affected by variables such as class size and the materials accessible for the teachers. The preparation for gifted and talented requires a lot of one on one work as well as concentration and focus.

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