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Professional Develeopment for Leaders, Managers and Teachers Jabbar Hamad Ade management in ELT Near east university Supervised by: Dr. Oytun Sözüdoğru 2014. 0ut line. What is professional development? Major models of professional development: Why create a logic model?
Professional Develeopment forLeaders, Managers and TeachersJabbar Hamad Ademanagement in ELTNear east universitySupervised by: Dr. Oytun Sözüdoğru2014
0ut line • What is professional development? • Major models of professional development: • Why create a logic model? • A professional development logic model: • The features of best professional development programmers are • The key component of a good model for professional development • Effective Professional Development Strategies • Characteristics of Effective Professional Development • Factors necessary for effective professional development • Concept Professional leaders • What is the role of professional leaders? • What is PROFESSIONAL MANAGER? • What is teacher professional development? • What are the characteristics of high quality teacher professional development? • What are models of high quality teacher professional development? • What are the barriers to implementation of effective professional development? • Six Elements of a Plan for Teacher Professional Development
Professional development:Is defined as those processes and activities designed to enhance the professional knowledge, skills, and attitudes of educators so that they might, in turn. Improve the learning of student.“professional.” To be considered a professional, one needs to possess the theoretical background, mentored experience, professional affiliations, and certifications to meet the standards of excellence in the chosen field. Nunan (1999)
Major models of professional development: • Training • Observation/assessment • Involvement in a Development/improvement • Process • Study groups • Inquiry/action research • Individually guided activities • Mentoring
Why create a logic model? A logic model provides a framework for thinking about key elements of professional development.
A professional development logic model: ■ Highlights the expected outcomes and related indicators for teachers and students.■ Highlights the professional learning activities necessary to achieve those outcomes.■ Clarifies assumptions about the appropriate pace and sequence of professional learning activities. ■ Helps determine the focus of formative and summative evaluations and the
A professional development logic model: ■ Clarifies assumptions about the kinds of resources that are necessary to ensure full participation and to achieve the intended outcomes ■ Anticipates the influence of important contextual factors that may affect implementation, participation, and attainment of outcomes.
The features of best professional development programmers are: • Academic • The physical and health aspects • The mental and psychological aspects
Academic 1.Focus on teachers as fundamental to student learning 2. Function on individual, collegial, and organizational improvement. 3. Respect and nurture the intellectual and leadership capacities of teachers. 4. Reflect the best available research and practice in teaching, learning, and leadership.
5. Enable teachers to develop expertise in subject content, teaching strategies, uses of technologies, and other essential elements in teaching to higher standards. 6. Require considerable time and resources. 7. Driven by a consistent and long-term plan. 8. Have evaluated eventually on the basis of their impact on teacher effectiveness and student learning.
The physical and health aspects Focus on health of the teachers thereby enabling teachers to lead a healthy life.
The mental and psychological aspects Understand and manage stress and burn out of teachers through and address them.
The key component of a good model for professional development • Academic components • Physical and health components • Mental and psychological components
Effective Professional Development Strategies • Peer-Coaching • Study Groups • Action Research • Mentoring • Teaching Portfolios • In-service Training • Team Teaching
Characteristics of Effective Professional Development: • Supportive • Job-embedded • Instructional-focus • Collaborative • Ongoing
1. The Innovation • a. has an adequate theory base • b. introduces methods for which there is evidence of effectiveness • c. is supported with appropriate high quality materials 2-The PD program • a. is of sufficient length and intensity • b. uses methods which reflect the teaching methods being introduced • c. includes provision for in-school coaching
3- Senior management in the school • a. are committed to the innovation • b. share their vision with the implementing department leaders • c. institute necessary structural change to ensure maintenance 4-The teachers • a. work in a group to share experiences • b. communicate effectively amongst themselves about the innovation • c. are given an opportunity to develop a sense of ownership of the innovation • d. are supported in questioning their beliefs about teaching and learning • e. have plenty of opportunity for practice and reflection
Professional leaders create and articulate a shared vision which promotes quality teaching and learning for all within a focused, safe and supportive environment. They manage and allocate resources and lead curriculum development to achieve strategic goals. Professional leaders have a keen situational awareness and implement quality review processes to achieve continuous improvement.
The roles of a good organizational leader (one who is both competent and ethical) include the following: • establish and reinforce values and purpose; • develop vision and the strategies necessary to achieve the vision; • build the community necessary to implement the strategies; and initiate and manage the changes necessary to assure growth and survival.
This wide-ranging review of literature prompts several recommendations for leadership development provision: • Leadership development should be based firmly within participants’ leadership contexts. Practicing leaders should use their own schools as the starting point for leadership learning. Leadership development should also recognize the national and local contexts within which leaders operate. • Process-rich approaches are likely to be particularly effective in promoting leadership learning. Action learning, mentoring and coaching, for example, are strongly associated with successful leadership learning. These modes act to produce qualitative change in the leadership behavior of participants.
What is PROFESSIONAL MANAGER? • Research and experience have shown that a manager’s success and ability to contribute to an organization depend on effectively working with superiors and peers as much as effectively leading and managing subordinates. • A professional manager occupies a managerial position with an organization and is set apart from other managers by being given specialized knowledge on procedures of the organization.(Psychology Dictionary)
ELT Manager Competencies • Analysis • Customer service • Delegation • Developing people • Empowerment • Leadership • Initiative • Judgement • Managing work • Interpersonal skills • Quality management • Maximizing performance • Negotiation • Oral communication • Written communication • Resilience
Complex challenges in education, such as increasingly diverse student populations, new technologies and rigorous academic standards and goals have led to the emergence of the concept of continuing professional development within the process of lifelong learning (Eurydice, 1995).
The aim of the professional development is to deepen teachers’ understandings and contribute to their teaching strategies so they can: • Increase student physical activity through needs-based, quality physical education programmers. • Motivate students so that they become active learners. • Promote physical activity within the school. • Identify ways to maximize physical activity within the school curriculum. • Create opportunities to work with other teachers, agencies, and schools.
What are the characteristics of high quality teacher professional development? • Content-focused • Extended • Collaborative • Part of Daily Work • Ongoing • Coherent & Integrated • Inquiry-based • Teacher-driven • Informed by Student Performance: • Self-evaluation
What are models of high quality teacher professional development? • Mentoring • Content-Based Collaborative Inquiry (CBCI) & Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI) • Lesson Study
What are the barriers to implementation of effective professional development? • The structure of professional development and teachers time. • The content of professional development • School factors • District Factors • Costs
Six Elements of a Plan for Teacher Professional Development ■ Begin with a clear, data-based statement of student and teacher learning needs ■ Specify which teachers are most likely to benefit from participating in the professional development ■ Specify the intended professional learning outcomes and related indicators
■ Specify the professional learning activities and follow-up and explain clearly how they will help participants achieve the intended outcomes. ■ Specify how the professional development will be evaluated to determine 1-whether the activity took place as planned, 2-teacher perceptions of the relevant and usefulness of the activity 3-whether the activity achieved the intended outcomes ■ Specify the resources necessary to support the professional learning activities, follow-up, and evaluation included in the plan.