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TAG School Budgets

TAG School Budgets. TAGAC Meeting Nov. 12, 2013. Basis for Budgets. Individual school budgets are based on: Type and size of school Number of years experience of the TAG coordinator Extended Responsibility with Fringe Whether the school has an AP. Type and Size of School.

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TAG School Budgets

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  1. TAG School Budgets TAGAC Meeting Nov. 12, 2013

  2. Basis for Budgets • Individual school budgets are based on: • Type and size of school • Number of years experience of the TAG coordinator • Extended Responsibility with Fringe • Whether the school has an AP

  3. Type and Size of School • Elementary Schools • A schools: 400+ students • B schools: 300-399 students • C schools: 0-299 students • Middle Schools • High Schools

  4. Extended Responsibility • Based on E.R. Base Amount of $35,886 • Based on number of year’s experience • Elementary: • A School: 4.5, 5, 5.5% • B School: 3.5, 4, 4.5% • C School: 2.5, 3, 3.5% • Middle School:4.5, 5, 5.5% • High School:6.5, 7, 7.5%

  5. Elementary Schools w/o AP • School budgets are based on double the highest pay with fringe for a TAG coordinator • A School: Highest pay w/fringe - $2,537.00 • B School: Highest pay w/ fringe - $2,075.00 • C School: Highest pay w/fringe - $1,614.00 • School Budgets w/o AP: • A School: $5,074.00 • B School: $4,150.00 • C School: $3,228.00

  6. Example • A School without an AP: • Budget Amount: $5,074.00 • Year 3 coordinator pay w/fringe $2,537.00 • Budget for students: $2,537.00 • A School with AP: • Budget Amount: $2,537.00 • If school chooses to have a teacher be TAG coordinator, school has very little left from budget

  7. Middle and High Schools • Middle Schools: • AP is expected to be TAG coordinator • Budget: $2,537.00 • High Schools: • AP is expected to be TAG coordinator • Budget: $3,459.00 • If school chooses to have a teacher be TAG coordinator, school has very little left from budget

  8. Examples: School use of TAG Budgets • OMSI or Saturday Academy classes • Lego Education, such as Robotics • Oregon Writing Festival • Partial college class reimbursement • Renaissance Learning/Online resources • High level reading books • Enrichment class teacher arranged by school • Partial payment of AP tests • Teacher book studies on Differentiation Strategies, etc. • Teacher as coordinator at a school with an AP

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