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Erina Cavage

Erina Cavage. Junior 16 years old Union High School. Abilene, Texas. 7 lbs July 5 th 1994 12:03 pm. Moth er. Mother. Brother. Brother. FAMILY. Auntie. Cousin. Pets. “Romeo” (crowntail beta). “HOSHI”-star in Japanese (miniature schnauzer). Travel. Friends. Rachel Boyett.

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Erina Cavage

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ErinaCavage Junior 16 years old Union High School

  2. Abilene, Texas • 7 lbs • July 5th 1994 • 12:03 pm

  3. Mother Mother Brother Brother FAMILY Auntie Cousin

  4. Pets “Romeo” (crowntail beta) “HOSHI”-star in Japanese (miniature schnauzer)

  5. Travel

  6. Friends Rachel Boyett Matt Barber Rocio Matos Dalton Nash Emily Lopez

  7. Audrey Hepburn

  8. My plan is to go to Tulsa Community College the summer after I graduate in 2012 where I will start some basic classes. Then, in the Fall, I will go to Oklahoma University in Norman where I will finish my basics for 2 years. After my basics, I will transfer to Oklahoma University in Tulsa entering into the RN program. Future Plans

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