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The Tokyo Dark Matter Experiment. NDM03 13 Jun. 2003 , Nara Hiroyuki Sekiya University of Tokyo. Tokyo Group. Dark Matter Search Projects. LiF / NaF bolometer for SPIN DEPENDENT interacting neutralino search. Recoil direction sensitive organic crystal scintillator
The Tokyo Dark MatterExperiment NDM03 13 Jun. 2003 , Nara Hiroyuki Sekiya University of Tokyo
Tokyo Group Dark Matter Search Projects • LiF / NaF bolometer for SPIN DEPENDENT interacting neutralino search. • Recoil direction sensitive organic crystal scintillator • for WIMP wind detection. Present collaborator M. Minowa, Y. Inoue, H. Sekiya, Y. Shimizu, W. Suganuma (University of Tokyo)
1 LiF / NaF Bolometer • K. Miuchi et al., Astropart. Phys. 19 (2003) 135 • A. Takeda et al., Submitted to Phys. Lett. B
Motivation Neutralino-nucleus cross section Reduced mass Fermi coupling constant • Enhancement factor • If only either proton or neutron contribution is considered, SD interaction term . Odd group model λ:Landé factor J :Total spin in the nuclei 19F has the largest λ2J(J+1)
Motivation More precisely D.R.Tovey et.al., PLB 488 (2000) 17 • If contributions of both proton and neutron are considered, <Sp>N nucleon spin <Sn>N in the nucleus ap’an : χ-nucleon coupling 2 parameters should be determined. • 19F has opposite sign of <Sp>N/<Sn>N compared to 22Na, 73Ge,127I. 19F fills the unique role for ap, an determination.
Detector • NTD Ge thermistor is glue to the LiF / NaF crystal which is cooled down 10mK. • The thermistor is biased through load register, and the voltage change across the thermistor is fed to the voltage sensitive amplifier placed at the 4K cold stage.
Detector NaF Crystal • Bolometer array consists of 8 crystals and NTD thermistors. • Each crystal is • 2cm×2cm×2cm. Total mass • LiF array 168g • NaF array 176g OFHC copper NTD thermistor 1 of 2 stages
Shields Old lead* Old lead 200 years old for LiF run 400 years old for NaF run
Measurement at Kamioka • Depth 2700 m.w.e (1000 m) • Muon flux ~10-7 cm-2s-1 Dark Matter
Measurement at Kamioka • Installation started in Nov. 1999 • LiF run: 22 Nov. 2001- 12 Jan. 2002 • NaF run: 23 Dec. 2002 – 24 Jan. 2003
Obtained Energy Spectra • Total exposure : 4.1 kg days (LiF) 3.4 kg days (NaF) • The spectra look quite similar and the BG rate is about 10-30 counts/keV/day/kg in this energy region. • It is quite likely that the remaining background is due to radioactive impurities in the OFHC copper holder or the NTD thermistor.
Results – SD σχ-p limits • Assuming all events are χ-proton events. • Best bin method. Best limits (90% C.L.) SD: 23pb for 40GeV Astrophysical parameters
Results–SD limits in the ap-an plane • We derived the ap-an limits from the cross section limits. • We compared with the UKDMC because they provided the limits from Na and I respectively. • Although BG rate is still high, we killed more than 2/3 of the parameter space allowed by UKDMC for 50 GeV WIMP because of 19F.
2. Organic Crystal Scintillator • Y. Shimizu et al., Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 469 (2003) 347 • H. Sekiya et al., Submitted to Phys. Lett. B
Motivation • Realistic distinctive WIMP signals arise from the earth’s motion in the galactic halo. • Annual modulation of event rate is one of the possible WIMP signal caused by earth’s revolution around the sun (30km/s). • The earth’s velocity through the galactic halo (230km/s) provides more convincingsignature of the WIMP. • WIMP wind is blowing on the earth! • WIMP signature would be identified by direction sensitive detector. 230km/s Sun isothermal halo
Detector • Scintillation efficiency of organic single crystal depends on direction of nuclear recoils with respect to crystallographic axes. • Study of anthracene as a WIMP detector was reported by DAMA. Nuovo Ciment C15(1992) 475 • We had measured this property of the stilbene crystal because of its availability. stilbene • Light yield : 30% of NaI • λmax : 410 nm • Decay time : 5 ns monoclinic system
Detector • 2cm x 2cm x 2cm • 55 Fe 5.9 keV spectrum using PMT (HAMAMATSU R329) • Actual light output : 2 p.e/keV
Calibration with neutrons • Carbon recoils would be effective in detecting WIMPs with interesting mass region. • We had measured the recoil angle/energy dependency of carbon recoils in the stilbene single crystal with neutrons. Methods θN incident neutron energy En scattered neutron energy En’ with fixed scattered angle θn θn target crystal • Recoil energy ER and Recoil angle θN are uniquely determined by kinematics. neutron counter Evisible • Relative efficiency (ER, θN) = ER
Calibration with neutrons • Two neutron sources are employed. • Low energy region precisely (40 keV < ER <140keV) • 7Li(p,n)7Be using 3.2 MV Pelletron accelerator @ Tokyo Institute of Technology • Wide energy region (30 keV < ER < 1MeV) • 252Cf
Results • The efficiency depends on the angle with respect to c’ axis, and the variation is about 7 %. • We cannot see any dependence on the angle with respect to other crystallographic axes. • There is a clear increase at low energy
Application to Dark Matter Detector Scattered WIMP VE Recoil directions show a peak at γ= 180° WIMP wind γ Nuclear Recoil Light outputs should be • minimum at c’ // VE. • maximum at c’┴ VE. WIMP signature appears in the light output spectra.
Expected Spectra Assuming spherical isothermal halo. • Difference of the spectra similar to that of annual modulation is predicted. • The measurements can be achieved more robustly. ρ0=0.3 GeV/cm, v0=220 km/s, vE=232km/s
Our Plans The earth moves toward constellation Cygnus. (R.A. 21h12.0’, Dec +48.19°) WIMP wind 0°to c’ 38° 42°to the earth’s axis VE 42° 84°to c’ If the c’ axis is inclined 4°to the North pole, WIMP incident angle with respect to c’ axis modulates 84°over 12 sidereal hours at N38°(KAMIOKA)
Status • Preparing Stilbene 5cmφ x 5cm (100g) x 3 • Low background PMTs. (HAMAMATSU R8778MOD) • With the shields of the bolometer, pilot run will be performedatKamioka underground laboratory. • Preparing naphthalene crystal which is expected more anisotropic response.(50%? Z. Phys 165 1961 1) naphthalene Prospects octafluolonaphthalen, dodecafluoloanthracene for SD interacting WIMPs.
Summary • Tokyo group carries out two dark matter search projects. • SD interacting WIMP search was performed using LiF/NaF bolometer at Kamioka Observatory. • We derived the limits on the ap-an plane (WIMP-nucleon couplings) . Although BG rate wasstill high, we excluded large parameter space allowed by UKDMC. • Recoil direction sensitive detector with organic single crystal is developed. • The anisotropic scintillation response of carbon recoils in stilbene crystals are confirmed and the sensitivity for dark matter was investigated. • We are preparing the dark matter search experiment • with organic single crystals at Kamioka.