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Unsolvable Decision Problems in Computing | Program Correctness and The Self-Applicability Problem

Explore the fundamental undecidability of decision problems in computing, with practical implications for program correctness. Investigate the Self-Applicability Problem and its implications on program functionality and unsolvability. Discover the interplay between total function computability and modern notations in computer science research. Delve into the challenging scenario of constructing a program that can solve the Self-Applicability Problem, revealing the limits of computation and consciousness.

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Unsolvable Decision Problems in Computing | Program Correctness and The Self-Applicability Problem

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  1. Cognitive Computing2013 Consciousness and Computations 7. THE ‘SELF APPLICABILITY PROBLEM’ (SAP); PENROSE ‘ON UNDERSTANDING UNDERSTANDING’ Mark Bishop

  2. On unsolvable decision problems • Introduction • We will see that there exist decision problems connected with NORMA programs that are fundamentally undecidable. • Some of these problems have practical implications and, (as NORMA is a universal machine), if NORMA can't solve them, no other universal machine can. • E.g. • A programmer who writes some code to carry out a given task may need to know if the program terminates under specific conditions. • A programmer may also need to know if the code of one program is exactly equivalent to a second, more efficient program. (c) Bishop: Consciousness and computations

  3. PC: program correctness • Determining if an algorithm will terminate given specific input or determining if one algorithm is exactly equivalent to another define aspects of correct program functionality. • Program ‘correctness’. • I.e. {WHILE X=0 DO INC Y} will not terminate for [X = 0]. • However we will show that both ’termination’ and ‘equivalence’ are not algorithmically solvable. • This does not imply that for a particular program the above qualities cannot be formulated. • Simply that there is no general algorithmic solution to the above problems. (c) Bishop: Consciousness and computations

  4. Totality and computability • The algorithm given in the previous seminar for the function Y = X2 is both total and computable. • i.e. • It is defined for all elements of its domain (it is total) and could be implemented on any Universal Machine (it is a computable function). • Much current research in computer science is concerned with modern notations & languages, such as Z, that enable properties of specific algorithms to be proved in a manner analogous to mathematical proof. (c) Bishop: Consciousness and computations

  5. The Self Applicability Problem, SAP • The Self Applicability Problem is important since all unsolvable decision problems can be reduced to it. • Given that a NORMA program is ‘Defined’ iff it terminates; SAP can be stated in the following form: • “to decide, given an arbitrary NORMA program P, whether or not P (p) is defined, where p = nCode (P)”. • Ie. Is there a NORMA program Q, that can compute the function: • Q (p) = 0 iff NORMAp (p) is defined • = 1 Otherwise (c) Bishop: Consciousness and computations

  6. Solution • Assume SAP is total and computable. • Let Q be a program that can compute SAP. • And define R be the program: • l. Q; • (l+1). WHILE (Y = 0) DO (l+1); • … where r = nCode (R). • Thus R carries out each computation of Q, but before terminating tests the output of Q. • If the output is zero, (i.e. P (p) is defined), then Y must equal zero; hence by inspection R will not terminate! • Clearly R (x) = Q (x) iff Q (x) <> 0 • = undefined otherwise (c) Bishop: Consciousness and computations

  7. … Solution (cont’d) • But Consider: • Suppose R (r) is defined, then from inspection of R, Q (r) => 1 • However from the definition of Q, Q (r) = 1, iff R (r) is undefined! • Therefore R (r) cannot be defined! • Suppose R (r) is undefined, then from inspection of R, Q (r) => 0 • However from the definition of Q, Q (r) = 0 iff R (r) is defined! • Therefore R (r) cannot be undefined! • If R cannot be defined or undefined then R cannot exist. • Therefore R cannot be constructed. • But clearly R can be constructed if Q can. • Therefore Q cannot exist and SAP is NORMA unsolvable. (c) Bishop: Consciousness and computations

  8. Penrose, ‘On understanding understanding’ • Consider a to be a sound set of rules (an effective procedure) to determine if the computation C (n) does not stop. • Like NORMAp (x), C (n) is merely some computation on the natural number n. • E.g. ‘Calculate an odd number that is the sum of (n) even numbers’ .. • Let A be a formalization of all such procedures known to human mathematicians. • Ex-hypothesi, the application of the set of rules, A, terminates only iff C (n) does not stop. • .. imagine a group of human mathematicians continuously analysing C (n) only ceasing their contemplation if and when one shouts out, “Eureka!! C (n) does not stop!” • NB. A must be sound (i.e. it cannot be wrong) if it decides that C (n) does not stop, as if any of the procedures in A were unsound it would eventually be ‘found out’. (c) Bishop: Consciousness and computations

  9. Enumerating computations on (n) • We have previously seen that computations of one parameter, n, can be enumerated (listed): • C0 (n), C1 (n), C2 (n) .. Cp (n) where Cp is the pth computation on ‘n’. • … I.e. It defines the pth computation of one parameter, (n). • NB. This ordering is computable and in NORMA (where a single input cardinal number is entered to the NORMA program P, via the X register) is defined by the ordering specified by the function nCode (P): • I.e. nCode (P) = p I.e. The pth NORMA computation of one parameter; • NORMAp (X = ‘n’) • Hence A (p, n) is the effective procedure that when presented with p and n attempts to discover if Cp (n) will not halt. • If A (p, n)HALTS we KNOW that Cp (n) does not HALT. (c) Bishop: Consciousness and computations

  10. Penrose’ argument • If A (p, n) halts THEN Cp (n) does not halt. • Let (p = n) [i.e. the Penrose SAP on n; SAP (n)] • IF A (n, n) halts THEN Cn (n) [i.e. SAP (n)] does not halt. • But A (n, n) is a function of one number (n) hence it must occur in the enumeration of C. Let us say it occurs at position k, i.e. it is computation Ck (n) • Hence A (n, n) = Ck (n) Recall k is not a parameter but some specific numeric identifier [label]; i.e. the location of ‘A (n, n)’ in the enumeration of C. • Now we examine the particular computation where (n = k) • Hence, substituting (n = k) into (5) we get: A (k, k) = Ck (k) • But now rewriting [3] with (n = k) we observe: … • iff A (k, k) halts THEN Ck (k) does not halt • Now substituting from [7] into [9] we get the following contradiction [11] if Ck (k) halts: • iff Ck (k) halts THEN Ck (k) does not halt ! • Hence from [11] we know that IF A IS SOUND Ck (k) CANNOT HALT (otherwise we instantiate this contradiction) (c) Bishop: Consciousness and computations

  11. Penrose, “We know what A is unable to ascertain” • 13. But from [7] we know that A (k, k) CANNOT HALT either • As from [7], A (k, k) = Ck (k). • 14. Thus, if A is sound, A is not capable of ascertaining if this particular computation - Ck (k) - does not stop !! • even though A cannot halt if it is sound or, from (11) we get a contradiction. • 15. But if A exists and it is sound WE KNOW - from 12 - that Ck (k) MUST not stop and hence WE KNOW - from 13 - something that, if A is sound, it is provably unable to ascertain. • 16. Hence A cannot encapsulate mathematical understanding. • Penrose, “Human mathematicians are not using a knowably sound argument to ascertain mathematical truth”, (Shadows, pp. 76). (c) Bishop: Consciousness and computations

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