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Aberdeen; Culture City

Aberdeen; Culture City. Welcome. Patricia Cassidy, Head of Communities, Culture and Sport. Culture City Network. Kay Dunn Strategist Community Planning Aberdeen. Why do we have community planning partnerships? Reason 2001, national development of Community Planning

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Aberdeen; Culture City

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  1. Aberdeen; Culture City

  2. Welcome Patricia Cassidy, Head of Communities, Culture and Sport

  3. Culture City Network Kay Dunn Strategist Community Planning Aberdeen

  4. Why do we have community planning partnerships? Reason • 2001, national development of Community Planning • 2003, statutory duty for councils to lead Community Planning • 2007, establishment of National Performance Framework; Concordat; and SOA • 2012, publication of Christie Commission and the ‘Statement of Ambition’ Purpose • Engaging communities in decisions made on public sector services • Commitment from public sector services to work together to improve services Benefits • Coordinated and integrated deliver of local services to meet need • Achieving best value with public expenditure • Preventative spending and joint budgeting

  5. What do we know about local community planning arrangements

  6. Community Planning Aberdeen Reference Group Representing “voice” of stakeholders Contributing to the Vision Reviewing delivery of SOA Governance Model

  7. Overarching Principles Resources will be targeted to improve outcomes for those most in need. The partnership will assess the equalities and human right impact of all proposals to Reduce isolation of minority communities. Partners will ensure a presumption for community based access to services. The partners will assess the environmental sustainability of all proposals to reduce Impact on the environment. Partners will lead the promotion of civic pride in Aberdeen City. Support the capacity of Aberdeen’s citizens and communities to increase their self-sufficiency.

  8. Local Facts and Information – Strengths 2012, partners undertook a strategic assessment and self evaluation The City / Region has the 2nd highest GDP per head in the UK, behind central London Strong employment and the highest ‘job density’ in Scotland The highest average earnings in Scotland Residents have higher than average life expectancy Relatively few areas of deprivation A long term reduction in recorded crimes The most accessible green space of Scotland’s cities

  9. Local Facts and Information – Challenges • A projected increase in the numbers and proportion of the population over 65 • Areas of multiple deprivation which correlate to negative personal outcomes in:- • economic activity • health • offending • substance misuse. • A projected skills and labour shortage • Increasing traffic on strategic routes and increasing congestion

  10. Community Priorities – What Matters Consultation (500)

  11. Community Priorities – City Voice Results

  12. How will Community Planning Improve Local Services Economic Growth Learning and Workforce Safer Communities Children and Young People Older People Health and Care Digital City Culture City Integrated Transport Priority Families

  13. Culture City We will ensure that current and future investment in arts and culture is maximised for the benefit of the residents of the city. Through a cultural action plan we will increase participation and develop pathways in expressive arts. Build cultural capacity in the cultural sector: develop volunteering opportunities: develop the cultural infrastructure of Aberdeen. Develop placemaking, by developing our existing productions and festivals and a new programme to ensure a step change in culture.

  14. Operating Principles • Focus on complex outcomes which can only be delivered by a true ‘Team Aberdeen’ approach. • Move accountability from activity to impact, the Community Planning Aberdeen Board will apply outcome-based governance. • Create space below high level outcome indicators that allows partners to come together in evolving ways to assure that action plans can flex to meet evolving needs and solutions. • Engaging communities through locality planning approach and innovative consultation methods • Annual performance reporting with clear role to scrutiny and challenge • Innovation, preventative spending and joint resourcing

  15. Role of the Culture network: Provide leadership, expertise and support for the development of a cultural masterplan Enable and support the delivery of a programme of events and activities Provide evidence to, hear and approve reports on the SOA and other relevant initiatives Review and provide comment on funds divested by the Community planning partnership Refine, define and direct the work of the network and the SOA priorities

  16. Responsibilities of the culture network Monitor and review cultural activity against a set of agreed objectives and measures Convene short life working groups to undertake short term time limited initiatives Report to the management group on progress Ensure strong effective partnerships locally, nationally and internationally To ensure an up to date knowledge on policy matters, to provide comment and encourage risk

  17. Membership of the culture network Aberdeen City Council University of Aberdeen The Robert Gordon University Creative Scotland Aberdeen Performing Arts Visit Aberdeen Aberdeen Chamber of Commerce ACVO Festivals Collective AB+ Aberdeen City Council funded cultural organisations (cultural partners) Short term project based members

  18. Format of meetings Update on SOA and the work of Aberdeen City Council Issue based and thematic presentations and updates Agenda items and presentations from member organisations Guest speakers Networking

  19. Outcome ‘Aberdeen delivers a significantly improved cultural programme and infrastructure in 2014-19 which can be seen to impact on every aspect of the 2022 vision’

  20. City Vision 2022 ‘There’s a tangible sense of pride and passion in Aberdeen in 2022. This is a city at ease with itself. You can see it in the place and you can see it in its people. Aberdeen has become an exciting place to live, work and visit. The city has harnessed its commercial strength and blended that with a strong civic ethos – Team Aberdeen – such that the city is now highly placed in Europe for quality of living. Its continued economic success is benefiting all its citizens and advancing equality in the city. Over the past ten years, the city has capitalised on a number of truly iconic events and projects to bring together all sectors and communities. The result: a socially economically, and environmentally sustainable great city. Aberdeen has evolved into a city with a recognised global reputation for knowledge development, capture and application. Its people have a strong, outward-looking view of the world, grounded in an equally strong sense of their traditional North East identity. Schools, further and higher education are embedded in their local and citywide communities. Young people can be seen exploring new possibilities for their futures, and linking into the rich learning opportunities that Education Aberdeen offers. They see learning as highly positive and it has provided a route out of disadvantage for increasing numbers of children and their families. Learning hubs have become important focuses for community development and a rich set of community based cultural activities can be seen across the city. There is a strong sense of independence, resilience, confidence, self esteem and aspiration coming from all our communities. Aberdonians work hard for themselves and for those communities. The city centre is itself a vibrant hub of commercial and cultural activity with easy and safe access for Aberdeen’s communities and tourists. People fell safe to socialise in the city centre at all times of the day and night. While local activity has defined Aberdeen’s cultural renaissance, it has also led to the city's presence on the circuit of major popular, modern and classical cultural events.

  21. City vision 2022 Aberdeen is physically connected: it is easy for people to get in, out and around the city. Aberdeen is digitally connected with fast and easy access across the city. As a result, of the city’s renaissance and its connectedness to the wider world, people are much more inclined to relocate to Aberdeen. This has allowed businesses to accelerate their growth, particularly in high value industries. We have built on our oil and gas legacy to develop centres of excellence in renewable industries. We have taken the opportunity provided by our energy assets and developed a much wider asset base in health, tourism, maritime resources and culture. Our universities have developed strategic partnerships with the worlds leading academic institutions. These partnerships are drawing in thought leaders and students from across the globe, and Aberdeen students regularly have an international dimension to their studies. They are also providing routes for Aberdeen’s citizens to frame their careers in global terms. Businesses work closely with their local schools and colleges, and all can see the benefits that brings. Colleges and universities can demonstrate significant collaborative pay off in terms of academic and financial success. The city is recognised internationally as a centre of excellence in knowledge exchange between business and academia, with high levels of applied intellectual property. The impact of all this on citizens is clear. People are safer, healthier and better off. The biggest changes are in those communities that used to have the greatest level of need. Aberdeen is recognised as a socially and structurally integrated society. A global city that all its citizens are proud of. This is a city that brings a rich and rewarding life for all its people, for the North East and for the whole of Scotland.’

  22. Arts & Culture Masterplan

  23. What? Detailed analysis of arts and culture in Aberdeen Assessment of progress against ‘Vibrant Aberdeen’ Long term plan with defined priorities and actions

  24. Why? Set priorities for future development ACC capital and revenue priorities Link to other city-wide priorities Embed arts and culture as a priority within city’s future strategic planning

  25. How? Build on UKCoC Feedback and consultation Develop findings of ‘Cultural Mapping’ and ‘ACC Review of Funding’ and EKOS research Thematic reviews (Sector and challenges)

  26. Key Stages 1. Design and build consensus Jan - Mar 2014 2. Research Mar - Dec 2014 3. Final Consultation Jan – Feb 2015 4. Confirm commitment and action Mar 2015

  27. Who? Culture Network Project Team Aberdeen City Council Observers

  28. Aberdeen City Council – updates and opportunities 17 relaunch Recruitment Festivals collective Cultural programme investment Place partnership - Creative Scotland Made in Aberdeen and Visual Arts Awards Cultural awards Commonwealth travel bursary scheme Cultural volunteers programme Capital investment

  29. Future dates 14 May 13 August 12 November All at 12 noon in Room 4 W 01

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