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abdomin-, abdomino-

abdomin-, abdomino-. belly or abdominal area. antero-. position ahead of or in front of. arthr-, arthro-. joint or articulation. -ase. enzyme. condition or process, usually abnormal. -asis. audio. sound, hearing. aur-. ear. aut-, auto-. self-. bi-. two, twice. acou-.

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abdomin-, abdomino-

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Presentation Transcript

  1. abdomin-, abdomino- belly or abdominal area

  2. antero- position ahead of or in front of

  3. arthr-, arthro- joint or articulation

  4. -ase enzyme

  5. condition or process, usually abnormal -asis

  6. audio sound, hearing

  7. aur- ear

  8. aut-, auto- self-

  9. bi- two, twice

  10. acou- hearing, sound

  11. ab- away from

  12. toward, added to, near ad-

  13. a-, an- absent, deficient, lack of

  14. acr-, acro extreme ends of a part, especially of the extremities

  15. actin-, actini, actino relationship to ray-like structures, or more commonly to x-rays, or some other type of radiation

  16. aden-, adeno gland

  17. -agogue inducing, leading, stimulating

  18. alge-,algo-,algesi pain

  19. -algia pain, painful condition

  20. both, on two sides amb-, ambi-, ambo-

  21. ambly- dimness, dullness

  22. angio- vessel

  23. ant-, anti against, to prevent, suppress or destroy

  24. ante- before, ahead of

  25. bio_ life, living organism

  26. blast-, blasto-, -blast early stage, immature cell or bud

  27. bleph-, blephar-, blepharo- eyelid, eyelash

  28. arm brachi-

  29. brachy- short

  30. brady- slow

  31. bronch- windpipe or other air tubes

  32. bucc- cheek

  33. carcin- cancer

  34. cardi-, cardia-, cardio heart

  35. -cele swelling, large space or cavity

  36. related to 100 centi-

  37. -centesis perforation, tapping

  38. cephal-, cephalo- head

  39. cerebro- brain

  40. cervi- neck

  41. cheil-, cheilo- lips; brim or edge

  42. cheir-, cheiro- hand

  43. chol-, chole-, cholo- bile, gall

  44. chondr-, chondri-, chondrio- cartilage

  45. to cut kill or destroy -cid, -cide

  46. circum- around, surrounding

  47. -clast break

  48. colp-, colpo- vagina

  49. contra opposed, against

  50. cost-, costa-, costo- ribs

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