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TASH Presentation

TASH Presentation. So Many Answers Left Unquestioned. Our Goals for Today’s Dialogue. Share Listen Direction Recommendations. What is TASH. Equity Opportunity Inclusion. The Stories. The Stories Continued… Ido in Autismland.

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TASH Presentation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. TASH Presentation So Many Answers Left Unquestioned

  2. Our Goals for Today’s Dialogue Share Listen Direction Recommendations

  3. What is TASH Equity Opportunity Inclusion

  4. The Stories

  5. The Stories Continued…Ido in Autismland

  6. Worth, Birth,Burden and Control

  7. “The person becomes the problem. It should be “the problem is the problem”. Norman Kunc

  8. Barbara Ransom, Esq.Cultural Diversity/Rights “When America gets a cough, African Americans get pneumonia. Being Minority you’re at a disadvantage. But being a minority with a disability! You’re in huge trouble”!!

  9. Doug Biklen “If you want to see competence, you will.”

  10. Language of Us/Them by Mayer Shevin We like things… They fixate on objects We try to make friends…They display off task behavior We stand up for ourselves We take breaks… They are non-compliant We have hobbies… They self-stimulate We choose our friends wisely …They display poor peer socialization

  11. Language of Us/Them continued… We persevere …They perseverate We like people… They have dependencies on people We go for a walk …They run away We insist… They tantrum We change our minds …They are disoriented and have short attention spans We have talents …They have splinter skills We are human …They are . . . ?

  12. Wayne Sailor- “I’ve seen it come. And I’ve seen it go. There is a complete lack of sustainability.”

  13. SSD’s Areas of Strength Leadership CSIP Plan – Rolling Plan Continuous Improvement

  14. SSD’s Areas of Strength continued… Initiatives in Common Core Inclusive Education Stakeholders Inclusion DVD

  15. SSD’s Areas of Strength continued… SSD PAC Discussion and Initiatives Planning & Development Coaches, Facilitators

  16. SSD’s Areas of Strength Continued… Equity Task Force Inclusion Moodle Course Updating Inclusion Matters

  17. SSD’s Areas of Strength continued… Parent Education and Diversity Awareness Parent Leadership Institute Collaboration Goal Teams

  18. Opportunities for Growth Social Justice = Educational Justice!

  19. The language of Specialized Educational Support

  20. Professional Learning on inclusive practices

  21. How Might This Link to Current Improvement Plans?

  22. PEDA’s Next Steps Equity Inclusion Course Video Modeling National Speakers Linking with SWIFT TASH 2013

  23. Mr. Cary’s Recommendations for Next Steps Develop a definition for inclusion.Make plans to bring in national speakers. Send directors to TASH.

  24. Mr. Cary’s Recommendations for Next Steps Plan presentation to superintendents.Check to make sure inclusion is a topic of the Principal’s Academy.Develop strategies, resources and rollout plans to champion inclusive education

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