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Reporting Joiners & Leavers Children Missing Education Regulations 2016

Reporting Joiners & Leavers Children Missing Education Regulations 2016. Letter from Director of Education reminding schools of their duty Statutory Duty since September 2016 To date over 40% of school have not reported What to report? All joiners – within 5 school days of admission

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Reporting Joiners & Leavers Children Missing Education Regulations 2016

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Reporting Joiners & Leavers Children Missing Education Regulations 2016

  2. Letter from Director of Education reminding schools of their duty • Statutory Duty since September 2016 • To date over 40% of school have not reported • What to report? • All joiners – within 5 school days of admission • All leavers – during the off rolling process • Exceptions – Reception/Year 7 joiners & Year 6 leavers

  3. How to report? • Easy reporting via your MIS and AnyComms • CTF (Common Transfer Files) automatically generatedCML – Leavers & CMJ - Joiners • Data supplied via B2B does not meet the requirements • When to report? • Leavers – same time as information is sent to the new school • Joiners – same time as children’s details are added to the register

  4. Reason for leaving • 15 grounds for removal (Education Regulations 2006) • Select appropriate ground for removal from drop down menu in MIS • Additional information must be provided e.g. new school / address • Help with creating CML /CMJ files • HLT MIS Support team (for schools that purchase the service)(including on-site training, guidance notes etc.) • Your MIS software support (for other schools)

  5. Help with AnyComms to submit files • Ben.Brennan@learningtrust.co.uk (020 8820 7181) • Sylvia.Redhead@learningtrust.co.uk (020 8820 7393) • Help determining grounds for removal • Your school attendance officer / attendance service • E.g. Use of ground ‘L’ – for independent schools only

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