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123Trainings provides valuable real world scenario-based HADOOP Online Training developed by the core architects, builders and operators of Apache HADOOP. Online Trainings expert prides itself on ensuring that our HADOOP online trainers are real time experts. Our aim is to empower the student community and add value to their current portfolio. Please call us for the Demo Classes we have regular batches and weekend batches. Contact Number: USA: 1 720-463-3802, 720-463-3902, Email: Contact@123trainings.com, Web: http://123trainings.com/it-hadoop-bigdata-online-training.html
HADOOP ONLINE TRAINING 123Trainings provides valuable real world scenario-based HADOOP Online Trainingdevelopedbythecorearchitects,buildersandoperatorsofApacheHADOOP.Online TrainingsexpertpridesitselfonensuringthatourHADOOPonlinetrainersarerealtime experts.Ouraimistoempowerthestudentcommunityandaddvaluetotheircurrent portfolio. Some of the HADOOP Course topics thatcovered byour professionals: Introduction. Whatis Hadoop? HistoryofHadoop. ConfiguringHDFS. Map/Reduce Overview andArchitecture. GettingStartedWith Eclipse IDE. Hadoop Streaming. Advanced MapReduceFeatures. DistributingDebugScripts. Using YahooWeb Services. PigOverview. 12.Hive. And manysub topics are there for moredetails please go through thewebsite. Please callusfor theDemo Classes we have regular batchesandweekend batches. ContactNumber: USA: +1 720-463-3802,720-463-3902, Email:Contact@123trainings.com, Web:http://123trainings.com/it-hadoop-bigdata-online-training.html