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Task-Based Language Learning and Technology. Five language learning tasks incorporating technology tools. Resources. Visit: http ://tblt-and- technology.wikispaces.com You will find: This presentation, Ready-to-use tasks with step-by-step instructions (in Spanish )
Task-Based Language Learning and Technology Five language learning tasks incorporating technology tools
Resources • Visit: http://tblt-and-technology.wikispaces.com • You will find: • This presentation, • Ready-to-use tasks with step-by-step instructions (in Spanish) • Links to the tech tools discussed. • Additional notes, ideas and suggestions from the October 18, 2013 session • And notes from this session!(coming soon!
Why Task-Based Language Learning? • Psycholinguistic approach (Focus on form) • Noticing • Sociolinguistic approach (Focus on meaning) • Interaction
What is a task? • Ellis (2009a) • Six critical features to a task • Lai and Li (2011) condense Ellis’ features: • Three key elements
Meaning! Meaning!
How are tasks different from projects? • Tasks • Process oriented (Ellis, 2009) • Projects • Product oriented
Task Cycle • When do we focus on form? (Lai & Li, 2011) • Pre-task • During task • Post-task
Pre-task • I + 1 • Connect to previous knowledge
During-task • Focus on meaning • L2 production
Post-task • Feedback • Reflection • Follow-up
Task types • Numerous types of tasks: • Information Gap • Opinion Exchange • Reasoning Gap • What others can you think of?
Strong vs. Weak Approaches • Strong • Curriculum is entirely task-based • Weak • Task-supplemented curriculum (Hampel, 2010)
Five examples • Un día en Madrid • El campamento de día • El transporte • Las noticias • Unacena con amigos
Un día en Madrid • Jigsaw and reasoning gap task • Task: Decide what to do on a Friday afternoon in Madrid • Product: Leave a voicemail for your friend telling them what you plan to do. • Tech tool: Vocaroo.com
El campamento de día • Information gap task • Task: Create a schedule and description of activities for a day camp for 4th grade students • Product: Website with home page, schedule and descriptions • Tech tool: Google sites
El transporte • Jigsaw and reasoning gap task • Task: Decide which kind of public transportation is best to use while staying in Mexico City • Product: A post describing their choice and why • Tech tool: Facebook.com or Voice discussion board like Voxopop.com
Las noticias • Opinion exchange task • Task: Report on a news item and give provide opinions on that news • Product: Video of a news report • Tech tool: Youtube.com, iMovie (or other editing program and/or smart phone apps like Vine)
Cena con amigos • Jigsaw and reasoning gap activity • Task: Decide what dish to bring to a potluck dinner • Product: A captioned Pinterest board with illustrations of dishes, ingredients, etc… • Tech tool: Pinterest.com
Round table: Tasks • What other ideas do you have? • Remember tasks must: • Priority on meaning • Real world task • Non-linguistic goal (Communication) • What kinds of tech tools would you like to use?
Roundtable: Privacy and Accessibility • Are there privacy/safety concerns? • Are there accessibility concerns? • What can we do about it? • How can we integrate these things into tech-enhanced language classrooms?
Resources Visit: http://tblt-and-technology.wikispaces.com • You will find: • This presentation, • Ready-to-use tasks with step-by-step instructions (in Spanish) and • Links to the tech tools discussed. • Additional notes, ideas and suggestions from the October 18, 2013 session • And notes from this session! (Coming soon)
Works Cited Blake, R.J. (2013). Brave New Digital Classroom: Technology and Foreign Language Learning. Washington D.C.: Georgetown University Press. Clark, R. E., & Salomon, G. (2012). Why should we expect media to teach anyone anything?. In Clark, R. E. (Ed.). (2012). Learning from Media: Arguments, analysis and evidence (2nd ed.). (pp. 37-72). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. Ellis, R. (2009a). Task-based language learning and teaching. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Hampel, R. (2010). Task design for a virtual learning environment in a distance language course. In M. Thomas & H. Reinders (Eds.), Task-Based Language Learning and Technology (pp. 131-153). London, England: Continuum International Publishing Group. Kenning, M. (2010). Collaborative scaffolding in online task-based voice interactions between advanced learners. ReCALL, 22(2), 135-151. doi: 10.1017/S0958344010000042 Lai, C., & Li, G. (2011). Technology and task-based language teaching: A critical review. The Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium Journal, 28(2), 498-521. Liu, M., Moore, Z., Graham, L., & Lee, S. (2003). A look at the research on computer-based technology use in second language learning: Review of literature from 1990-2000. Journal of Research on Technology in Education 34(3), 250-273.
Works Cited Müller-Hartmann, A., & Schocker-v. Ditfurth, M. (2012) Research on the use of technology in task-based language teaching. In Thomas, M., & Reinders, H. (Eds.). Task-based language learning and teaching with technology. (pp. 17-40). New York, NY. Continuum International Publishing Group. Peterson, M. (2012) Task-based language teaching in network-based CALL: An analysis of research on learner interaction in synchronous CMC. In Thomas, M., & Reinders, H. (Eds.). Task-based language learning and teaching with technology. (pp. 41-62). New York, NY. Continuum International Publishing Group. Raith, T., & Hegelheimer, V. (2012). Teacher development, TBLT and technology. In Thomas, M., & Reinders, H. (Eds.). Task-based language learning and teaching with technology. (pp. 154-175). New York, NY. Continuum International Publishing Group. Stockwell, G. (2012). Effects of multimodality in computer-mediated communication tasks. In Thomas, M., & Reinders, H. (Eds.). Task-based language learning and teaching with technology. (pp. 83-104). New York, NY. Continuum International Publishing Group. Thomas, M., & Reinders, H. (Eds.). (2012a). Task-based language learning and teaching with technology. New York, NY. Continuum International Publishing Group.
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