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This CCSSE Drop-In Overview Presentation Template can be customized using your college’s CCSSE results. Please review the “Notes” section accompanying each slide. The notes provide topical information and additional instructions to assist you in presenting your findings.
This CCSSE Drop-In Overview Presentation Template can be customized using your college’s CCSSE results. Please review the “Notes” section accompanying each slide. The notes provide topical information and additional instructions to assist you in presenting your findings. In addition, instructional slides precede specific sections of the presentation to provide more detailed information about how you can use these sections to tell your college’s story using CCSSE results. Please note that the 2013 CCSSE Cohort data provided throughout the presentation are accurate. All of the data listed for [College Name], however, will need to be updated to reflect your college’s results.
CCSSE 2013 Findings for [College Name] [Subtitle]
Presentation Overview • CCSSE Overview • Student Respondent Profile • CCSSE Benchmarks • Community College Students and Stories • Strategies to Promote Learning that Matters
What is Student Engagement? …the amount of time and energy students invest in meaningful educational practices …the institutional practices and student behaviors that are highly correlated with student learning and retention
The Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) CCSSE is designed to capture student engagement as a measure of institutional quality.
CCSSE: A Tool for Community Colleges • As a tool for improvement, CCSSE helps us • Assess quality in community college education • Identify and learn from good educational practice • Identify areas in which we can improve • Basic principles • Provides reliable data on issues that matter • Reports data publicly • Is committed to using data for improvement
Survey Respondents • XXXX adjusted survey count • XX% overall “percent of target” rate Source: 2013 CCSSE data
Excluded Respondents • The following respondents were excluded from reporting: • Respondents not indicating enrollment status • Respondents marking invalid data selections • Respondents under the age of 18 • Respondents indicating previous survey submission • Oversample respondents were also excluded.
Section Instructions Use the following slides to compare your respondents to the 2013 CCSSE Cohort on the following variables: enrollment status (less than full-time or full-time), age, sex, race and ethnicity.
Student Respondent Profile: Enrollment Status Source: 2013 CCSSE data
Student Respondent Profile: Age Source: 2013 CCSSE data
Student Respondent Profile:Sex Source: 2013 CCSSE data
Student Respondent Profile: Racial Identification Source: 2013 CCSSE data
Section Instructions In the following section, continue to describe your Student Respondent Profile by using your college’s Frequency Reports. These reports will allow you to describe your student respondents by first-generation status, educational attainment, goals, and total credit hours earned. You can also describe student respondents by reviewing their external commitments and involvement in college-sponsored activities.
Student Respondent Profile: First-Generation Status Source: 2013 CCSSE data
Student Respondent Profile: Educational Attainment Source: 2013 CCSSE data
Student Respondent Profile:Goals Source: 2013 CCSSE data
Student Respondent Profile: Total Credit Hours Earned Source: 2013 CCSSE data
Student Respondent Profile: External Commitments Source: 2013 CCSSE data
Student Respondent Profile: College-Sponsored Activities Source: 2013 CCSSE data
Section Instructions To assist colleges in their efforts to reach for excellence, the Center reports national benchmarks of effective educational practice in community colleges. Research shows that the more actively engaged students are—with college faculty and staff, with other students, and with the subject matter—the more likely they are to learn and to achieve their academic goals. CCSSE benchmarks focus on institutional practices and student behaviors that promote student engagement—and that are positively related to student learning and persistence. In the following section, describe educational practices at your college and enter your benchmark data.
CCSSE Benchmarks for Effective Educational Practice The five CCSSE benchmarks are • Active and Collaborative Learning • Student Effort • Academic Challenge • Student-Faculty Interaction • Support for Learners
Active and Collaborative Learning This is an opportunity to customize one or more of your slides using the following Active and Collaborative Learning benchmark items: • During the current school year, how often have you: • Asked questions in class or contributed to class discussions (#4a) • Made a class presentation (#4b) • Worked with other students on projects during class (#4f) • Worked with classmates outside of class to prepare class assignments (#4g) • Tutored or taught other students (paid or voluntary) (#4h) • Participated in a community-based project as a part of a regular course (#4i) • Discussed ideas from your readings or classes with others outside of class (students, family members, co-workers, etc.) (#4r) Source: 2013 CCSSE data
Student Effort This is an opportunity to customize one or more of your slides using the following Student Effort benchmark items: • During the current school year, how often have you: • Prepared two or more drafts of a paper or assignment before turning it in (#4c) • Worked on a paper or project that required integrating ideas or information from various sources (#4d) • Come to class without completing readings or assignments (#4e) • Used peer or other tutoring services (#13d) • Used skill labs (#13e) • Used a computer lab (#13h) • During the current school year: • How many books did you read on your own (not assigned) for personal enjoyment or academic enrichment (#6b) • How many hours did you spend in a typical week preparing for class (studying, reading, writing, rehearsing, or other activities related to your program) (#10a) Source: 2013 CCSSE data
Academic Challenge This is an opportunity to customize one or more of your slides using the following Academic Challenge benchmark items: • During the current school year, how often have you: • Worked harder than you thought you could to meet an instructor’s standards or expectations (#4p) • How much does your coursework at this college emphasize: • Analyzing the basic elements of an idea, experience, or theory (#5b) • Synthesizing and organizing ideas, information, or experiences in new ways (#5c) • Making judgments about the value or soundness of information, arguments, or methods (#5d) • Applying theories or concepts to practical problems or in new situations (#5e) • Using information you have read or heard to perform a new skill (#5f) • During the current school year: • How many assigned textbooks, manuals, books, or book-length packs of course readings did you read (#6a) • How many papers or reports of any length did you write (#6c) • To what extent have your examinations challenged you to do your best work (#7) • How much does this college emphasize: • Encouraging you to spend significant amounts of time studying (#9a) Source: 2013 CCSSE data
Student-Faculty Interaction This is an opportunity to customize one or more of your slides using the following Student-Faculty Interaction benchmark items: • During the current school year, how often have you: • Used e-mail to communicate with an instructor (#4k) • Discussed grades or assignments with an instructor (#4l) • Talked about career plans with an instructor or advisor (#4m) • Discussed ideas from your readings or classes with instructors outside of class (#4n) • Received prompt feedback (written or oral) from instructors on your performance (#4o) • Worked with instructors on activities other than coursework (#4q) Source: 2013 CCSSE data
Support for Learners This is an opportunity to customize one or more of your slides using the following Support for Learners benchmark items: • How much does this college emphasize: • Providing the support you need to help you succeed at this college (#9b) • Encouraging contact among students from different economic, social, and racial or ethnic backgrounds (#9c) • Helping you cope with your nonacademic responsibilities (work, family, etc.) (#9d) • Providing the support you need to thrive socially (#9e) • Providing the financial support you need to afford your education (#9f) • During the current school year, how often have you: • Used academic advising/planning services (#13a) • Used career counseling services (#13b) Source: 2013 CCSSE data
CCSSE Benchmarks for Effective Educational Practice CCSSE Benchmark Scores for [College Name] Source: 2013 CCSSE data
CCSSE Benchmarks for Effective Educational Practice CCSSE Benchmark Scores for [College Name] compared to [Comparison Group] Source: 2013 CCSSE data
Benchmarking – and Reaching for Excellence The most important comparison: where we are now, compared with where we want to be.
Reaching for Excellence at [College Name] This is an opportunity to customize one or more slides for your college. Slide and discussion ideas include: • Show how your college is reaching for excellence by discussing how your college is using CCSSE data to better understand and improve its practices. • Compare yourself to the national average (the 50 mark). • Measure overall performance against performance by your least-engaged student groups. • Gauge your work in the areas your college strongly values (e.g., the areas identified in your strategic plan). • Contrast where you are with where you want to be.
Giving Voice to Students 26-year-old single mother of a 6-year-old son and a 4-year-old daughter “I’m a divorced, single mother. I can and need to do this. If I fall down, my kids are going to fall down. If I’m standing, they will be there, right beside me.” Carolina Villamar (left) and classmate Luisa Castano.
Student Aspirations Students’ Goals Indicate which of the following are your reasons/goals for attending this college. Note: Respondents may indicate more than one goal. Source: 2013 CCSSE data
Student Persistence Barriers to Returning to College How likely is it that the following issues would cause you to withdraw from class or from this college? Source: 2013 CCSSE data
Section Instructions The following slides provide examples of storylines that you may find helpful when communicating your results. Information is useful when put into context. However, it is more valuable when it is tied to issues people care about. Your audience may find more interest in the college’s survey results if you develop storylines that relate to issues that are relevant to the college and its service area. The storylines are hypothetical situations, but they provide ideas for stories that can be told using CCSSE results. (Refer to your college’s institutional reports for data about your college.) It is important to remember two things as you develop your storylines: • Don’t forget your audiences. There are storylines that colleges want to tell and storylines audiences want to hear. Sometimes these are the same; sometimes they are different. Focus on ways to highlight key issues that your audiences will find compelling. • This isn’t about spin. The Center’s aim is to be straightforward about data, both when the results make us shine and when they cause us to question—and improve—our current practices. These storylines are intended to inform, engage, and highlight important issues.
Part-timeness This is an opportunity to customize one or more of your slides to tell your college’s story. Slide and discussion ideas include: • Consider the experience of less than full-time and full-time students as shown by your college’s institutional data. • Discuss what your institution is doing to engage part-time students. Source: 2013 CCSSE data
Developmental Education This is an opportunity to customize one or more of your slides to tell your college’s story. Slide and discussion ideas include: • Give relevant survey results, such as the percentage of students who have taken or plan to take developmental courses in math, reading, or writing, or have taken a study skills course. • Compare institutional results with the CCSSE Cohort. • Give relevant institutional data. Source: 2013 CCSSE data
At-Risk Students This is an opportunity to customize one or more of your slides to tell your college’s story. Slide and discussion ideas include: • Provide data from survey items related to the risk factors. • Provide data from survey items related to the support and student services provided by your college provides. If possible, provide concrete examples and results. • Quote one or two students discussing these services. Source: 2013 CCSSE data
Workforce Issues This is an opportunity to customize one or more of your slides to tell your college’s story. Slide and discussion ideas include: • Give relevant regional statistics. • Use CCSSE data to show the importance students place on learning job skills. • Quote an employer and/or student. Source: 2013 CCSSE data
Workforce Layoffs This is an opportunity to customize one or more of your slides to tell your college’s story. Slide and discussion ideas include: • Provide data on layoffs, enrollment figures, and job skills. • Give details about job-related programs and results and CCSSE data relating to academic goals. Source: 2013 CCSSE data
Budget Cutbacks This is an opportunity to customize one or more of your slides to tell your college’s story. Slide and discussion ideas include: • Discuss budget increases/decreases and enrollment and tuition changes. • Provide data from survey items that relate to financial support. • Give details about keeping tuition as affordable as possible, providing or improving financial advising services, etc. Source: 2013 CCSSE data
Strategies to Promote Learning that Matters The Center describes four key strategies to promote strengthened classroom experiences: • Strengthen classroom engagement • Integrate student support into learning experiences • Focus institutional policies on creating the conditions for learning • Expand professional development focused on engaging students
Strengthen Classroom Engagement • Raise expectations • Promote active, engaged learning • Emphasize deep learning • Build and encourage relationships • Ensure that students know where they stand
Raise Expectations Instructors should set high standards and communicate them clearly, deliberately, and consistently.
Raise Expectations Students work hard to meet instructors’ expectations: • XX% of students often or veryoften work harder than they thought they could to meet an instructor’s standards or expectations Source: 2013 CCSSE data