Database Evidence • Over the course of 4 lessons I completed the database. The database had to contain lots of information about 174 different animals. The different information included the name of the species, the group, the location of the animals, the status, threat, a web link about where the Information about the animal is from and the adoption cost of the specific animal. • We used Microsoft Access-database to make the database and used the data from the wild care website.
7th November 2012 Next, we had to change data type of each field name Firstly, we had to change the field names to the information that our data was going to give us We then changed web link to hyperlink because the information we were going to be inserting to this field name was going to be a website. For example, we had to change “adoption costs” to currency as the data we were going to insert was going to be money
For some of the field names, we had to change the validation rule. We did this so that no anomalous data is inserted to the data base showing our information is correct. We know what to put in our validation rule because on the website, it tells us each of the different groups. This tells us the different groups so we know that no other animal groups can be inserted We did the same for the field name “status” we added a validation rule of red, orange or blue. We did this because this was the information given to us on the website.
Then we had to complete a look up wizard for threat and status. We did this so that no other information can be inserted to this field. The data we were inserting into the data base was on the wild care website so we had to save the document then insert it Next, we had to insert our data. We went on to “external data” then chose a text file.
You have to find where you have saved the data and insert it into the data base. Once you have inserted the data, all of the information will go into its specific group for each of the animals
Next, we had to make 3 data forms so that we were able to add 3 more animals into the data base. The form will then appear like this and you have to edit it to make it different colours and use the same colour theme as I have so far in the project To insert a form, you have to go create and click form You to go to design view so that you are able to edit the colour scheme and the fonts etc…
I added a logo on to the form which was the “wild care” image so it was clear what the form was going to be showing and also because I had included it into other things in the project so I am sticking to the theme Once you have edited the colour scheme and the fonts, you have to make buttons so that you are able to navigate what you do with the information that you put in the form so that the animals can be transferred into the data base. I then moved on to make the buttons on the form in order for me to navigate the information I was putting into the form
When creating the buttons, we had to chose from the list of categories what the button would do and then decide what action the button would have to complete. We had to complete 6 buttons which included ‘save record’, ‘next record’, ‘previous record’, ‘add record’, ‘delete record’ and ‘find record’ this is so once I have put the information about the three extra animals, I can import them into the database I then decided what I wanted the button to say so that the person using the form knew what they were doing when they pressed each of the buttons and then I edited the font of the buttons and the colour of them so that they matched my theme
I finally then added the code for the letters for the status and the threat. I did this by looking on the website and using the table to make my own in PowerPoint where I then saved it as a picture and inserted it on to the form. I did this so that the person using the form was able to known what the different letters stood for when adding a record. Once I had added both of the tables with the codes, my form was complete and I was able to find three other new records that I could create using the form and insert to the database
My form was then completed and ready for information to inserted
I then had to research 3 different animals to make 3 forms and insert the records into the database. The three animals I chose were all mammals as they all had to be in the same group. The first animal I researched was an ‘Anoa’. I went to Google and found out the location of the animal, what the status of the animal was, the threat, the name of species and the group and I then made up an adoption cost. I inserted the information into the form
When I had completed all of the sections in the form, I pressed save record and then add record and the record was inserted into the database
The next animal I researched was a Bonobo where I again found out the specific information in order to put it in the different sections of the form.
I saved the record and pressed ‘add record’ and the information was transported into the database
The third and final record I added was about an animal called a giant otter. I found out the location, the name of the species, the group, the status, the threat and made up an adoption cost.
I saved the record and clicked ‘add new record’ and I was able to insert the information in to the database clearly showing me about the animal. By doing this database and form I was able to understand more about validation rules and how important they are because without them, records can be ruined and information can be inaccurate. I also was able to understand about how to make a from and what the purpose of making a form was so that I could insert a new record easier and more efficiently. I finally learnt about how to insert buttons to my form so that people could use them in order to do different things with the information they had inserted in the form. Making the database and form was useful because I was able to refresh my knowledge and learn new things I had not learnt before the lessons and time I spent working on it.