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Drills and Tactics Spring 2011

Drills and Tactics Spring 2011. Chart Legend. C = Coach X = General player or Target P = Passer H = Hitter S = Setter B = Blocker V = Server D = Defender/Digger R = Shagger /Retriever T= Tosser A/B/C/D = To identify players in non-tactical drills. = Movement of Players.

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Drills and Tactics Spring 2011

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  1. Drills and TacticsSpring 2011

  2. Chart Legend C= Coach X= General player or Target P = Passer H = Hitter S = Setter B = Blocker V = Server D = Defender/Digger R = Shagger/Retriever T= Tosser A/B/C/D = To identify players in non-tactical drills = Movement of Players = Movement of Ball = Ball cart

  3. Short Court Warm-up Game Drills • Objectives: Provide game-like warm-up with focus on particular skills • Directions: Put all players on court in two groups. Coach slaps ball and tosses high free ball to one team. Player overhead passes to teammates. Use 10 ft line for back boundary of court Play to games to 5. Require 3 touches before ball goes over net. Player must touch service line after touching the ball. • To Rotate: No rotation. Players touch service line after touching the ball. • Keys: Only designated passes used • -Calling ball • -P Start Square to net in ready position • P square to ball as it moves around court so they are ready for a pass • Variations: • Designate only OH pass or only FA pass. • Score number of touches prior to a side out. • Use queen of Court approach w/ 3 P on a side • Allow players to initiate with a serve • Adjust size of court or number of players(e.g., behind 10” line to svc line) • Raise net for OH pass only games. P P P P C P P P P P

  4. Ball Movement Pass and Move Pairs Drill Player Movement • Objectives: To train FA or OH passing with movement. • Directions: Put players in two groups facing each other . P1 tosses to P2 who passes back to P1 and moves to end of P1 Line. P1 passes to P2 and moves to end of P2 line. Keep ball moving back and forth. • To Rotate: Rotate to end of opposite line after each pass. • Keys:Call ball, body behind ball, still platform, • Scoring:Use multiple groups and have groups perform consequence when ball hits the floor until last group allows ball to hit floor. • Variations: • Use OH passes rather than FA passes. • Use only two players and pass back and forth in pairs, eliminating movement. P3 P4 P P2 P P1 P P P2 P1

  5. Two Point Pass and Move Drill, • Objective: To strengthen movement and passing • Directions: • Divide team into groups of three or four players depending on size of team • Each T has a ball. P1 stands in middle between tossers and moves back and forth opposite the T. • As the P moves to one side, the tosser tosses ball straight ahead. • Passer moves to put body behind ball, passes ball back to T • As soon as P passes first ball, the other T tosses ball straight ahead. • Passer then shuffles to a point opposite other T and passes ball back to T. • P shuffles back and forth passing balls. • T attempt to catch ball in OH passing position. • Repeat 6x and rotate P2 to P1 (if four player groups, P>T1>T2 if 3 player groups) After each P has passed designated # of balls, switch T and P (4 player groups). • Variations • Basic: Passer catches the ball with arms locked and tosses back to T. • More difficult: P passes ball back to OTHER T. • Passer catches ball with arms locked and tosses to Setter P2 P2 P1 P1 T2 T1 T1 T2 T2 T1 P1

  6. 3 Passing Triangles w/ Net Drill (PTN) • Objectives: Provide game like reps for Passing and setting. • Directions: Divide team into groups of 3 or 4 players • Alternate T so that T2 is not on same side of net as T1 and T3. • Tosser tosses ball underhand over net to passer, who overhead passes or forearm passes to setter, who catches ball in OH pass position while square to N1 (X). • Setter bounce passes ball back to Tosser. handler. • To Rotate: P goes to S, S goes to T after specified # of passes or after every pass, or after unsuccessful pass. • Keys: touch base, first step to ball, body behind ball, face ball, still platform, tilt platform to tgt • Scoring: Score pt for every successful pass. Play game to specified # of pts • Variations: • Can vary height of toss to generate overhead passes or forearm passes. • T hits down ball or serves to P. • IF passing scores are good, add a hitter who catches ball and bounces ball to T. • If control a problem use only 2 tossers on same side • Use only 2 Tossers and add a 2nd passer (short) and alternate tosses to short and deep passer. . Rotation is SP to DP to S to T to P line.. • SPECIAL NOTE: Alternate sides for Passers. Middle passer (B) is on opposite side than 2 outside passers (A/C). See diagram • . T2 P P (B) (A) (C) S H S X S X P1 P T1 T3 P2 Ball Movement Player Movement

  7. Down Ball Hitting w/Net Drill Ball Movement Player Movement • Directions • Divide players into groups of 3-4. • Tosser sets to hitter who hits over net to R. • Retrievers shag hits, bounce passes to T and moves to hitting line line • Rotation: H>T>R or T>H>R>S • Watch for: • Snap over ball • Hit ball up by contacting below equator • Variations: • Can be done on the court or with just T and H facing the wall. • R self bumps the hit • Add a Setter (S) (see [A] and R passes to S • H OH passes ball to R • Make a coninuous drill by having S set back to R who hits ball to H wo passes to T who sets back to H R R R [A] S T T T H H H H H H

  8. Self Toss and Hit to Wall or Pairs Drill • Objectives: • Train hitters to hit with or without an approach • High Reps • Directions: • Spread players out facing wall or partner. Place targets on Wall to hit at. • H tosses a high set to self with hitting hand or with two hands. • Hitter shuffles/approaches and hits ball to tgt or to partner • Keys: • Hitter tosses with hitting hand to self set • Down Ball: • Both hands high • Shuffle to open to body to ball • Reach high • Snap wrist over ball. • 3 or 4 step Approach: • First step for direction • Leap with big 2nd step to land with both ft @ 45 degrees from net. • Lead with hip • High hitting elbow • Snap over ball • Scoring: • H scores point for good shuffle/good approach • H scores +1 for hit that partner can catch or is in target • Variations: • Hit down balls or jump balls with approach H H H H H H H R

  9. Cooperative Pass-Set Hit w/ Net Drill (PTN) • Notes: • P/H1 bowls/serves ball over net to P/H2, who overhead passes or forearm passes to S2, who sets back to P/H2 at 10’ line. • P/H2 hits ball to P/H1, who passes to S1. • S1 sets ball to P/H1 at 10’ line • P/H1 hits ball to P/H2 • Rotation: After 4 balls, Switch P and S. • SPECIAL NOTE: Hitter should hit down balls or push ball over net with OH pass or FA pass. Be sure set is to 10’ line to facilitate down ball. This is a cooperative exercise so players want to control ball over net. • . • Variations: • Basic: Have P catch the ball and toss to S who catches ball in OH passing position, and then sets P who catches ball in OH passing position and OH passes ball over net to other P. • More advanced: Initiate With serve rather than bowling the ball • Scoring: • Count number of successful touches. Group with most consecutive touches wins. P/H2 P/H2 S2 S2 S1 S1 P/H1 P/H1 Ball Movement Player Movement

  10. Pass and Chase Triangles Path of Player Path of Ball Objectives: Practice changing direction of ball with many reps in short period. Directions:Divide players into groups of 4 position players 8-10’ apart in triangle with 4th player behind 1st player(D behind A) • A assumes good setting or ready position facing B and checks self. • When position correct, A passes to B using a strong high pass with good follow through, and then moves to B. • B squares up to C before the ball arrives and catches the ball in a good setting position. • B checks position, makes corrections then passes ball high to C. • C catches, checks and passes to D, who has stepped into A position. Repeat. • When they progress to passing, have players keep track of # of consecutive passes without error. To Rotate: No rotation beyond movement around triangle. KEYS: OH Pass: Players square to tgt before ball arrives • Players check and correct before passing • Good follow-through and high (20’) passes. • FA Pass: P square to ball, minimize platform movement. Tilt platform to tgt. • KEEP BALL LOW BELOW HEAD HEIGHT Scoring: continue until a group lets ball bounce. They suffer consequences while other groups continue, until last group lets ball hit floor Variations: Use for OH or FA pass • Alternate type of pass • Eliminate movement and use 3 players per triangle B A C D D D A A C C B B

  11. Ball Movement Passing X Drill Player Movement • Objectives: To train FA or OH passing with movement. • Directions: Put players in groups of 8 as shown. P1 tosses to p2 who passes to P3 who passes to P4 . P move to opposite line after they pass. DO NOT follow ball. • To Rotate: No Rotation • Keys:Call ball, body behind ball, still platform, tilt platform to tgt • Scoring:Use multiple groups and have groups peerform consequence when ball hits the floor until last group allows ball to hit floor. • Variations: • Use OH passes rather than FA passes. • Use only four players per group and eliminate movement. P P3 P4 P P P2 P1 P

  12. Ball Movement Toss Pass Set X Drill Player Movement • Objectives: To train FA or OH passing with change in direction. • Directions: Put players in groups of 4 as shown. T tosses to P who FA passes to S who OH passes to R1, who bounce passes ball to R2, who puts ball in cart. • To Rotate: After touch P>R2>S>R1>P. NOTE: T does not move if C initiated, If P initiated then rotation is: • P>R2>T>S>R1>P • Keys: FA PASS: Call ball, body behind ball, still platform, tilt platform to tgt • OH PASS: Call ball, body behind ball, shuffle to set face tgt, left right push, full extension • Scoring:Use multiple groups and have groups perform consequence when ball hits the floor until last group allows ball to hit floor. • Variations: • Coach initiates as T and does not move • P initiates as T and rotates R1 S R2 P T

  13. Inside Outside Drill R=Shagger T=Tosser S=Setter P=Passer =Cart • Objective: To strengthen movement and passing • Directions: • Divide team into two groups: Passers (P) and T/S/R • Note this drill is designed for using 2 tossers and passers simultaneously to increase frequency of touches. • Passers touch hands at middle of court and shuffle to outside, maintaing good medium position. • Tosser tosses ball to outside edge of court. • Passers get body behind ball, pass ball to setter, dropping inside shoulder to ensure platform is to target. • Setter catches ball in setting position squared to X (or hitter if hitter added) and puts ball in cart. Passers go back and touch hands • Repeat 5x and rotate, P to S, S to Shagger (Sh), Sh to Passing line. • Variations • More basic: Passer lets ball go between legs and a shagger behind passer retrieves ball and bounces to setter. • More difficult: Increase distance fro passer and force passers to run through the ball • Passer catches ball with arms locked and tosses to Setter • Setter catches ball in FA pass or OH pass position • Have players move to opposite line after shagging so they get experience passing from both sides of court • Multi-skill: Add hitter and setter sets to hitter. • Coach initiated or player initiated. • If a large team add a ball handler to take ball from cart and hand to tosser Path of Player Path of Ball T S1 S2 T X R R P1 P2 P P

  14. OH Pass Catch Triangle Ball Movement Player Movement • Directions: A assumes good setting position facing B and checks self. When position correct, A passes to B using a strong high pass with good follow through. B squares up to C before the ball arrives and catches the ball in a good setting position. B checks position, makes corrections then passes ball high to C. C catches, checks and passes to A. Repeat. Once players are doing well you can have them stop catching the ball and just position and pass in rotation. When they progress to passing, have players keep track of # of consecutive passes without error. • Keys: • Players square to tgt before ball arrives • Players check and correct before passing • Good follow-through and high (20’) passes. B A C A A C C B B

  15. Ten Ball Reaction Drill R R Objective: Train players to react quickly to a variety of situations and to recover quickly to play next ball Directions: Coach stands at N5 with ball cart. P touches base at 6 and then C hits / tosses 10 balls in rapid succession, forcing player to move throughout the court Rest of groups shags balls and ensures that balls do not interfere with drill After ten balls change players. To rotate:After ten balls change players. Keys: P avoids arm swing when passing. Players recovers immediately after playing the ball. Scoring: P scores one point for every pass/dig back to C. Variations: Vary the tosses, make them more difficult for better players, but allow success. P R R R C R R

  16. Roller Ball Reaction Drill R R • Objective: • Train players to move quickly to get behind ball and to recover quickly to play next ball • Directions: • Coach stands at N5 with ball cart. • P touches base at 6 and then C rolls ball along the floor to various spots on the court in rapid succession, forcing the player to mover to a position behind the ball and to catch it with two hands and roll it back to coach. • Rest of groups shags balls and ensures that balls do not interfere with drill. • To rotate:After ten balls change players. • Keys: • P gets behind the rolling ball and stops it with two hands. • Players recovers immediately after playing the ball. • Scoring: • P scores one point for every ball they roll back to C. • Variations: • Vary the direction and speed of the balls to make them more difficult for better players, but allow success. • For better players, toss the balls and have players catch and return • Progress to Ten Ball Reaction Drill once players master this drill. P R R R C R R

  17. Toss-Pass-Set-Catch w/net Path of Player Path of Ball • Objectives: To train free ball and serve receive passing skills at controlled, rapid pace. FA pass or OH pass • Directions: • T underhand toss ball over net to passers at 1 or 5, who FA passes or OH passes to S, who sets ball to H, who approaches and catches ball and puts it in cart. • Keys: • Touch base, call ball • First step to ball • Body behind ball • Still Platform • Tilt platform to tgt • To Rotate: Rotate after specified number of passes or after every pass. Passer > S>H>Passer Line • Scoring: Create competition between lines by scoring pt for every successful pass to tgt. Play to specified total pts • Variations: • Player initiates as T, then H>T>Line • T hits down ball to P, T serves to P • Can vary height of toss to generate overhead passes or FA passes. • Each passer passes until S cannot catch ball in OH passing position (rewards success) • If passing scores and setting are good, have H hit the ball. P P P H S T

  18. Toss and Tip Drill • Objectives: • Train hitters in tipping ball with an approach • High Reps • Directions: • T sets a 5 or a 1 ball. • Hitter shuffles/approaches and tips ball to tgt • Keys: • Load non-hitting foot to start • First step for direction • Leap with big 2nd step to land with both ft @ 45 degrees from net. • Lead with hip • High hitting elbow • Reach up to maximum extension and tip ball with stiff fingers. • Rotation: H tips to tgt by R. self bumps tip, catches all and puts in Basket. R goes to end of hitting lin. H becomes R. • Scoring: • H scores point for good approach • H scores +1 for tip to Tgt sector • Variations: • T sets 1s or 9s • Coach initiates, or P initiates. • H chase tip and return to cart, Use a R to shag balls, or shag after cart is empty. H H H H T T R R R

  19. Self Toss and Hit Drill (w/net) • Objectives: • Train hitters in hitting with an approach and hitting a down ball or with an approach. • High Reps • Directions: • Divide into as groups so a maximum of 4 players hitting per court. • H tosses a high ball to self with hitting hand. • Hitter shuffles/approaches and hits ball to tgt • Keys: • Hitter tosses with hitting hand to self set • Down Ball: • Both hands high • Shuffle to open to body to ball • Reach high • Snap wrist over ball. • 3 or 4 step Approach: • First step for direction • Leap with big 2nd step to land with both ft @ 45 degrees from net. • Lead with hip • High hitting elbow • Snap over ball • Scoring: • H scores point for good approach • H scores +1 for hit to Sector 1 • Variations: • Transition to approach and jump hitting • Start at 10’ line and move back after every successful hit until jump serving behind svc line H1 H H R R1 R

  20. Back Row Attack Drill • Objectives: • Train back row hitters in hitting with an approach and hitting a down ball. • High Reps • Directions: • Divide group into teams of 3 players, a H, S and R. • H tosses to S. • Setter sets 3rd tempo set to 9-10 ft off net • H takes 3-4 step approach and jumps from behind 10 ft line. to Sector 1 • R shags ball to basket • After designated # of reps rotate S> H >R. • Keys: • Hitter reads setter to see if set will be for down ball (S beyond 10 ft line) or approach, setter < 10ft from net. • Down ball: • H points non-hittng hand at ball and cocks hitting arm with elbow high, opening body to ball. • H shuffles feet to ball • Approach: • H jumps behind 10 ft line. • Scoring: • H scores point for good approach • H scores +1 for hit to Sector 1 • Variations: • Use setter and have T toss ball to setter H1 H H S1 S S R R1 R

  21. Rapid Fire Toss-Set-Hit Drill • Objectives: • Train all players to set and to hit with an approach • High Reps • Directions: • Divide into groups so a maximum of 2 columns of players hitting per court. • T tosses a good lob to S who sets a 5 ball to H. • Hitter shuffles/approaches and hits ball to R • R seeks to catch/self pass ball in front of body • Keys: • S shuffles last step to ball with hands high, facing attack point. • H Loads non-hitting foot to start • First step for direction • Leap with big 2nd step to land with both ft @ 45 degrees from net. • Lead with hip • High hitting elbow • Snap over ball • Rotation: H hits to R and R shags hit, puts in Basket and goes to end of hitting lin. H becomes S. S becomes R. • Scoring: • H scores point for good approach • H scores +1 for hit to Tgt sector • R scores for contacting ball in front of body between hips and dknees. • Variations: • S sets 1s or 9s or Back Row attack • Coach initiates toss, or P initiates. • H chasse hit and return to cart, Use a R to catch / shag balls, or shag after cart is empty. • Add a single of Double blocker to drill. Then rotation is: H>S>B>R T H T H H H S S B R R R

  22. Down Ball Hitting Quads Drill Ball Movement • Objectives: Cooperative player initiated drill o train foot and arm movement for hitting down balls. Large # of touches. • Directions • Can be done on the court or facing the wall. • Players in groups of 4, 2 on each side of net, facing each other over across net. Hitter is behind 3m line. • Hitter tosses ball to setter who sets it back to hitter. • Hitter hits over net to P. P passes to R. • R attempts to catch pass in OH passing position, or shags pass. • Rotation: H >S>P>R>P line. Rotate after specified # of passes, after unsuccessful pass, after every pass. • Keys: Shuffle steps to ball. • Full arm extension, • Snap hand over ball. • Hit ball up by contacting below equator of ball. • Scoring: Groups compete against each other score pt for every successful pass. Total pts after every grop member hits. • Variations: • Eliminate passing and have P shag the hit or self bump the hit • IF too difficult, have setter toss ball to hitter. C initiate ball to hitter Player Movement P P P R R R T T T H H H H H H

  23. Ball Movement Blank Drill Template Player Movement Objectives: Directions: To Rotate: Keys: Scoring: Variations:

  24. Tactics Concepts VYI Spring 2011

  25. The CourtCourt Zones and Base Positions Legend: III = Zone 3 VI = Zone 6 MF=Middle Front RB=Right Back LB=Left Back S = Setter =Overlap at Serve = Serve Receive Coverage MF RF LF III IV II V VI I MB RB LB = Risk Zone

  26. 6-6 Offense • The 6-6 offense incorporates the setter in the front row, at a right front base position. Setters set from between net positions 6 and 7. As each player rotates to RF position, they become the setter. • Pros • Reduced setter movement required • Less complexity of sets and plays • Setters can see all the hitters • Accommodates weak passing • Enables Left Side and Middle Attacks on all rotations. • Teaches passers to pass right of center • Every player gets to hit and set Cons • Only 2 FR hitters • Hitters must work with multiple setters

  27. International 4-2 Offense • The modifies International 4-2 offense incorporates the setter in the front row, at a right front base position. Setters set from between net positions 6 and 7. • Pros • Reduced setter movement required • Less complexity of sets and plays • Setters can see all the hitters • Accommodates weak passing better than 6-2 or 5-1. • Enables Left Side and Middle Attacks on all rotations. • Improves setter relationship to hitters. • Eliminates need for hitters to switch sides. • Setter has more area to tip into that regular 4-2 (w/ setter middle front) • Teaches passers to pass right of center • Every player gets to hit LF on one rotation Cons • Only 2 FR hitters • Hitters must work with 2 setters. • Requires more accurate passing than regular 4-2.

  28. Defense Positions-Outside Attack (6-8ft) • Setter stays at net and handles tips, but is not intended to touch first ball • MF handles balls to middle in front of 10’ line • RF handles balls along net (3-4ft.) MB (3-4ft.) LB RB (15-20 ft) (15-20 ft) (3 ft) MF (4-6 ft) RF S H

  29. Defense Positions-Middle Attack (6-8ft) • Setter drops off net to 6-8’ and handles balls in front of 10’ line. • MF stays at net in front of hitter and handles tips, • RF drops of net to 6-8’ and handles balls inside 10’ line (3-4ft.) MB (3-4ft.) LB RB (15-20 ft) (15-20 ft) (4-6 ft) (4-6 ft) S RF MF H

  30. Defense Positions-Right Side Attack (6-8ft) • Setter drops off net 6’ and handles ball along net. • MF drops off net to 10’ line and handles balls inside 10’ line • RF stays at net in front of hitter and handles tips. (3-4ft.) MB (3-4ft.) LB RB (15-20 ft) (15-20 ft) (3 ft) MF (4-6 ft) S RF H

  31. Serve Receive 5 Person Coverage • Advantages: • Provides more players passing opportunities • Requires least movement. • Promotes communication • Disadvantages: • Players must communicate effectively by calling the ball to avoid collisions • A weak passer can be exploited by the server • Notes: • MF and LF should stand as close to a direct line between server and corner of the court as can be allowed without being out of rotation with the back row passers. Areas outside dotted lines are low percentage serves so players should not orient on them. • If ball goes deep, front row players should all turn and look for a pass. • All players should be in ready position squared to server. • MF/LF cover front 10’ of court, or balls they can reach if back row does not call ball.. • Back row players start 3’-4’ in from service line and creep forward when server begins toss. • Back row must call ball early to wave front row passer off. • If ball is served between players, the player who is moving toward the setter should take the ball. S RB MF MB S LB LF S=LF Defensive zone boundaries

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