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2D Design: AVT 667. Jean Wheeler Portfolio/Semester Review Fall 2011. MODE 1: Drawing From Observation. Teaching Drawing from Art Chapter 1 and 3 Key Points from both chapters ; 1) Worlds that our students make through their drawings
2D Design: AVT 667 Jean Wheeler Portfolio/Semester Review Fall 2011
MODE 1: Drawing From Observation Teaching Drawing from Art Chapter 1 and 3 Key Points from both chapters; 1) Worlds that our students make through their drawings 2) Reasons drawing should be taught in schools 3) We draw for different reasons 4) Elementary Schools=students should draw everyday Secondary School=Balance between various components of the art program 5) A good art class should be a mix of drawing, art history, art critical and studio art
MODE 1: Drawing From Observation Vanitas-in art, a genre of still-life painting that flourished in the Netherlands in the early 17th century. A vanitaspainting contains collections of objects symbolic of the inevitability of death and the transience and vanity of earthly achievements and pleasures; it exhorts the viewer to consider mortality and to repent.
MODE 1: Drawing From Observation Other Artists who are famous for Vanitas Still Life art: Audrey FlackGlennray Tutor
MODE 1: Drawing From Observation Visual Culture Vanitas Still Life
MODE 1: Drawing From Observation Visual Culture Vanitas Still Life For our first assignment we got together in groups and brought in objects that had meaning/importance to us and worked together to set up a Vanitas Still Life. At first, I had mixed feeling about the assignment in that it was going to be too much, but in the end, I really enjoyed it and I think my still life is one of my favorite pieces I did this semester.
MODE 1: Drawing From Observation Visual Culture Vanitas Still Life Final Drawing
MODE 1: Drawing From Observation Lesson Plan Popcorn Art- My Honors IV class does a project where I pop popcorn and they select 10 pieces and from that choose 5 that “represent” a animal, object, thing, etc. From their 5 they choose 3 and sketch the popcorn and the image it represents. Finally, they choose ONE sketch to draw as their Final Project.
MODE 2: Verbal to Visual Teaching Drawing from Art Chapter 13 Key Points from the Chapter 1) Drawing from words should be a central part of drawing programs for students of all ages. 2) Using verbal stimulus to create inspired art is key 3) Earl Barns (1892) did a major study on children and how they relate stories, poetry to drawing an art piece. 4) Marion Richards-created the concept of word pictures
MODE 2: Verbal to Visual Alfred Kubin
MODE 2: Verbal to Visual Where the Wild Things Are “ And an ocean tumbled by with a Private boat for Max and he sailed off Through night and day.”
MODE 2: Verbal to Visual For this project we had to select a story, poem or music lyrics: I selected the book, Where the Wild Things are. I selected the page that says, “And an ocean tumbled by with a Private boat for Max and he sailed off through night and day.”
MODE 2: Verbal to Visual Verbal to Visual Final Drawing
MODE 2: Verbal to Visual Lesson plan This Project is titled Art Synector and my Honors III do this project. I have a list of 100 words and they cut them out and place them in a bin and pull 10 words. From the 10 they have to choose 7 and create a cohesive art piece using their 7 words. For this project her words were: Portrait Destruction Freedom Chain Time Transparency Eyes
MODE 3: Drawing From Memory Teaching Drawing from Art Chapter 10 Key Points from the Chapter 1) The book: Drawing From Memory, was written by Madame Marie Elizabeth Cave 2) There are a variety of methods can help students memorize a work of art. 3) It’s important as an artist that you “store and call upon information”.
MODE 3: Drawing From Memory For this project we had to work from our memory. We had to first draw our self-portrait and pay VERY close attention to our features: eyes, lips, hair, etc. Then on a larger piece of paper, we had to draw, sketch, paint, etc our self-portraits 10+ times strictly from memory. This assignment was a great challenge in that I really dislike self-portraits!! Definition of Memory-the power or process of reproducing or recalling what has been learned and retained especially through associative mechanisms
MODE 3: Drawing From Memory Image used for Memory Drawing/Self-Portrait
MODE 3: Drawing From Memory Memory Drawing: Multiple self-portraits
MODE 3: Drawing From Memory Lesson Plan For this assignment, I had my AP students think about memories from their past and write them down. *They can be good or bad memories. Select 3 memories and come up with creative ways to illustrate them. They will then pick one sketch to turn into their Final Project. *This student selected her memory Of her fear of bugs and how her mom Killed them and in her art reversed the Roles of the bug and people.
MODE 4: Drawing From Imagination Vladimir Kush
MODE 4: Drawing From Imagination A Fantasy Myth Assignment Using a person in your life who exhibits a certain Idiosyncratic behavior, do research on fantasy creatures whose characteristics and traits either exemplifies or is opposite of your chosen person based on the description found on the site. I chose my husband: JOSH His qualities/traits: Always wears blue, VERY protective, caring, strong, twisted sense of humor, hunts
MODE 4: Drawing From Imagination Research of Fantasy Creatures * DROP BEARS(or drop bear) is a fictitious Australianmarsupial.[1] Drop bears are commonly said to be unusually large, vicious, carnivorouskoalas that inhabit treetops and attack their prey by dropping onto their heads from above.[2] They are an example of local lore intended to frighten and confuse outsiders and amuse locals, similar to the jack lope, hoop snake, wild haggis, or snipe hunt. *AKHLUTis a spirit that takes the form of both a wolf and an orca. It is a vicious, dangerous beast. Its tracks can be recognized because they are wolf tracks that lead to and from the ocean. Often, dogs seen walking to the ocean and/or into it are considered evil. Little is known of this spirit, other than that it changes from an orca to a wolf when hungry, not many myths relate to it.
MODE 4: Drawing From Imagination Drop BearsAkhlut
MODE 4: Drawing From Imagination Drawing From Imagination Final Drawing
MODE 4: Drawing From Imagination Lesson Plan For this project my Honors III had to select a Myth, Fairy Tale or fantasy creature and change it to make it their OWN version/design. * This student selected the story Of Romeo and Juliet and changed The characters from people To animals
MODE 5: Experimental Drawing Teaching Drawing from Art Chapter 4 Key Points from the Chapter 1) “Drawing is a symbol system that carries its traditions, but it also carries with it the seeds of its future.” 2) Battleship Potemkin (1925) a vivid and unforgettable images in cinema. 3) “Every work of art-every drawing, painting, sculpture, photograph-is potentially the source for dozens of drawing projects.”
MODE 5: Experimental Drawing Imagery I used for the Assignment: Combining famous paintings to create ONE image
MODE 5: Experimental Drawing Experimental Drawing Final Art Piece
MODE 5: Experimental Drawing Lesson Plan For this project my Studio II class had to find images in magazines, on-line, etc. The images have to be on large scale in that their image will make up at least ½ of their final art piece. They then have to crop the picture in some way and finish the other ½ of it in a particular art style: Surrealism, Impressionism, Fauvism, etc * This student selected Surrealism as her art style