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TAFE is an Indian tractor major incorporated in 1960 at Chennai. The third-largest tractor manufacturer in the world and the second largest in India by volumes, TAFE has been powering farms in over 100 countries, including developed countries in Europe and the Americas.<br>
MASSEY FERGUSONTRACTORS Massey Ferguson - a world-renowned premium brand offering a wide variety of tractors and farm machinery is an icon in itself and has been reshaping the agricultural landscape of the world since over a century now. Recognized for its experience, innovation and superior build quality, this eminent global tractor brand offers one of the most comprehensive and versatile range of agricultural and utility tractors in theindustry.
Our range of premium and technologically advanced Massey Ferguson brand of tractors serve every farmer and every new mechanization need. Crafted with the finesse of TAFE, the Massey Ferguson tractors are built to last. RANGE OFPRODUCTS
MF 26354WD • FoldableROPS • Extra heavy duty swingingDrawbar • Doble spoolvalve • Telescopicstabilizer • Seat withbelt • Front and rearweights
MF 7250DI • "J"bonnet • Bull gear and pinionreduction • Front "Z" typebumper • Adjustableseat • Push type clutch and brakepedals
MF 241 DI4WD • G4.1 4WDsxle • Ergonomically locatedcontrols • Fatique free push typepedals
MF 1035 DIDost • PushPedals • FrontBumper • Oil PipeKit • 7-Pin TrailerSocket • Transport LockValve
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Corporate@tafe.com • Our regional salesrepresentative • Your nearest authorized dealer /distributor CONTACTINFO ProductslistedonTAFE’sdigitalplatformsmaynotbeavailableincertain geographiesandmaybeenhancedordiscontinuedwithoutanypriornotice.