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Math & Billions. By Mateo C arvajales E duardo Puccini & A lexa S abagh. Introduction.
Math & Billions By Mateo Carvajales Eduardo Puccini & Alexa Sabagh
Introduction • Itegers are negative and possitivenumbersthatare usedin temperaturescales and thermometers. Theyexpresstemperatureswithreferencetozerodegrees. They are used in real lifewhenyou are diving, youneedtomeasurethedistancebelow sea levelorwhenyouhave a bankaccount and youwithdrawaloryouowemoneya veryspecial case thatyouwillneedthemiswithtemperature.
Instructions • Agroup of questionswill apear. Youwillneedtoanswerthemall. • Ifyougetonewrongyou lose thegame and youwillneedtostartitallagain. • Ifyou complete allthequestionscorrectyouwillwinthegame • You can alsohavehelpwithonewildcard. Thewilcardisthepublic´shelp.
objective • Ourobjectiveistomakekidsunderstand more negative and positive numbers in a creativeway so thattheywin more mathskillssolvingtheseproblems and alsoitistomakethemunderstandmuchbetterthetheme so they can solvethemeasilyfortheirfeature.
proposal • Weproposethatkidsdont stop learningmath. We can makeitbycreatingthisgamethatisgoingtomakethemlovethesetheme. Theywillwanttoplayitallday so theylearnsomething new but in a creativeway.
What are integers And what are they use for? • Integers are negative and possitivenumbersused in wordproblems, used in tempeture, etc. • B. Integers are regular numbersused in games. • C. Integers are operationswithoutanequalsign • D. Integers are operationswithequalsigns
Ricardo owes 345 dollarstothebank, forbirthdayhiscousinsgavehim 589.50 dollars. afterallthathowmuchmoneywill he haveleft? • 212.50 dollarsC. -434.50 dollars • -589.50 dollarsD. 335.50 dollars
:yesterdaymedellinthetemperaturewas19ºC at Switzerlandthetemperature was -18ºC.Switzerland´stempeturewentup 17ºC. isSwitzerland´stempeturehotterthanmedellin? Answerthebestoperationthatdiscribesthissituation -18 – 17 C. -18/17 -18 + 17 D. -18 x 17
I have 732 dollarsfrommybirthday. I needtopay 456 dollarsfromrent. Afteralldo i haveenoughmoneytobuy a pair of shoesfor 157 dollars? • No becauseshe has 123 dollarsleft. C. No becauseshe has 113 dollars. • Yes becauseshe has 276 dollarsleft. D. Yes becauseshehas 159 dollars.
Simonbolivarhad 146 soilders in histroop. In thewar he losthalf of them. Thegovernmentgavehimthedouble he hadbeforethewar. Howmanysoldiersdoessimonbolivarhave in histroop? • 143 soilders C. 129 soliders • 139 soilders D. 119 soilders
Leonardo has 156 trading cards. He lost 73 playingwith 5 friends. Hisfathergavehimthe triple he hadbeforeplayingwiththem. Shownbelowwith formula bestdiscribethisproblem?