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Estate Agents Chichester

Hampshire is one of the most up-and-coming parts of London and is now home to some of the biggest and most influential tech companies in the world. A growing number of people from across the globe have been attracted to well-appointed and luxurious flats in Hampshire.

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Estate Agents Chichester

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  1. WHATWEDO B U Y E R S , S E L L E R S , L A N D L O R D S & T E N A N T S . . . L O N D O N ~ S U R R E Y ~ S U S S E X ~ A M P S H I R E ~ K E N T ~ We'reonamissiontoconnectyouwiththebestproperty possible. Foundedin2014, Brookes-Harmer EstatesisaLocalandFriendly firmSelling, Letting, acquiring andinvestinginexclusive residentialandcommercial propertyinprimelocationsalong theSouthCoastofEnglandand Londononbehalfofprivate individuals, landlords, investors, familytrusts, developersand Privatelyowned, thefirmisledby LordJosephBrookes-Harmer, who isfullyhandsonandhasstarted andledtheCompanywiththeaim ofprovidingcontinuity, expertise andenthusiasmwhichhasmade Brookes-HarmerEstatesthe propertyfirmtochoosewithinthe RegionsofSurrey, Sussex, Kent, Londonandbeyond. corporations. isatestamenttotheskillsofthe businessthatBrookes-Harmer Estateshasbecomeapopularand definitechoiceforProperty ServicesintheSouthofEngland. Ourclientsincludeawidevariety ofIndividualsandCompanieswho trustBrookes-HarmerEstates implicitlytodeliveruponwhatwe Expectnothinglessthana1st Class, QualityandBespoke servicefrom Brookes-HarmerEstates. promise. Deliveredinahighlyprofessional, personalanddiscreetmanner, Brookes-HarmerEstatesprovides clientswithacomprehensive rangeofservices: C O N T A C TU S HattonGarden, London EC1N8JY OpenMonday-Sunday 09:30-18:00 [+44] 01243698427 Enquiries.bhestates@outlook.com

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