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Exploring Organizational Culture: Components, Types, and Impact

Understanding organizational culture, its components such as artifacts, stories, values, and assumptions, and the various types like fragmented, mercenary, networked, and communal cultures. Learn about strong cultures, culture maintenance, person-organization fit, and socialization processes within organizations to foster employee integration. Discover the effects of organizational culture on job performance, commitment, and productivity.

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Exploring Organizational Culture: Components, Types, and Impact

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  1. Organizational Culture 16

  2. Learning Goals • What is organizational culture, and what are its components? • What general and specific types can be used to describe an organization’s culture? • What makes a culture strong, and is it always good for an organization to have a strong culture? • How do organizations maintain their culture and how do they change it? • What is person–organization fit and how does it affect job performance and organizational commitment? • What steps can organizations take to make sure that newcomers will fit with their culture?

  3. Organizational Culture Organizational culture... • Shared social knowledge among members of the organization • Tells employees the rules, norms, and values within the organization • Shapes and reinforces certain employee attitudes and behaviors by creating a system of control over employees

  4. Culture Components Observable artifacts – manifestations of an organization’s culture that we can easily see or talk about • Symbols • Corporate logo • Images on the corporate website • Uniforms worn by employees • Physical structures • Buildings • Internal office designs • Language • Jargon, slang, and slogans

  5. Culture Components, cont’d Observable artifacts • Stories • Anecdotes, accounts, legends, and myths • Passed down from cohort to cohort within an organization • Rituals • Daily or weekly planned routines • Ceremonies • Formal events, usually performed in front of an audience of organizational members

  6. Culture Components, cont’d Espoused values • Beliefs, philosophies, and norms that a company explicitly states • Published documents • Verbal statements made to employees by managers

  7. Culture Components, cont’d Basic underlying assumptions • Taken-for-granted beliefs and philosophies • So ingrained that employees simply act on them rather than questioning the validity of their behavior

  8. Figure 16-1 The Three Components of Organizational Culture

  9. General Culture Types • Fragmented culture – employees are distant and disconnected from one another • Mercenary culture – employees think alike but are not friendly to one another • Networked culture – employees are friendly to one another and all think alike • Communal culture – employees are friendly to one another, but everyone thinks differently and does his or her own thing

  10. Figure 16-2 A Typology of Organizational Culture

  11. Figure 16-3 Specific Culture Types Customer service culture– focused on service quality

  12. Specific Culture Types • Safety culture– focused on the safety of employees • A positive safety culture has been shown to reduce accidents and increase safety-based citizenship behaviors • Diversity culture– focused on fostering or taking advantage of a diverse group of employees • Creativity culture – focused on fostering a creative atmosphere

  13. Table 16-2 Culture Strength Strong culture exists when • Employees definitively agree about the way things are supposed to happen within the organization (high consensus) • When their subsequent behaviors are consistent with those expectations (high intensity)

  14. Culture Strength, cont’d • Subculturesunite smaller subsets of the organization’s employees • Strong leader in one area of the company engenders different norms and values • Different divisions in a company act independently and create their own cultures • Counterculturesexistwhen a subcultures’ values do not match those of the organization

  15. Maintaining Organizational Culture Attraction-Selection-Attrition (ASA) framework • Potential employees will be attracted to organizations with cultures that match their own personalities • Some potential job applicants won’t apply due to a perceived lack of fit • Organizations will select candidates based on whether their personalities fit the culture, further weeding out potential “misfits” • Those people who still don’t fit will either be unhappy or ineffective when working in the organization

  16. Maintaining Organizational Culture, cont’d Socialization – primary process by which employees learn to understand and adapt to the organization’s culture • Anticipatory stage – happens prior to an employee’s first moment on the job • Encounter stage – begins the day an employee starts work • Reality shock – mismatch of information that occurs when an employee finds that working at a company is not what the employee expected it to be

  17. Maintaining Organizational Culture, cont’d • Understanding and adaptation – final stage of socialization • Newcomers come to learn the content areas of socialization • Internalize the norms and expected behaviors of the organization • The more quickly and effectively an employee is socialized, the sooner that employee becomes a productive worker within the organization

  18. Figure 16-5 Dimensions Addressed in Most Socialization Efforts

  19. Changing Organizational Culture • Changes in Leadership • New leaders bring their own ideas and values, and leaders are expected to be a driving force for change • Mergers and Acquisitions • Two companies with distinct cultures are merged to form a new culture

  20. How Important Is Organizational Culture? Person–organization fit– degree to which a person’s personality and values match the culture of an organization • Employees judge fit according to the values they prioritize the highest and whether the organization shares those values • When employees feel that their values and personality match those of the organization… • Experience higher levels of job satisfaction • Feel less stress about their day-to-day tasks • Feel higher levels of trust toward their managers

  21. Application: Managing Socialization Realistic job preview(RJP) – the process of ensuring that a potential employee understands both the positive and negative aspects of the potential job • One of the most inexpensive and effective ways of reducing early turnover among new employees • Occurs during the anticipatory stage of socialization during the recruitment process

  22. Managing Socialization, cont’d Newcomer orientation– a common form of training during which new hires to learn more about the organization • Effective way to start the socialization process • Effective transmitters of socialization content • Employees who complete orientation have higher levels of satisfaction, commitment, and performance

  23. Managing Socialization, cont’d Mentoring– process by which a junior-level employee (protégé) develops a deep and long-lasting relationship with a more senior-level employee (mentor) • Social knowledge, resources, and psychological support • Both at the beginning of employment and as the protégé continues his or her career with the company

  24. Table 16-4 Tactics Organizations Use to Socialize New Employees

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