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The challenge of green urbanism: Mid-sized cities & ecological modernisation

The challenge of green urbanism: Mid-sized cities & ecological modernisation. Dr Jason Byrne Griffith University School of Environment.

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The challenge of green urbanism: Mid-sized cities & ecological modernisation

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  1. The challenge of green urbanism:Mid-sized cities & ecological modernisation Dr Jason Byrne Griffith University School of Environment

  2. Manuel Castells observed in 2002 that: “Our blue planet is fast becoming a predominantly urban world. …For all the talk about the natural environment, it is the living conditions in cities…that determine the future of our livelihood. …Sustainable development is the code word for the most important debate of our time”.

  3. Over 50% of world’s people inhabit cities By 2070 this will be more like 75% Biggest cities in 19th & 20th century were Euro-American Biggest in 21st century: Asian, African & Latin-American megacities (e.g. Shanghai or Lagos) Growth will occur fastest in mid-sized cities Cities are complexly interconnected, yet highly socio-economically polarised Cities are where we find the largest environmental impacts but cities also promise for solutions Challenges of an urban world

  4. Urban environmental problems • Air, water & soil pollution • Socio-economic polarisation (environmental injustice) • Proliferation of culture of hyper consumption • Health: obesity epidemic & infectious diseases (SARS) • Housing shortages & traffic congestion • Sanitation problems (e.g. clean water) • Waste management problems (e.g. sewage, landfills) • Water scarcity & declining soil fertility • Peak oil & the end of cheap energy • Climate change impacts (storms, heat islands, flooding) • Rapidly declining biodiversity • Food scarcity and food contamination

  5. In short, our cities are vulnerable • We need to make cities more resilient • Resilience here refers to the ability to withstand environmental disruptions and to bounce back after a crisis (e.g. storm, flood, fire) with little or no damage to key infrastructure, social capital and life sustaining processes

  6. Fukoka Building Green Roof, Japan The Wild Project Green Roof, Canada Overview • Why mid-sized cities? • Green urbanism • Examples • Industrial ecology • Biomimicry • Metabolic cities • Australian initiatives • Relevance to Bologna and Forli? landscapeandurbanism.blogspot.com St. Etienne, France: Green transport www.inhabitat.com/ Currumbin Eco-Village, Australia

  7. Curitiba Why mid-sized cities?(500,000 – 3.5 million???) • All about scale • Greater share of urbanisation (30+%) • Smaller populations but still diverse • Less inertia in system • Easier to analyse • Potential for rapid response • Potential to diversify economy • Less disruption in retrofitting • Act as incubators • Realise benefits faster • Residents closer to nature • More attractive destinations (lifestyle) Portland

  8. Ecological cities Kaika and Swyngedouw (2000: 120) have recently reminded us that cities are: “mediators through which the perpetual process of transformation of natur[al] into [cultural] takes place. …The city is a space of flows, of flux, of translocation.”

  9. Green urbanism: metabolic cities • Regards previously disparate concerns as interconnected • Transport, housing, health, energy, environment, governance etc. all interact in concert with each other • Applies ecological sustainability principles • Recognises the metabolic character of cities • Seeks to close material & energy loops http://www.tuvie.com/wp-content/uploads/dragonfly-vertical-farm

  10. Bio-mimicry • Draws upon natural design cues • Uses natural materials • Seeks to emulate natural cycles • Examples include: • Aerodynamic public transport • Heat chimneys in buildings • Photosynthetic energy • Industrial ecology http://www.inhabitat.com Eastgate Centre in Zimbabwe

  11. http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1267/684784497_41c5685ab2.jpg Industrial ecology • Discourse / paradigm holding that economic growth and environmental harm can be decoupled • Waste material from one industry become the raw material input of another • Creates an industrial “ecosystem” • Economic mutualism not competition

  12. Analyses • Commodity flow analysis • Energy pathway analysis • Material flows analysis • Lifecycle assessment • Nutrient cycling • Home range analysis • (animal habitats) http://weburbanist.com/2007/12/11/8-great-green-roofs-a-brief-pictoral-history-of-green-roofs-and-roofing-systems-past-and-present/

  13. Long Term Ecological Research • Baltimore, Maryland & Phoenix, Arizona • Undertaking many of these analyses • Studying cities as ecosystems • http://www.lternet.edu/sites/bes/ • http://www.lternet.edu/sites/cap/

  14. Energy pathway analysis • Movement of energy through urban ecosystems • Impact of built environments on atmospheric energy • Urban albedos – reflection of solar energy • Heat island effects

  15. Material flows analysis • How materials flow or move through a system • e.g. movement of goods through an economy • movement of raw material through a city • movement of waste through sewers & drains • tracing how trees become paper then waste

  16. Nutrient cycling analysis • Tracing the flow of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium through landscapes • Determining the impact upon ecosystems • Examining the role of humans in this process

  17. Home range analysis Urban Habitats • Examining population dynamics • Studying animal-plant interactions • Identifying the foraging areas of animals • Considering human impacts • Mapping human-animal interactions

  18. Commodity flow analysis • Transportation • Trucks • Rail • Ships • Warehousing • Pipe networks • Retailing • Disposal • Re-use Analysis of truck movements through Los Angeles

  19. Lifecycle assessment • Examining the ‘cradle’ to ‘grave’ impacts of goods • Researching impacts of entire sourcing, manufacturing, use and disposal process • Developing lower impact goods • Biodegradable plastic • Recyclable carpet • Recyclable cars

  20. GE’s clean coal campaign Bad example – clean coal • Australia’s largest export is coal • New Australian government signed Kyoto Protocol (2007) • Committed to carbon-trading • Want to have our cake and eat it • Solution is clean coal technology • Geosequestration • Biosequestration • Emissions reduction though: • Energy & water efficiency • Dispersed generation • Does not solve the problem saferenvironment.wordpress.com/ www.pophistorydig.com/wp-content/uploads/2008.. http://www.treehugger.com/clean-coal-wars.jpg

  21. http://earth2tech.files.wordpress.com Newcastle, UK Good example: renewables • Solar power • Wind power • Biofuels & biogas • Geothermal • Tidal • Hydroelectricity • e.g. use sewage to generate electricity from methane digesters and algae farms San Francisco, USA http://solarshingles.blogspot.com/2008_03_01_archive.html www.futureenergyevents.com Arizona, USA China Maglev wind turbine:www.inhabitat.com/

  22. Other examples • Green buildings • Urban agriculture • Green schools & solar schools • Green transport • Solar & hydrogen busses • Water recycling & re-use • Water & energy efficiency • Stormwater harvesting • Biodiesel (from waste oil) Hydrogen bus - Perth Solar bus - Adelaide

  23. Planning mechanisms • State sustainability strategies (e.g. W.A.) • State of the environment reports (indicators) • Regional planning schemes • Climate change adaptation strategies • Sustainability-based local land use plans • Transit-oriented development & bicycle planning • Parks, green corridors, green roofs & city farms • Water sensitive urban design • Green building rating scheme • National ban on incandescent light-bulbs • Environmental levies & subsidies

  24. Australian Subsidies • Solar hot water system rebate (up to $4,000) • Photo-voltaic roof panel rebate / credit ($8,000) • Solar electricity feed-in tariff (44 c per kwh) • Roof insulation ($1,600) & energy monitors • Low-flow showerheads (free) & dual flush toilets • Free give-aways and heavily discounted CFB’s • Domestic rainwater tanks ($500 federal; $1000 state) • Water efficient washing machines ($200 - $300) • Worm farms ($50) • Native plant discounts & rebates (up to $100 p.a.) • Vehicle registration discounts for hybrid vehicles

  25. Gold Coast - Australia Gold Coast, Australia

  26. Gold Coast City Council • Carbon neutral by 2020 • Green power for municipal buildings • Switching to hybrid car & truck fleet • Solar heating of municipal swimming pools • Wastewater recycling & domestic re-use • Rainwater tank & washing machine subsidy • Four free street trees (per person / year) revegetation • Domestic kerbside recycling program • Investigating tidal energy • Target 52% of municipal area as eco-reserve

  27. Bologne & Forli? • Both cities have committed to sustainability • Compact urban forms • Pedestrian oriented • Public transportation • Plenty of sunshine (solar) • Potential to become European mid-sized city leaders • Potential for a network of collaborators • Potential for international partnerships with other mid-sized cities

  28. Questions?

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