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Luke Wolf Athletics & Activities Director 350-4160 wolf.luke@meridianschools.org meridianathletics.com. 2012-2013. SIC All-Academic: 126 (49 this fall) All Academic State Champs: Baseball 1 st Team All SIC: 6 2 nd Team All SIC: 6 All-State: 2 Collegiate Signees: 8

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  1. Luke WolfAthletics & Activities Director350-4160wolf.luke@meridianschools.orgmeridianathletics.com

  2. 2012-2013 • SIC All-Academic: 126 (49 this fall) • All Academic State Champs: Baseball • 1st Team All SIC: 6 • 2nd Team All SIC: 6 • All-State: 2 • Collegiate Signees: 8 • Individual State Champs: 3 • Dwain Stucker XC / Harley Dilulo Wrestling / Bryson Stout Track • Teams to State: 5 • Coach of the Year: 2 • Blue Collar Winners: Chris Carp / Chelsea Hawley • Moving Forward • The remodel • New dumb bells / more power racks • Painting of the Weight Room • West Gym: Crossfit • Kettle Bells • Changing off-season workouts

  3. The Foundation of Warrior Athletics • Positive rapport between coach/athlete • Accountability • Building a productive work ethic that transcends throughout life • Focus on only what we can control • Create positive, life-long memories

  4. Vision of MHS Athletes • Representation of the school: • Educationally / Athletically / Civilly • Intrinsically Motivated Young Men / Women • Never become complacent • Complacency = Mediocrity • Humbled heart • See the big picture • Be BLUE COLLAR

  5. Pay to Participate • $110 Before first game / match • If an athlete plays three school sponsored sports, the third fee is waived • Pay online: www.MySchoolFees.com(Fall) • Pay at Registration (Fall) • Pay Book Keeper (Winter/Spring) • Pay 7:30 – 4:00, Monday – Friday to our book keeper • PLEASE – talk to me

  6. Chain of Communication • Attend Practices • Talk to your son or daughter • Schedule a meeting with the Head Coach of the appropriate team and Program Head Coach • School AD • School AD & Principal • School AD, Principal and District Athletic Director

  7. Student-Athlete: Eligibility – 7 Things • IQ Form / Physical (Frosh/Jr.) / Impact Testing • Grades • Must pass at least 6 of 8 or 5 of 7 classes to be eligible for next semester/season • Weekly Grade Checks-Program enforces rules • Student-Athlete with a GPA below 2.0 will be placed on an academic plan (Intervention) • District “F Policy” for participation • Attendance • Must have 10 practices (days) before you can compete • Must attend ALL periods of the day to be eligible to compete that day • Ejection: Goes for Coaches and Players • On line class that any ejected coach, player must complete to become eligible for competition. • 1) IQ 2) Physical 3) Impact Testing 4) Academically Eligible 5) No F’s 6) 10 Practices 7) $110

  8. Warrior Athletes: Expectations • Be Meridian High Citizens • Know the situation • Know the consequences = 21 Days! • Social Networking: • Facebook / Twitter / Texting / Pinterest • SNAPCHAT / Vine • Images can be held against you • Avoid on-line fights: Everyone is 6’4 in front of a computer • What you post is a representation of your parents, school and team • Texting between Coach & Players: Practice and Games

  9. Warrior Athletes • Play more than one sport • Why? • First question a collegiate recruiter asks; What does his/her grades look like? • Second question: What other sports do they play • Playing more than sport makes you competitive in different avenues and you also are using new skill sets. • Be coached with different styles

  10. Warrior Parents • Concussions, Heat, Eligibility: www.nfhslearn.com • Schedules / IQ / Physical Forms: www.warriorathletics.com • Recruiting: • NCAA Eligibility Center: www.eligibilitycenter.org • Sophomore Year • Student Athlete can go on 5 official visits • First thing a collegiate coach checks on a recruit – Facebook page • ACT / SAT

  11. Ejection Policy • If ejected: Third District Board of Control Policy. Put into effect 2012-2013 school year • $100 fine to the program (Board of Control) • Removed from the next scheduled contest (IHSAA) • Represented as Data to the IHSAA, SIC, Commissioners Advisor Board (CAB), Board of Control, 5A Athletic Directors.

  12. Recruiting • NCAA Eligibility Center: www.eligibilitycenter.org • Sophomore Year • Student Athlete can go on 5 official visits • First thing a collegiate coach checks on a recruit – Facebook page • Divison I Athletes: • 16 Core Courses, Minimum 2.00, Corresponding ACT/SAT score on a ‘sliding scale’ (found in the NCAA recruiting guide). • English (4 yrs), Math (3 yrs), Science (2 yrs), Additional English, Math, Science (1 yr), Social Science (2 yrs), Additional courses from any area above, foreign language, non-doctrinal religion/philosophy) • Divison II: • 2.0, 14 core classes • Starting in the fall of 2013, DII Athletes will be held to the same standard as DI • 2016: DI minimum GPA will jump to 2.300 • NAIA: www.playnaia.org

  13. Financial Aid • FAFSA: www.fafsa.ed.gov • FastWeb – Scholarship and College Search www.fastweb.com • FinAid – student guide to financial aid www.finaid.org • Free Education Guide www.freeeducationguide.com

  14. House Bill 632 1. The revised bill does not require member school to have parents sign any document or form that they have reviewed or read the IHSAA Concussion Information Link . Some schools are requiring parents to sign a document or form that parents have reviewed the concussion information. This is an individual schools prerogative, and the IHSAA will support their decision to have parents sign off. 2. At the beginning of each sports season before an athlete participates in any organized practice or game, the athlete and the athlete's parent or guardian shall receive (from the member school) concussion guidelines, information, and were and how to access the IHSAA Concussion Information link. 3. On even number years 2012-13, 2014-15, etc., all coaches, athletic trainers, and officials, shall review the NFHS Concussion Course.4. It is imperative that all schools develop a written protocol once an athlete is suspected of sustaining a concussion or head injury and removed from play. The protocol shall include:a. return to play during the game b. return to play after the athletic has been diagnosed with a concussion5. All athletes, once diagnosed with a concussion must have a written medical release from a qualified health care professional before they return to play.6. "When in Doubt, Sit' em Out".The following link should direct you to the current concussion law: http://legislature.idaho.gov/idstat/Title33/T33CH16SECT3 (Ho3-1625.htm .

  15. Idaho Harassment Intimidation Bullying Policy (HIB) • TITLE 18 CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS: CHAPTER 9 ASSAULT AND BATTERY • 18-917A. Student harassment -- Intimidation -- Bullying. • (1) No student shall intentionally commit, or conspire to commit, an act of harassment, intimidation or bullying against another student. • (2) As used in this section, "harassment, intimidation or bullying" means any intentional gesture, or any intentional written, verbal or physical act or threat by a student that: • (a) A reasonable person under the circumstances should know will have the effect of: • (i) Harming a student; or • (ii) Damaging a student's property; or • (iii) Placing a student in reasonable fear of harm to his or her person; or • (iv) Placing a student in reasonable fear of damage to his or her property; or • (b) Is sufficiently severe, persistent or pervasive that it creates an intimidating, threatening or abusive educational environment for a student. • An act of harassment, intimidation or bullying may also be committed through the use of a land line, car phone or wireless telephone or through the use of data or computer software that is accessed through a computer, computer system, or computer network. (3) A student who personally violates any provision of this section may be guilty of an infraction - District Policy 502.9

  16. Closing Thoughts • Luke Wolf: 350-4160 • wolf.luke@meridianschools.org • Celebrate rarely, grind it out daily • Pride in who we are, where we come from, and what we do.

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