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Dr. Mathias (Mat) Disney UCL Geography Office: 113, Pearson Building Tel: 7670 0592

2009-10 CEGEG046 / GEOG3051 Principles & Practice of Remote Sensing (PPRS) 6: ground segment, pre-processing & scanning. Dr. Mathias (Mat) Disney UCL Geography Office: 113, Pearson Building Tel: 7670 0592 Email: mdisney@ucl.geog.ac.uk www.geog.ucl.ac.uk/~mdisney. Recap. Last week

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Dr. Mathias (Mat) Disney UCL Geography Office: 113, Pearson Building Tel: 7670 0592

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  1. 2009-10 CEGEG046 / GEOG3051Principles & Practice of Remote Sensing (PPRS) 6: ground segment, pre-processing & scanning Dr. Mathias (Mat) Disney UCL Geography Office: 113, Pearson Building Tel: 7670 0592 Email: mdisney@ucl.geog.ac.uk www.geog.ucl.ac.uk/~mdisney

  2. Recap • Last week • orbits and swaths • Temporal & angular sampling/resolution + radiometric resolution • This week • data size, storage & transmission • pre-processing stages (transform raw data to “products”) • sensor scanning mechanisms

  3. nColumns nColumns (0,0) (0,0) nBands nBands nRows nRows (r,c) (r,c) Time Data volume? • Size of digital image data easy (ish) to calculate • size = (nRows * nColumns * nBands * nBitsPerPixel) bits • in bytes = size / nBitsPerByte • typical file has header information (giving rows, cols, bands, date etc.)

  4. Aside • Several ways to arrange data in binary image file • Band sequential (BSQ) • Band interleaved by line (BIL) • Band interleaved by pixel (BIP) From http://www.profc.udec.cl/~gabriel/tutoriales/rsnote/cp6/cp6-4.htm

  5. Data volume: examples • Landsat ETM+ image? Bands 1-5, 7 (vis/NIR) • size of raw binary data (no header info) in bytes? • 6000 rows (or lines) * 6600 cols (or samples) * 6 bands * 1 byte per pixel = 237600000 bytes ~ 237MB • actually 226.59 MB as 1 MB  1x106 bytes, 1MB actually 220 bytes = 1048576 bytes • see http://www.matisse.net/mcgi-bin/bits.cgi • Landsat 7 has 375GB on-board storage (~1500 images) Details from http://ltpwww.gsfc.nasa.gov/IAS/handbook/handbook_htmls/chapter6/chapter6.htm

  6. Data volume: examples • MODIS reflectance 500m tile (not raw swath....)? • 2400 rows (or lines) * 2400 cols (or samples) * 7 bands * 2 bytes per pixel (i.e. 16-bit data) = 80640000 bytes = 77MB • Actual file also contains 1 32-bit QC (quality control) band & 2 8-bit bands containing other info. • BUT 44 MODIS products, raw radiance in 36 bands at 250m • Roughly 4800 * 4800 * 36 * 2 ~ 1.6GB per tile, so 100s GB data volume per day! Details from http://edcdaac.usgs.gov/modis/mod09a1.asp and http://edcdaac.usgs.gov/modis/mod09ghk.asp

  7. Transmission, storage and processing • Ground segment • receiving stations capture digital data transmitted by satellite • A: direct if Ground Receiving Station (GRS) visible • B: storage on board for later transmission • C: broadcast to another satellite (typically geostationary telecomms) known as Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS) From http://www.ccrs.nrcan.gc.ca/ccrs/learn/tutorials/fundam/chapter2/chapter2_15_e.html

  8. Transmission, storage and processing • Ground receiving station • dish to receive raw data (typically broadcast in wave) • data storage and archiving facilities • possibly processing occurs at station (maybe later) • dissemination to end users From http://www.ccrs.nrcan.gc.ca/ccrs/learn/tutorials/fundam/chapter2/chapter2_15_e.html

  9. Transmission, storage and processing • Ground receiving station, Kiruna, Sweden From http://www.esa.int/SPECIALS/ESOC/SEMZEEW4QWD_1.html#subhead1

  10. Transmission, storage and processing • Scale? • can be very small-scale these days • dish or aerial for METEOSAT-type data • desktop PC and some disk space

  11. E.g. MODIS direct broadcast (DB) • MODIS DB • ideal for smaller organisations, developing nations etc. • Only need 3m dish and some hardware • Pre-processing stage can be VERY complex! • Before you let users loose.... From http://daac.gsfc.nasa.gov/DAAC_DOCS/direct_broadcast/

  12. (Pre)Processing chain • Task of turning raw top-of-atmosphere (TOA) radiance values (raw DN) into useful information • geophysical variables, products etc. DERIVED from radiance • Can be very complex, time- (and space) consuming • BUT pre-processing determines quality of final products • e.g. reflectance, albedo, surface temperature, NDVI, leaf area index (LAI), suspended organic matter (SOM) content etc. etc. • typically require ancillary information, models etc. • combined into algorithm for turning raw data into information

  13. (Pre?) Processing chain • Typically: • radiometric calibration • radiometric correction • atmospheric correction • geometric correction/registration

  14. DNout DNin Radiometric calibration • Account for sensor response • cannot assume sensor response is linear • account for non-linearities via pre-launch and/or in-orbit calibration • On-board black body (A/ATSR), stable targets (AVHRR), inter-sensor comparisons etc.

  15. Processing chain • Typically: • radiometric calibration • radiometric correction • atmospheric correction • geometric correction/registration

  16. CHRIS-PROBA image over Harwood Forest, Northumberland, UK, 9/5/2004 Radiometric correction • Remove radiometric artifacts • dropped lines • detectors in CCD may have failed • fix by interpolating DNs either side? • Automate? • Topographic effects? See http://www.chris-proba.org.uk

  17. Radiometric correction • Remove radiometric artifacts • striping • deterioration of detectors with time (& non-linearities) • Filter in Fourier domain to remove periodic striping From http://visibleearth.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/viewrecord?7386

  18. Fourier domain filtering • Filter periodic noise/aretfacts Fourier transform (to freq. domain) Convolve with Fourier domain filter Apply inverse FT From http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/rbf/HIPR2/freqfilt.htm

  19. Processing chain • Typically: • radiometric calibration • radiometric correction • atmospheric correction • geometric correction/registration

  20. R R 2 1 target target R 4 R 3 target target Remember? Interactions with the atmosphere • Notice that target reflectance is a function of • Atmospheric irradiance (path radiance: R1) • Reflectance outside target scattered into path (R2) • Diffuse atmospheric irradiance (scattered onto target: R3) • Multiple-scattered surface-atmosphere interactions (R4) From: http://www.geog.ucl.ac.uk/~mdisney/phd.bak/final_version/final_pdf/chapter2a.pdf

  21. Atmospheric correction: simple • So....need to remove impact of atmosphere on signal i.e. turn raw TOA DN into at-ground reflectance • Simple methods? • Convert DN to apparent radiance Lapp – sensor dynamic range • Convert Lapp to apparent reflectance (knowing response of sensor) • Convert to intrinsic surface property - at-ground reflectance in this case, by accounting for atmosphere

  22. Radiance, L Offset assumed to be atmospheric path radiance (plus dark current signal) Regression line L = G*DN + O (+) DN Target DN values Atmospheric correction: simple • Simple methods • e.g. empirical line correction (ELC) method • Use target of “known”, low and high reflectance targets in one channel e.g. non-turbid water & desert, or dense dark vegetation & snow • Assuming linear detector response, radiance, L = gain * DN + offset • e.g. L = DN(Lmax - Lmin)/255 + Lmin Lmax Lmin

  23. Atmospheric correction: simple • Drawbacks • require assumptions of: • Lambertian surface (ignore angular effects) • Large, homogeneous area (ignore adjacency effects) • Stability (ignore temporal effects) • Also, per-band not per pixel so assumes • atmospheric effects invariant across image • illumination invariant across image • ok for narrow swath (e.g. airborne) but no good for wide swath

  24. Haze due to scan angle of instruments Airborne Thematic Mapper (ATM) data over Harwood Forest, Northumberland, UK, 13/7/2003 Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager (CASI) data over Harwood Forest, Northumberland, UK, 13/7/2003 Example: airborne data See: http://www.nerc.ac.uk/arsf

  25. Atmospheric correction: complex • Atmospheric radiative transfer modelling • use detailed scattering models of atmosphere including gas and aerosols • Second Simulation of Satellite Signal in Solar Spectrum (6s) Vermote et al. (1997) • MODTRAN/LOWTRAN (Berk et al. 1998) • SMAC Rahman and Dedieu (1994) • FLAASH, ACORN, ATREM etc. http://www-loa.univ-lille1.fr/Msixs/msixs_gb.html http://geosci.uchicago.edu/~archer/cgimodels/radiation.html

  26. Atmospheric correction: complex • 6S radiative transfer model: calculate upward and downward direct and diffuse fluxes Direct + diffuse reflectance from target (we want) + surroundings  Transmitted,  Direct & diffuse from sun  Path radiance,  TOA reflectance,  i.e. what we measure Diffuse (mscatt) between ground and atmos  ρ* (θs, θv, Δϕ) = Top-of-atmosphere spectral reflectance, as a function of view and sun zenith θs,v and relative azimuth, Δϕ; tg = total gaseous transmission i.e. solar radiation to surface, then escaping on the way up; ρa= atmospheric reflectance, function of molecular aerosols optical properties; τ = atmos. optical depth (e-t/μs and e-t/μv = direct transmittance in sun & view directions, where μs, μv are cos(θs) and cos(θv) respectively; td(θs), td(θv) = diffuse transmittance in sun & view directions; ρc= reflectance of target (what we want); ρe = reflectance of surrounding area; S = spherical (direct + diffuse) albedo of the atmosphere i.e. 1-ρeS accounts for multiple scattering between ground (outside target) and atmosphere…..

  27. Atmospheric correction: complex • Radiative transfer models such as 6S require: • Geometrical conditions (view/illum. angles) • Atmospheric model for gaseous components (Rayleigh scattering) • H2O, O3, aerosol optical depth,  (opacity) • Aerosol model (type and concentration) (Mie scattering) • Dust, soot, salt etc. • Spectral condition • bands and bandwidths • Ground reflectance (type and spectral variation) • surface BRDF (default is to assume Lambertian….) • If no info. use default values (Standard Atmosphere) From: http://www.geog.ucl.ac.uk/~mdisney/phd.bak/final_version/final_pdf/chapter2a.pdf

  28. Atmospheric correction • Can measure  from ground and/or use multi-angle viewing to obtain different path lengths through atmos e.g. MISR, CHRIS • infer optical depth and path radiance AND aerosols • so use data themselves to infer atmos. scattering From:http://visibleearth.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/viewrecord?129

  29. Atmospheric correction: summary • Convert TOA radiance to at-ground reflectance • VERY important to get right (can totally dominate signal) • Simple methods • e.g. ELC but rough and ready and require many assumptions • Complex methods • e.g. 6S but require much ancillary assumptions • BUT can use multi-angle measurements to correct • i.e. treat atmosphere as PART of surface parameter retrieval problem • different view angles give different PATH LENGTH

  30. Processing chain • Typically: • radiometric calibration • radiometric correction • atmospheric correction • geometric correction/registration

  31. Geometric correction • Account for distortion in image due to motion of platform and scanner mechanism • Particular problem for airborne data: distortion due to roll, pitch, yaw From:http://liftoff.msfc.nasa.gov/academy/rocket_sci/shuttle/attitude/pyr.html

  32. Geometric correction • Airborne data over Barton Bendish, Norfolk, 1997 • Resample using ground control points • various warping and resampling methods • nearest neighbour, bilinear or bicubic interpolation.... • Resample to new grid (map)

  33. Corrected to sza = 45° vza = 0 ° AVHRR bands 1 & 2 uncorrected BRDF effects? • Multi-temporal observations have varying sun/view angles • To compare images from different dates, need same view/illum. conditions i.e. account for BRDF effects • fit BRDF model & use to normalise reflectance e.g. to nadir view/illum. • e.g. MODIS NBAR nadir BRDF-adjusted reflectance (http://geography.bu.edu/brdf/userguide/nbar.html) From:http://www.ccrs.nrcan.gc.ca/ccrs/rd/apps/landcov/corr/brdf_e.html

  34. Movable sensor head: alter view zen. angle Azimuthal rail: alter view azimuth angle BRDF effects? • Field measurements of BRDF: goniometer e.g. European Goniometric Facility (EGO) at JRC, & FIGO in CH • http://www.geo.unizh.ch/rsl/research/SpectroLab/goniometry/index.shtml ASIDE: Chapter (12) in Liang (2004) book on validation, sampling; Also Jensen chapter (11)

  35. Pre-processing: summary • Convert raw DN to useful information • calibrate instrument response and remove radiometric blunders • remove atmospheric effects • remove BRDF effects? • resample onto grid • Results in more fundamental property e.g. surface reflectance, emissivity etc. • NOW apply scientific algorithm to convert reflectance to LAI, fAPAR, albedo, ocean colour etc. etc. etc.

  36. Sensor scanning characteristics • Range of scanning mechanisms to build up images • Different applications, different image characteristics and pros/cons for each type • scanning mechanisms: electromechanical • discrete detectors • whiskbroom scanners • pushbroom scanners • digital frame cameras

  37. Separate bands Lens Scan mirror Sensor path Dichroic mirrors Discrete detectors • Mirror can rotate or scan • individual detectors record signal in different bands • How do we split signal into separate bands? • Dichroic mirror or prism Adapted from Jensen, 2000, p. 184

  38. Dichroic lens/prism Sensor motion Scanning mechanisms: across track • 3 main types of electromechanical (detectors, optics plus mechanical scanning) mechanisms • across track or “whiskbroom” scanner (mechanical) • linear detectors array (electronic) • beam splitter / dichroic / prism / filters splits incoming signal into separate wavelength regions From Jensen, J. (2000) Remote sensing: and Earth resource perspective, p. 184

  39. IFOV sweeps surface Scanning mechanisms: across track • Whiskbroom scanner • Mirror either rotates fully, or oscillates • Oscillation can have delays at either end of scan (vibration?) • Restricted “dwell time” requires tradeoff with no. of bands to give acceptable SNR • motion of platform and mirror causes image distortion • Diameter of IFOV on surface  H • H = flying height;  = nominal angular IFOV in radians • e.g. For 2.5 mrad IFOV, H = 3000m, D = 2.5x10-3x3000 = 7.5m • Typically .5 to 5 mrad - tradeoff of spatial resolution v SNR Adapted from Lillesand, Kiefer and Chipman, 2004 p. 332 Examples: Landsat MSS, TM and ETM, AVHRR, (MODIS) See Jensen Chapter 7

  40. Sensor motion Sensor motion Scanning mechanisms: along track • Pushbroom scanner • pixels recorded line by line, using forward motion of sensor • less distortion across track but overlap to avoid gaps • No moving parts so less to go wrong and longer “dwell time” • BUT needs v. good calibration to avoid striping • Ground-sampled distance (GSD) in x-track direction fixed by CCD element size • GSD along-track fixed by detector sampling interval (T) used for AD conversion Examples: SPOT HRVIR and Vegetation, MISR, IKONOS, QuickBird See Jensen Chapter 7 From: http://ceos.cnes.fr:8100/cdrom/ceos1/irsd/pages/datacq4.htm & J. Jensen (2000)

  41. Sensor motion Scanning mechanisms • Central perspective / digital frame camera area arrays • Multitple CCD arrays • Silicon (vis/NIR), HgCdTe (SWIR/LWIR)? • Similar image distortion to film camera • distortion increases radially away from focal point From: http://ceos.cnes.fr:8100/cdrom/ceos1/irsd/pages/datacq4.htm & Jensen (2000)

  42. Aside: CCD • Charge Couple Device From http://www.na.astro.it/datoz-bin/corsi?l1a

  43. Aside: CCD • Photons arrive (through optics and filters) and generate free electrons in CCD elements (few x106 on a CCD) • More photons == more electrons collected • Charge coupling: CCD design allows all packets of charged electrons to be moved one row at a time by varying voltage of adjacent rows across CCD - cascade effect • i.e. Count is done at one point (lower corner) – so delay due to read time • http://electronics.howstuffworks.com/digital-camera2.htm • http://www.oceanoptics.com/Products/howccddetectorworks.asp

  44. Aside: CCD • Si (Silicon) CCD • vis/NIR up to ~ 1.1m • InGaAs (Indium Gallium Arsenide) • IR (~0.9 - 1.6 m) • InSb (Indium Antimonide) • mid-IR ~3.5 - 4m • HgCdTe (Mercury Cadmium Telluride) • IR (~10 - 12 m)

  45. Summary • Ground receiving • transfer data from sensor to ground station (storage v. transmission?) • can be small-scale these days e.g. MSG, MODIS DB etc. • Pre-processing chain • atmospheric, geometric correction, radiometric correction and calibration • can obtain raw data (level 0 product), some pre-processing (level 1) or fully processed to reflectance, radiance etc. (level 1b/2/3 etc.) • then REAL work begins! • Scanning mechanisms • various depending on application • have pros/cons - usual tradeoff of reliability, spatial res. V SNR and geometric distortions (see Lillesand, Kiefer, Chipman section 5.9) • Reading • Rahman and Dedieu (1994); Vermote et al. (1997)

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