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This proposal explores the implementation of AERONET in the UAE, providing accurate and continuous measurements of aerosol optical properties and intercomparing retrievals with in situ measurements. It aims to validate satellite aerosol retrievals, characterize aerosol properties, and provide mesoscale observations during regional field campaigns.
AERONET-Proposed ground-based RS Aerosol Measurements for UAE Brent Holben, 1 Tom Eck,1,2 Alexander Smirnov2, Oleg Dubovik2 1NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Directorate of Earth Sciences 2Goddard Earth Sciences and Technological Center (GESTC)University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) Outline • Overview of the AERONET program • AERONET Products and analysis • Proposed AERONET sites • Requested In-country support • Summary of Proposed AERONET Measurements for UAE http://aeronet.gsfc.nasa.gov More information —>
AERONET: A Federation of International Collaborators • Research & Operations • Program of long term measurements for aerosol research and environmental assessment • Homepage access http://aeronet.gsfc.nasa.gov/ • Project Objectives • Validation of Satellite Aerosol Retrievals • Characterization of aerosol optical properties • Synergism with Satellite obs., Climate Models • Provide mesoscale observations during regional field campaigns
Characteristics of AERONET sun and sky scanning Radiometer Flux measurements Direct - l=340, 380, 440, 500, 670, 870, 940, 1020 nm Diffuse - l=440, 670, 870, 1020 nm (alm, pp, pol) • Holben et al. RSE, 1998 • Holben et al. JGR, 2001 • Eck et al. JGR, 1999 • Smirnov et al. JGR, 2000 • Dubovik & King JGR, 2000 • Dubovik et al. JGR 2000 Calibration and processing information Aerosol optical depth and precipitable water computations Cloud screening and quality control Inversion products Volume size distribution (0.05<R<15 mm), refractive index, single scattering albedo (l=440, 670, 870, 1020 nm)
AERONET Products Precipitable Water (15 min) Aerosol Optical Depth (15 min) AOD Climatology Size Distributions Single Scattering Albedo
AERONET global comparison: Properties from four Generic types
Proposed AERONET Distribution Current Sites Proposed sites MAARCO site
AERONET requested Support • Authorization for new sites • Logistical support to establish sites • Technical and logistical assistance to maintain sites • All AERONET data and products will be available in near real-time through the internet • http://aeronet.gsfc.nasa.gov
AERONET Measurement Objectives for UAE • Measure accurately and continuously the column integrated mesoscale aerosol optical properties • Measure, for the first time, UV through Infrared sky radiance for retrievals of particle size distribution, single scattering albedo and complex index of refraction • Measure for the first time ocean leaving radiance for dust aerosol with the SeaPRISM. • Intercompare CAR/AERONET/AATS retrievals of aerosol properties to simultaneous retrievals of in situ microphysics measurements from MAARCO and Aerocommander platforms • Validation and comparison: • MPL (vertical distribution of aerosol) • SeaPRISM (water leaving radiance) • MODIS/TOMS/SeaWiFS