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SIS India is the best boarding school in Mumbai, India for your child. Singapore International School and the delegates of SISMUN 2014 were graced by the presence of the esteemed guest Anil Kapoor.
THE SISMUN CHRONICLES Website: www.sisindia.net The School's Favorite Newspaper Since: 2010 SISMUN 2014 SUCCESS STORY Singapore International School and the delegates of SISMUN 2014 were graced by the presence of the esteemed guest Anil Kapoor. A famous name not only in Bollywood but also across the globe, this star needs no introduction. The Head of school, Mrs. SharoneeMullick, in front of an extremely excited audience filled with'jhakaas'fans felicitated him and welcomed him to SISMUN 2014. Mr. Anil Kapoor shared his life experience, his early days in the film industry and spoke about the importance of education and resilience. On questioning Mr. Kapoor on the importance of the film industry as a platform for raising social awareness, he stated, “Today, films have a greater reach and a wider audience than ever before, this has created a platform so very vital for the promotion of social Causes. Globalization has made the world smaller; today what happens in South Africa has an impact on Philippines. Internationalism and globalization have instilled a conscious within every individual to be the best they can not only for themselves but also for the greater good.” The delegates were very grateful for the privilege of having an experienced and intellectual person a conducting an interactive session with them. After two days of fun-Mun and healthy debate, SISMUN 2014 came to an even exciting end. The chief guests, Mr. Tushar Gandhi; the great grandson of Mahatma Gandhi and (Dr.) Father FazerMascarenhas, principal of St. Xavier's Collage Mumbai, honored Singapore international school and the delegates of SISMUN 2014 with their esteemed presence. While Mr. Gandhi shared with us some of the lesser-known but extremely inspiring stories of The Mahatma and the importance of 'servants ' and not just 'leaders', Father Frazer spoke about some immensely important qualities of a successful person such as compassion and commitment. Another highly experienced theater persona, and an important advisor to the several agencies of United Nations; Mr. Pranab Mukherjee gave a speech on the true meaning and significance of MUNing. It was truly a privilege to have these highly experienced guests at SISMUN 2014.
A Singapore International School student, Karl Anish Louis gave an excellent start to the closing experience by giving a mesmerizing performance. He played the guitar on the song 'clarity'. Following this, several students performed a dance fusion of contemporary, semi-classical and jazz on the song 'Skyfall' by Adele. And, finally the much awaited award ceremony began! The esteemed chief guests awarded delegates for their active participation and contribution. Awards were presented for the following categories: Best Delegate, Outstanding Delegate, and Honorable Mention for each committee. The Photojournalism journalism contest consisting of photo-essays and videos, which was judged by Mr. Raj Kumar Hirani, had awards for the following categories: under 16 and under 18. Finally, the most awaited awards of SISMUN 2014, the largest delegation, most outstanding delegation and the best delegation award where given out to S.M. Shetty International School, DhirubhaiAmbani International School and Singapore International School respectively. At this high note, SISMUN 2014 came to an end!
UNGA United Nations General Assembly World Water Resources Exploited Full Membership of Palestine & Somaliland Questioned The committee comparatively progressed much vigorously today. It continued to confront the issue of the corporate takeover of the world's water resources.The delegates came up with intelligent ideas, such as, the formation of a UN affiliated body to keep a check on other corporate bodies. However, the committee soon had to deal with the sudden crisis that needed urgent action. The crisis stated that the Prime minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, got kidnapped by an ambush attack on his convey travelling to Jerusalem. The leader of Hamas stated that if Palestinian rights were not given, the future for the Zionists would be bleak. Many delegates such as the delegates of Israel, Palestine and Germany came up with brilliant solutions for the crisis. While a few came up with hilarious suggestions! Despite the crisis, the delegate of Israel very confidently said, “We didn't bow down to them (Palestine) before, we won't bow down to them today”. This interesting statement triggered intense debate in the committee. Another witty statement made by the delegate of Palestine, that further fuelled debate in the committee was, "We will help Israel free their Prime Minister only if they agree to the terms and conditions that we put forth considering their breach of international law due to capturing of the Gaza script , the west back and east Jerusalem". After a short heated discussion, the delegate of Germany challenged the delegate of Palestine resulting in a very humorous and witty debate. On the question of the full membership of Palestine as a member state, the delegate of Palestine said, "We've been denied the basic rights of existence from all Israelis around the world. They also demanded a road that cuts through Palestine in order to protect Israeli safeguards. Our land has been completely taken away" To this, the delegate of Germany replied, "You'll never had a nation then why do you'll claim land?" The delegate of Palestine then mocked the delegate of Germany when he said, "We belong in that territory. The Israelis have no justification of being a territory except for a 2000 year old rock that probably got destroyed and doesn't even exist."
This was followed up by another humorous statement, "The UN recognizes Israel as a nation and it doesn't recognize you (Palestine)." This back and forth between the two delegates continued until the time for the challenge elapsed. All this heated discussion resulted in the UNGA being a very lively, funny and witty committee. There was definitely a distinct improvement in the committee today. - RoshnitBhumra UNU United Nations University Franchising Of Simulated UN procedures to profit making agencies The first session of the UNU started off on a good note with the introduction and passing of two motions. Despite a few absentees, the session went very smoothly and many delegates stood up to speak without any reluctance. The committee introduced a crisis that the Republic of Korea was invading the South China Sea, which belongs to Japan. The delegate of Japan stated that if the Republic of Korea argues with Japan regarding this issue, they would cut off all the relations with them. Several heated discussions took place as the delegates tried to come up with solutions. The delegates proposed moderated caucuses for topics such as possibilities of was between China and Japan and involvement of Republic of Korea in that war. The Delegate of Australia gave a very controversial speech, which offended countries like UK and Japan. This session was much better than the previous sessions because of the enthusiasm of the delegates. The chair personally stood out of his way to explain to the delegates the concept of a working paper after this motion was passed. This motion, created an edgy discussion between the delegates who were divided into two groups of allies. One group consisted of Republic of Korea, USA, Germany, Italy, Australia and Brazil and the other group comprised of Iran, Russia, Japan, United Kingdom and France. The head chair told them to come up with hilarious names for their working paper. The titles suggested were 'Miley Cyrus' and 'What The Chink'. The working paper was successfully passed and the chair of this committee was pleased with the work of his delegates. Though a resolution was not passed as of yet, the chair had high hopes for his committee members. Upon interviewing a first time Mun-ner I found out that both the chairs had led the delegates well and she learned a lot in these two days. SISMUN was a rewarding experience for all delegates of this committee. - PRATHA BHATIA Press Team SISMUN 2014 Head Of Press:RiyaAwtaney|Editor-In-Chief:MeghaThakker, VrishankMenon| Head Of Photography:DhruvThakker, Raya Mohan
SISMUN GLOBAL UNSC United Nations Security Council World Water Resources Exploited Full Membership of Palestine & Somaliland Questioned Like Day1, the atmosphere was soaked in enthusiasm. The Security Council was buzzing with anxious excitement as the delegates came in an hour before committee began to discuss working papers. Today the committee set foot onto its second agenda: whether or not to grant autonomy to Hong Kong and Macau. While discussing the limitations of the SC, the delegates of the UNSC accepted the fact that this agenda is China's internal affair but nonetheless agreed to provide conclusive advice. The delegate of china acknowledged that if the UNSC can provide viable solution, then China will establish the suggested changes. Through their detailed points, the delegates presented a series of after effects making the session productive. "In the past few years, Hong Kong and Macau have not faced any major military crisis due to China's help via defense forces. If we expect China to have its own military in Hong Kong and Macau then we shouldn't expect China to assist them in the future." said the delegate of Brazil during the moderated caucus discussing, military scenarios. The committee looked at possible reasons for and against Hong Kong and Macau's need for their own military thus coming up with a substantial working paper. After a series of heightened conversations where the delegate of France questioned the Security Council procedure multiple times, the delegate of China responded to the delegate of Argentina with verbal violence as the former referred to the cultural conflicts mentioned in the working paper as 'retarded'. Eventually, all the delegates cohesively worked on their working paper efficiently and they were allpassed. The executive board pointed out that the committee was running smoothly and the actual UNSC would have had never agreed to this resolution as countries have gone against their own foreign policies. "I am not saying its bad. If this actually happened, it would be great. Its just that if you go to any other model united nations conference you will face resistance as many countries may not agree to the solution." said the executive board member. Halfway through the session the UNSC went into motion for entertainment and the delegate of Togo danced to an 80's Bollywood song. It was quite hilarious! The resolution laid an outline stating that SAR would have foreign relations that would be transparent for China, encouraging peace through bilateral talks.
In an attempt to make the perfect draft resolution, delegates asked logical questions, gave challenges and debated. The delegate of China made a presidential statement saying "China feels that it has compromised enough and cannot give Hong Kong and Macau more freedom as they need to provide protection to Hong Kong, Macau and China by themselves". The delegate of Brazil taking advantage of this situation said, as China is not ready to comprise any more and so this resolution should fail. The main change made in the draft resolution gives SAR power to select their executive committee. Mistakes spotted out also focused on racial and gender discrimination, political and economical issues. Eventually after a generous amount of debate and discussions, the committee moved into formal voting and the resolution was passed. A perfect end to a productive day! ILO International Labour Organisation Labour norms in radiation areas Employment opportunities in refugee camps This session began with the presentation of the working paper by the delegates of Libya, France, Germany and the U.S.A. The delegates gave their views on various parts of the working paper from which many stated that the finance needed for this kind of a resolution cannot be afforded. In their paper, they mentioned about the cancer patients but not the labourers who work in the nuclear power plant. After many agreements and disagreements the delegate of Russia challenged the delegate of Australia. To begin this combat Russia stated,“Not all countries can have money to buy lead”. This working paper did not pass as it was quite ambiguous; it included only cancer patients and the economic crisis was not considered. Another committee session started with the crises within Germany, where there was a nuclear power plant spill which killed many labourers and a new working paper was made by Germany and France.There was then a question - answer session on the Declaration on German Nuclear Disaster. This motion was led out by the delegate of Argentina. The delegates discussed this topic and it was followed by the motion of amendment by the delegate of Russia. Theworking paper for this had clauses such as the workers should wash themselves before and after their work to protect themselves from radiations. However, this was rejected as while the radiations enter a person's body, they would not have the time to wash one-self as specified by the delegate of Russia. After a lot of discussion, they voted and clause 3 was deleted. There was then an amendment on deleting clause 4 as well but that failed. Soon there was a motion for entertainment and the delegates enjoyed themselves. On the whole, the committee had productive debate and also enjoyed themselves through some dance and music. - ShivikaAdhwaryu, HiyaHinduja and AnkikaMenon
SISMUN GLOBAL UNESCO United Nations Educational Scientific Cultural Organistion Aid for maintenance of world heritage sites The chairs began the committee session with great enthusiasm and the delegates were too looking forward to another day of SISMUN. The first motion was for an un–moderated caucus to discuss working papers and to share their insights onto the topic with other countries.The chairs seemed satisfied with the number of working papers that came up and were happy to see that the long hours of debate had finally paid off. The vice chair - PayalChandak, proposed to be the delegate of Sweden to challenge the authors of the working paper. Consecutively, AbhishekPillai entered the committee as the guest delegate of India to then challenge the vice chair on the basis of the points mentioned before. These challenges not only helped other delegates to analyzeand vote but also changed the outlook of the committee. A working paper finally passed and so a motion for entertainment was permitted.When asked, the chair, Shreeram Shankar mentioned that he might've had higher expectations but considering most of the committee consisted of first or second time munners, he felt that the progress made was good. He also did say that in the beginning the committee was struggling but now has overcome that. All in all, the committee continued to have more debate to cover all areas of the agenda and aimed to pass a draft resolution by the end of the session - DevikaGoswami AU African Union Piracy in the Somali Waters Right to free education to rehabilitated child soldier Today's committee progressed at a uniform speed. The delegates had a healthy round of debates, which only went on for a few short minutes. The committee began with a formal voting on a directive, which was passed with a majority on the topic Curbing maritime piracy in Somali waters. The Chair, Ali Azgar, believes his committee has been giving remarkable points, which he credited to his outgoing and comforting personality!
Now, the chairs of this particular committee seem to be very fond of the infamous 'motion for entertainment' as it was passed several times in two hours. Important issues such as 'Establishing the right to free education for rehabilitated child soldiers' were discussed in committee. "The Delegate of Botswana challenged the Delegate of Somalia and went on to have a heated argument with him. The delegate of Botswana raised crucial points and blatantly accused the delegate Somalia of giving invalid excuses and stating obvious facts, not relevant to the topic. In the end, the chair adjourned the debate on the grounds that the delegate of Somalia has inadequate arguments. The Chair was really delighted with the pace his committee was moving on. Seeing this, he eased down and started posing for the shutterbugs without noticing the spilt coffee over his working papers. The delegate of Senegal put forward interesting points and urged other delegates to speak, infusingrationality into the debate. This committee clearly reflected the spirit of a SISMUN. - AvishaGoyal
SISMUN GLOBAL NHRC National Human Rights Commission Lowering the age of juvenile crime Amending Pharmacy Act The committee kicked off with a working paper being presented by the delegate, Judge YogeshKhanna. There were many others who said presidential statements. However, many delegates started going against this working paper as “it did not clearly state the problems at hand”, as said by delegate Mabel Rebello. Judge YogeshKhanna understood his mistakes as he knew he left some vital information. He wished that the paper passed and amended later to further refine the paper. But the paper did not pass and was tabled. Delegates raised interesting points when speaking about the consequences that juveniles will face after completing their sentences, as they spoke about how their employment would be heavily affected and their families would have a huge social breakdown. Though many delegates rose the same points for example each one of the delegates who spoke, spoke about the social status of the family. A crime is a great offense no matter how old one is, it's not easy for the community to forgive and forget. One of the delegates generated energy in the debate when the delegate said that the committee needs to financeawareness campaigns so that the youth does not find themselves in this situation. Is it possible for community service to re-establish the offender's image? Will society ever accept them of their mistakes? A challenge begun where Judge YogeshKhanna faced up against Shri M Shivanna where the Judge suggested that the committee completely changes its beliefs. Not soon after a crisis took place, the committee discussed the rape of an employee, PreetiRao. She was raped by a 17 year old boy called Kumar Sharma and the following night she was raped again by a 13 year old boy called Karan Raja who happens to be friends with Kumar Sharma. To avoid shame she bought hydrochloric acid from a nearby pharmacy. Her body was discovered the next morning by a street sweeper. She was in fact dead. When delegates were asked to speak based on the crises many insisted to enforce a new juvenile age. The seriousness of the topic became higher as delegates started to talk about the real problem at hand. Who would pay compensation to the family? Whose fault is it truly? The specification of these crimes needs to be justified. Delegates raised many questions based on this crisis, such as whether or not there should be special law enforcement for crimes like rape. The delegates ended the crisis by passing a declaration by Shree M Shivanna, and co-authored by Mabel Rebello. However not all
delegates agreed. Justice Shri K.G Balakrishnan amended clause 9 sub clause, thus making the declaration up to standards. One of the delegates recommended Capital Punishment, but this idea was distastefully thrown aside. On the whole, NHRC lived up to its expectations - SamitGodhania JCC Indian Union Cabinet State Council Of People's Republic Of China Sino - Indian border conflict Union Cabinet of Ministers of India For JCC, things were not as quiet as yesterday. As the committee session began, things started to heat up and the delegates were ready for a debate! It seemed like the Minister of Science and Technology and the Minister of Defense were getting the atmosphere intense. However, they were able to control their emotions and through diplomacy, they gave rise to a peaceful discussion. The committee session went on as they updated information about the flag meeting. The delegates were so involved in the discussion that they did not want to leave the committee or have an un-moderated caucus, which would waste their precious “Minister Time” Just to make the committee session a little exciting and to lighten the intense atmosphere, Head chair, AryamanJalota and vice chair, Rishav Mehta decided that the delegates should rhyme their speeches but unfortunately, it did not work out. But the press team still appreciates this effort put in by the chairs and delegates. Just when the committee seemed to lose its enthusiasm, the logistics team and the chairs decided to send anonymous chits to cheer up the delegates and add a little bit of spice in the committee session. Meanwhile, the delegates were voting for the resolution about the military action at the Sino-Indian border. On the whole, the committee actually had some valid points and we assure you that JCC delegates are on their way to be proficient delegates. All the best! - Peony Chinoy State Council of People's Republic of China The committee began at a slow pace in the morning but it soon picked up and the delegates became much more responsive. The Minister of Justice's call for diplomacy in response to the crisis was appreciated by the committee and the Head of State Administration of Radio, Film and Television seconded his views. However, before they could come to a consensus, another update informed them that two
Chinese soldiers and one Indian soldier had been killed. Tension hung across the room during a challenge between the Minister of Justice and the Defense Minister. The Ministers in charge of Defense and Military urged the fellow delegates to not bow down to India and insisted on sending more troops as a display of their dominance. This was met by an opposition from the Ministers of Justice, Commerce and the Foreign Minister. After a couple of further updates, several Ministers accused the Indian media of overhyping things and being biased towards the Indians. Therefore any news reports could not be fully believed and relied upon. At the end, the delegates came up with a declaration which was thoroughly discussed and amendments were accepted. When asked to reveal the name of the best delegate, the chair, YashNaik said, “As of now, we are unclear as to who should be given this award but there are 4 strong candidates- The Minister of Justice, State Defense, Commerce and Defense.” He is expecting the delegates to come up with realistic, new and creative solutions to the problems at hand. - PradhiAggarwal
SISMUN GLOBAL Testimonials 2014 Supriya Johnson(Teacher from Chennai public school): Yes, this is the first time we have come to SISMUN and it is a wonderful experience. Starting from the hospitality provided to the way the things are arranged and even the little details that are given attention, everything is superb! After the first session, the children were very happy. I am sure that by tomorrow they will be much more confident and will be ready to rock it. Thanks SISMUN! ManjuNichani(Chief guest. Principal of KC college): I have visited schools all over the world and this is the best school I have seen. Why? Because it has the integrity of being Indian and thinking globally. The infrastructure provided is just amazing and I saw the space the students and teachers were given. One thing I saw that everybody is so well trained that they smile and greet you irrespective of the fact they know you or not and I had a wonderful experience. Thank you! SimranJehani (Head Chair ILO): what I feel about MUNs is that even though the resolutions are not implemented it teaches people to be better citizens, better representatives and better diplomats. It completely helps the people who are representing countries as delegates to be more developed. They learn a lot of things through MUNs and it is not about the resolutions being implemented, its about making yourself knowledgeable about a particular topic that is being discussed and later on there are so many MUNs who send in resolutions which have really good points to the United Nations and they do read about it.For instance, in Indian International Model United Nations 2012 they send 2-3 resolutions which had actually being commented on by one of the authorities in the United Nations. I feel that MUNs have been understated in its prominence because they think that the resolutions as you stated are not implemented but at the end of the day if you have the mind that can come up with amazing points that can be put on a resolution you have the mind that can change tomorrow and it doesn't matter if it happens at that moment of the MUN or it happens later. Aryan Chabbria (Head Chair JCC): Sometimes people view the world in a more singular perspective, which is normally through their own countries or states. They don't look beyond that and do not keep the whole open-minded structure and feel about how they're different perspectives which might actually meet with you as a person. Siddharth Mehta (Delegate of NHRC): Since it is my first MUN I am not very sure but I can say that it is very energetic. I found there was a lot of enthusiasm on behalf of the SIS students I have met and the Chairs were very helpful. I was very motivated to speak
more in the committee and I made sure to have my points noted. It was indeed very impressive. AryamanJalota(Head Chair JCC): We are in a Crisis Committee which is why we pass multiple declarations and multiple press releases. It was great as they provided the Chinese state council with the opportunity to react to them so its making debate very fruitful and the delegates more passionate about their countries. Interviewed by Riddi Punjabi