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Jane Eyre. Amara Ghorbani Faith Santos Suha Raza Taylor Mitchell. The Subject of Deceit – identify for each passage in the group a: the speaker b: occasion c: explain what the passages have in common in regard to the subject in Jane Eyre – what is the theme?
Jane Eyre AmaraGhorbani Faith Santos SuhaRaza Taylor Mitchell
The Subject of Deceit – identify for each passage in the group a: the speaker b: occasion c: explain what the passages have in common in regard to the subject in Jane Eyre – what is the theme? The literal meaning is straightforward. The prompt gives you the quotes, and you identify each of the points.
The prompt relates to the novel because the quotes are directly from the novel.
Is Brocklehurst’s requirement that the girls wear plain clothes and simple hair styles justified? Explain. Do you think Mrs. Reed deserves to be forgiven? Explain. Do you believe Jane’s opinion of Brocklehurstchanges after seeing the three ladies? If so, how and why. Do you think that Jane finding out that the mysterious noises and random woman she sees and hears at Thornfield is Rochester’s wife is significant to Jane’s odyssey or the novel? Explain. Why does Jane hide who she is from the Rivers siblings?
QUOTE 1 “ ‘Madame,’ he pursued, ‘I have a Master to serve whose kingdom is not of this world; my mission is to mortify in these girls the lusts of the flesh; to teach them to clothe themselves with shame-facedness and young persons before us has a string of hair twisted in plaits which vanity itself might have woven; these, I repeat, must be cut off…’ ”(Bronte 57).
Mr. Brocklehurst is the speaker. In this scene, he is explaining to Miss Temple what he enforces at Lowood Preparatory, which is no braided/curled hair or nice clothing. In saying this, Mr. Brocklehurst can be described as a hypocrite, for he advocates unadorned clothes and simple hair styles, yet his family was "splendidly attired in velvet, silk, and furs" (Bronte 57). This scene shows the struggling social class theme found throughout the novel, and was one of the many examples of the unfair situations Jane faced.
QUOTE 2 “ ‘Well I have twice done you a wrong which I regret now. One was in breaking the promise which I gave my husband to bring you up as my own child… I wrote to ____; I said I was sorry for his disappointment, but Jane Eyre was dead; she had died of typhus fever at Lowood… expose my falsehood as soon as you like.’” (Bronte 255).
The speaker, Mrs. Reed, is directing her remarks towards Jane and admitting to her faults. Mrs. Reed is on her death bed, and when Jane comes to see her, the bitter aunt decides she must own up to her mistakes.
SIGNIFICANT MOMENT 2 “…three other visitors, ladies, now entered the room… they were splendidly attired in velvet, silk, and furs. The two younger had grey beaver hats… and from under the brim of this graceful head-dress fell a profusion of light tresses, elaborately curled…” (Bronte 65).
The speaker of this passage is Jane Eyre who is analyzing the three ladies who have walked in and are of relation to Brocklehurst. Brocklehurst forces the girls of the institution to dress simple and lead simple lives as well unlike the lives the ladies in his family are living which is exposed in this occasion. The significance of this is that Brocklehurst is shown to be a hypocrite.
SIGNIFICANT MOMENT 2 “ ‘The marriage cannot go on; I declare the existence of an impediment.’” (Bronte 311).
Jane’s allusions to her “madness” and “insanity” are brought to an end after she finds out that the woman is Bertha Mason, Rochester’s wife, which inevitably brings back the externalization of interior sentiment that goes along with the Gothic novel.
SIGNIFICANT MOMENT 3 “ ‘My name is Jane Elliot.’” (Bronte 364).
Jane is the speaker. In this scene, she tells the Rivers siblings a false name as an alias, so they do not know who she really is. When Jane first meets the Rivers siblings, she lies about who she is because she is afraid of people finding out about her past and why she left her last job. She is aware that if she tells them her real name, they could find out who she is and force her to return to where she came from, or they could shun her and throw her out into the streets. This shows Jane’s deceit about her true identity and how she hides her past.
Citations http://www.theparisreview.org/blog/2011/10/11/kate-beaton-on-%E2%80%98hark-a-vagrant%E2%80%99/ http://janeausteninvermont.wordpress.com/2011/08/15/a-better-title-for-jane-austens-mansfield-park/ http://theotherausten.tumblr.com/post/4525176775/jane-eyre-rochester-tru-luv-4eva http://janeeyreisharrypotter.weebly.com/