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If you are looking for Cayman hotels, then Seabreeze Villas Cayman can be the best option for you. Our condos are completely equipped, with modern amenities such as complete kitchen, two full bathrooms, powder room, washer, dryer, security safe, central A/C and cable TV, a DVD-player, wireless high-speed Internet access with no extra charge, & a patio off the living room. https://seabreezevillascayman.com/
Seabreeze Villas are two-bedroom/two bath condos, each on two floors, ideal for two, three or four guests. However, they can accommodate up to six using the queen sofa- bed in the living room.
The ocean view condos are located behind the beachfront condos and offer a partial view of the sea.
The beachfront condos, with two balconies as well as the ground-floor patio, offer superb Caribbean views, and directly overlook our sandy beach, seaside pool and the sea.
Contact Us https://seabreezevillascayman.com/ vacation@seabreezevillascayman.com Address: P.O. Box 11953 Grand Cayman KY1-1010 Cayman Islands Tel: (345) 922-0917