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Barton Springs Zone: Basis for a Protection Strategy [DRAFT]

Watershed Protection and Development Review Department. Barton Springs Zone: Basis for a Protection Strategy [DRAFT]. July 14, 2006. Purpose. Present information on Barton Springs Zone land use & development patterns Grandfathered Properties & Other Undeveloped Land Open Space

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Barton Springs Zone: Basis for a Protection Strategy [DRAFT]

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  1. Watershed Protection and Development Review Department Barton Springs Zone: Basis for a Protection Strategy[DRAFT] July 14, 2006

  2. Purpose • Present information on Barton Springs Zone land use & development patterns • Grandfathered Properties & Other Undeveloped Land • Open Space • Existing Developed Area • City of Austin Jurisdiction and Beyond

  3. Barton Springs Zone (BSZ)

  4. BSZ All Jurisdictions Land Use

  5. BSZ City of Austin Jurisdiction Land Use

  6. BSZ City of Austin Jurisdiction Undeveloped Parcel Analysis

  7. BSZ City of Austin Jurisdiction Undeveloped Parcel Analysis

  8. Potentially Grandfathered

  9. Barton Creek ABC West Barton Creek Section O Barton Creek Section N Lantana Autumn Woods Section 2 > 50 Acres

  10. BSZ Land Use for COA Jurisdiction Potentially Grandfathered 2,727 ac. SOS-Level Development Agreement 2,202 ac. 4% 3% SOS (Unplatted) 10,769 ac. Single-Family Residential 20,944 ac. 16% 31% Undeveloped 8% Commercial/ Multi-Family 5,256 ac. 31% Open Space 21,483 ac. 7% Roads 4,954 ac.

  11. BSZ Land Use for All Jurisdictions Single-Family Residential 46,234 ac. 19% Commercial/ Multi-Family 8,234 ac. 3% Roads 8,823 ac. 4% 60% Undeveloped 143,795 ac. 14% Open Space 32,685 ac.

  12. City of Austin BSZ Land Use for Entire Barton Springs Zone Potentially Grandfathered

  13. BSZ Jurisdictions Travis County (2.8%) (3.7%) City of Austin (0.4%) Dripping Springs (28.5%) (29.7%) (0.3%) Blanco County Hays County (1.4%) (30.7%) (1.2%) (0.8%) (0.4%)

  14. Barton Springs Zone TrendsImpervious Cover

  15. Barton Springs Zone TrendsPopulation

  16. Barton Springs Zone TrendsDevelopment

  17. Barton Springs Zone TrendsVehicle Miles Traveled

  18. Identify strategies for: • Existing Development • How do we improve water quality with redevelopment? • Open Space • What is our future strategy for open space? • How do we spend the bond package money? • Undeveloped Land • How do we minimize the impact of grandfathered tracts? • How do we best work with other jurisdictions in the BSZ?

  19. Pollutant/Problem Types • Nutrients • Pesticides & Herbicides • Hydrocarbons • Flow Regime • Sediment • Bacteria

  20. Pollutant Sources • Impervious cover • Pervious areas • Infrastructure • Activities • Land Uses • Fauna

  21. Pollutant Sources:Impervious Cover • Rooftops • Roadways • Parking lots • Driveways • Sidewalks • Trails

  22. Pollutant Sources:Pervious Areas • Residential landscaping • Commercial landscaping • Golf course landscaping • Sparse vegetation • Compacted soils • Erosion/channelized flows • Rangeland • Agriculture

  23. Pollutant Sources:Infrastructure • Closed runoff conveyance • Open runoff conveyance • Wastewater lines • Wastewater lift stations • Septic/on-site wastewater systems • Underground storage tanks

  24. Pollutant Sources:Activities • Site construction • Spills • Dumping • Vehicle washing (soap)

  25. Pollutant Sources:Land Uses • Auto-related businesses • Convenience stores, food take-out (litter) • Other hotspot businesses

  26. Pollutant Sources:Fauna • Pets • Livestock • Wildlife • Illegal Camping

  27. Roof • Landscaping • Pavement • Conveyance • End-of-Pipe Water Quality Solutions • Land Use • Site Design • Prevention • Construction • Site Treatment • In-Channel

  28. Land Use • Regional Planning • Natural Area Preservation • Natural Area Restoration

  29. Site Design • Stream Buffers/CEF Setbacks • Conservation Development • Low-Impact Site Design

  30. Prevention • Education and Outreach • IPM/Landscaping Practices • Proper Waste Disposal Practices • Hotspot Facility Inspections • Wastewater Infrastructure O&M

  31. Construction • Construction Phasing • Erosion and Sedimentation Controls • Construction Inspection

  32. Site Treatment:Roof • Green Roof • Rainwater Harvesting • Roof Disconnections

  33. Site Treatment:Landscaping • Compost Soil Amendments • Rain Gardens • Tree Cover/ Reforestation

  34. Site Treatment:Landscaping • Impervious Cover Removal • Impervious Cover Disconnection

  35. Site Treatment:Pavement • Bioretention • Smart Growth Road Dimensions • Pervious Road & Parking Systems

  36. Site Treatment:Conveyance • Open/Daylighted Drainage • Spills Response

  37. Site Treatment:End of Pipe • Recharge Enhancement Structure • Stormwater Ponds • Retention-Irrigation • Wet Pond • Sedimentation/Sand Filtration • Extended Detention

  38. Site Treatment:End of Pipe • Pond Inspection & Maintenance • Non-Erosive Outfalls

  39. In-Channel • Natural Channel Armoring Bear Creek Tributary at Barrel Bend Project Before After

  40. Current WPDR Actions Structural WQ Retrofits • Barton Hills Apartments sand filter retrofit. • Lundelius tract retrofit. WQ Education • Green Neighbor Program: Barton Hills and Circle C • Pesticide reduction campaign, Spring 2007 • Fertilizer leachate study Other • Retention-irrigation control monitoring • Land use & pollutant load model • Pond database upgrade • Coal tar pavement sealant ban

  41. Structural WQ Retrofits • BSZ Retrofit Master Plan (1995). • Lundelius tract retrofit. • Barton Hills Apartments sand filter retrofit.

  42. Structural WQ Retrofits

  43. Selected Studies of theBarton Springs Zone • BSZ Retrofit Master Plan (1995). • CRWR Parsimonious Model (1996). • BSZ Scientific Inventory (2002). • Groundwater Tracing Study (2004). • Effluent-Irrigated Golf Course Report (2005). • Regional Water Quality Protection Plan (2005). • Barton Springs Water Quality Trend Analysis [Draft] (2006).

  44. Potential Preservation & Restoration StrategiesBy Land Use

  45. Single-Family Residential (31%)

  46. Strategies forSingle-Family Residential • Education and outreach • Low Impact Development (LID) retrofits • Water quality pond retrofits • Creek restoration

  47. Multi-Family and Commercial (8%)

  48. Strategies forMulti-Family & Commercial • Education and outreach • Low Impact Development (LID) retrofits • Large-scaled pond retrofits • Enhanced pond inspections & enforcement • Redevelopment opportunities (e.g., TOD) • Mitigation land from redevelopment

  49. Transportation and ROW (7%)

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