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Scoring a multiple alignment

Scoring a multiple alignment. A. A. A. A. C. A. C. A. C. A. C. C. A. C. A. Sum of pairs. Star. Tree. A. AAA AAA AAA AA C A CC. A. C. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. C. 10 α. + (6 α - 4 β ). + (4 α - 6 β ). A. A. A. C. Sum of Pairs. = 20 α - 10 β.

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Scoring a multiple alignment

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  1. Scoring a multiple alignment A A A A C A C A C A C C A C A Sum of pairs Star Tree

  2. A AAA AAA AAA AAC ACC A C A A A A A A A C 10α + (6α - 4β) + (4α - 6β) A A A C Sum of Pairs = 20α - 10β

  3. Sum-of-Pairs Scoring Function Score of multiple alignment = ∑i <j score(Si,Sj) where score(Si,Sj) = score of induced pairwise alignment

  4. Induced Pairwise Alignment S1 S - T I S C T G - S - N I S2 L - T I – C N G S S - N I S3 L R T I S C S G F S Q N I Induced pairwise alignment of S1,S2: S1 S T I S C T G - S N I S2 L T I – C N G S S N I

  5. Star alignment • Heuristic method for multiple sequence alignments • Select a sequence c as the center of the star • For each sequence x1, …, xk such that index i c, perform a Needleman-Wunsch global alignment • Aggregate alignments with the principle “once a gap, always a gap.”

  6. Choosing a center • Try them all and pick the one which is most similar to all of the sequences • Let S(xi,xj) be the optimal score between sequences xi and xj. • Calculate all O(k2) alignments, and choose as xc the sequence xi that maximizes the following Σ S(xi,xj) j ≠ i

  7. Star alignment example MPE | | MKE MSKE | || M-KE S1: MPE S2: MKE S3: MSKE S4: SKE s3 s1 s2 SKE || MKE M-PE M-KE MSKE S-KE M-PE M-KE MSKE MPE MKE s4

  8. Analysis • Assuming all sequences have length n • O(k2n2) to calculate center • Step i of iterative pairwise alignment takes O((i·n)·n) time • two strings of length n and i·n • O(k2n2) overall cost

  9. ClustalW • Most popular multiple alignment tool today • ‘W’ stands for ‘weighted’ (different parts of alignment are weighted differently). • Three-step process 1.) Construct pairwise alignments 2.) Build Guide Tree (by Neighbor Joining method) 3.) Progressive Alignment guided by the tree - The sequences are aligned progressively according to the branching order in the guide tree

  10. v1 v2 v3 v4 v1 - v2 .17 - v3 .87 .28 - v4 .59 .33 .62 - Step 1: Pairwise Alignment • Aligns each sequence again each other giving a similarity matrix • Similarity = exact matches / sequence length (percent identity) (.17 means 17 % identical)

  11. Step 2: Guide Tree • Create Guide Tree using the similarity matrix • ClustalW uses the neighbor-joining method • Guide tree roughly reflects evolutionary relations

  12. v1 v2 v3 v4 v1 - v2 .17 - v3 .87 .28 - v4 .59 .33 .62 - Step 2: Guide Tree (cont’d) v1 v3 v4 v2 Calculate:v1,3 = alignment (v1, v3)v1,3,4 = alignment((v1,3),v4)v1,2,3,4 = alignment((v1,3,4),v2)

  13. Step 3: Progressive Alignment • Start by aligning the two most similar sequences • Following the guide tree, add in the next sequences, aligning to the existing alignment • Insert gaps as necessary FOS_RAT PEEMSVTS-LDLTGGLPEATTPESEEAFTLPLLNDPEPK-PSLEPVKNISNMELKAEPFD FOS_MOUSE PEEMSVAS-LDLTGGLPEASTPESEEAFTLPLLNDPEPK-PSLEPVKSISNVELKAEPFD FOS_CHICK SEELAAATALDLG----APSPAAAEEAFALPLMTEAPPAVPPKEPSG--SGLELKAEPFD FOSB_MOUSE PGPGPLAEVRDLPG-----STSAKEDGFGWLLPPPPPPP-----------------LPFQ FOSB_HUMAN PGPGPLAEVRDLPG-----SAPAKEDGFSWLLPPPPPPP-----------------LPFQ . . : ** . :.. *:.* * . * **: Dots and stars show how well-conserved a column is.

  14. ClustalW: another example S1 ALSK S2 TNSD S3 NASK S4 NTSD

  15. ClustalW example S1 ALSK S2 TNSD S3 NASK S4 NTSD All pairwise alignments Distance Matrix

  16. S1 S3 S2 S4 Rooted Tree ClustalW example S1 ALSK S2 TNSD S3 NASK S4 NTSD All pairwise alignments Neighbor Joining Distance Matrix

  17. S1 S3 S2 S4 Rooted Tree ClustalW example S1 ALSK S2 TNSD S3 NASK S4 NTSD Multiple Alignment Steps • Align S1 with S3 • Align S2 with S4 • Align (S1, S3) with (S2, S4) All pairwise alignments Neighbor Joining Distance Matrix

  18. S1 S3 S2 S4 Rooted Tree ClustalW example Multiple Alignment Steps -ALSK NA-SK S1 ALSK S2 TNSD S3 NASK S4 NTSD -ALSK -TNSD NA-SK NT-SD • Align S1 with S3 • Align S2 with S4 • Align (S1, S3) with (S2, S4) -TNSD NT-SD All pairwise alignments Multiple Alignment Neighbor Joining Distance Matrix

  19. Progressive alignment Find seqBuild guide tree Create intmdt ali most similar to each other

  20. Other progressive approaches • PILEUP • Similar to CLUSTALW • Uses UPGMA to produce tree

  21. Problems with progressive alignments • Depend on pairwise alignments • If sequences are very distantly related, much higher likelihood of errors • Care must be made in choosing scoring matrices and penalties

  22. Iterative refinement in progressive alignment Another problem of progressive alignment: • Initial alignments are “frozen” even when new evidence comes Example: x: GAAGTT y: GAC-TT z: GAACTG w: GTACTG Frozen! Now clear that correct y = GA-CTT

  23. Evaluating multiple alignments • Balibase benchmark (Thompson, 1999) • De-facto standard for assessing the quality of a multiple alignment tool • Manually refined multiple sequence alignments • Quality measured by how good it matches the core blocks • Another benchmark: SABmark benchmark • Based on protein structural families

  24. Scoring multiple alignments • Ideally, a scoring scheme should • Penalize variations in conserved positions higher • Relate sequences by a phylogenetic tree • Tree alignment • Usually assume • Independence of columns • Quality computation • Entropy-based scoring • Compute the Shannon entropy of each column • Sum-of-pairs (SP) score

  25. Multiple Alignments: Scoring • Number of matches (multiple longest common subsequence score) • Entropy score • Sum of pairs (SP-Score)

  26. Multiple LCS Score • A column is a “match” if all the letters in the column are the same • Only good for very similar sequences AAA AAA AAT ATC

  27. Entropy • Define frequencies for the occurrence of each letter in each column of multiple alignment • pA = 1, pT=pG=pC=0 (1st column) • pA = 0.75, pT = 0.25, pG=pC=0 (2nd column) • pA = 0.50, pT = 0.25, pC=0.25 pG=0 (3rd column) • Compute entropy of each column AAA AAA AAT ATC

  28. Entropy: Example Best case Worst case

  29. Multiple Alignment: Entropy Score Entropy for a multiple alignment is the sum of entropies of its columns:  over all columns -X=A,T,G,CpX logpX

  30. Entropy of an Alignment: Example column entropy: -( pAlogpA+ pClogpC + pGlogpG + pTlogpT) • Column 1 = -[1*log(1) + 0*log0 + 0*log0 +0*log0] = 0 • Column 2 = -[(1/4)*log(1/4) + (3/4)*log(3/4) + 0*log0 + 0*log0] = -[ (1/4)*(-2) + (3/4)*(-.415) ] = +0.811 • Column 3 = -[(1/4)*log(1/4)+(1/4)*log(1/4)+(1/4)*log(1/4) +(1/4)*log(1/4)] = 4* -[(1/4)*(-2)] = +2.0 • Alignment Entropy = 0 + 0.811 + 2.0 = +2.811

  31. Representing a profile as a logo • Contribution of each residue to a position Phosphate binding pattern from Prosite: [LIVMF]-[GSA]-x(5)-P-x(4)-[LIVMFYW]-x-[LIVMF]-x-G-D-[GSA]-[GSAC]

  32. Multiple Alignment Induces Pairwise Alignments Every multiple alignment induces pairwise alignments x: AC-GCGG-C y: AC-GC-GAG z: GCCGC-GAG Induces: x: ACGCGG-C; x: AC-GCGG-C; y: AC-GCGAG y: ACGC-GAC; z: GCCGC-GAG; z: GCCGCGAG

  33. Sum of Pairs (SP) Scoring • SP scoring is the standard method for scoring multiple sequence alignments. • Columns are scored by a ‘sum of pairs’ function using a substitution matrix (PAM or BLOSUM) • Assumes statistical independence for the columns, does not use a phylogenetic tree.

  34. Sum of Pairs Score(SP-Score) • Consider pairwise alignment of sequences aiand aj imposed by a multiple alignment of k sequences • Denote the score of this suboptimal (not necessarily optimal)pairwise alignment as s*(ai, aj) • Sum up the pairwise scores for a multiple alignment: s(a1,…,ak) = Σi,j s*(ai, aj)

  35. Computing SP-Score Aligning 4 sequences: 6 pairwise alignments Given a1,a2,a3,a4: s(a1…a4) = s*(ai,aj) = s*(a1,a2) + s*(a1,a3) + s*(a1,a4) + s*(a2,a3) + s*(a2,a4) + s*(a3,a4)

  36. SP-Score: Example a1 . ak ATG-C-AAT A-G-CATAT ATCCCATTT Pairs of Sequences May also calculate the scores column by column: A G 1 Score=3 1 1 Score = 1 – 2m -m A A C G 1 -m Column 1 Column 3

  37. Example • Compute Sum of Pairs Score of the following multiple alignment with match = 3, mismatch = -1, S(X,-) = -1, S(-,-) = 0 X: G T A C G Y: T G C C G Z: C G G C C W: C G G A C -2 6-2 6 2 Sum of pairs = -2+6-2+6+2 = 10

  38. Multiple alignment tools • Clustal W (Thompson, 1994) • Most popular • PRRP (Gotoh, 1993) • HMMT (Eddy, 1995) • DIALIGN (Morgenstern, 1998) • T-Coffee (Notredame, 2000) • MUSCLE (Edgar, 2004) • Align-m (Walle, 2004) • PROBCONS (Do, 2004)

  39. from: C. Notredame, “Recent progresses in multiple alignment: a survey”, Pharmacogenomics (2002) 3(1)

  40. Useful links http://cnx.org/content/m11036/latest/ http://www.biokemi.uu.se/Utbildning/Exercises/ClustalX/index.shtm http://bioinformatics.weizmann.ac.il/~pietro/Making_and_using_protein_MA/ http://homepage.usask.ca/~ctl271/857/paper1_overview.shtml http://journal-ci.csse.monash.edu.au/ci/vol04/mulali/mulali.html

  41. Was the quagga (now extinct) more like a zebra or a horse? The quagga was an African animal that is now extinct. It looked partly like a horse, and partly like a zebra. In 1872, the last living quagga was photographed (above). Mitochondrial DNA was obtained from a museum specimen of a quagga and sequenced. Perform a multiple sequence alignment of quagga (Equus quagga boehmi), horse (Equus caballus), and zebra (Equus burchelli) mitochondrial DNA. To which animal was the quagga more closely related?


  43. The portion of the multiple sequence alignment in (excluding additional nonoverlapping horse sequence) is as follows: • gi|20335096|gb|AF499310.1| GCTCCACCGTCAACACCCAAAGCTGAAATTCTACTTAAACTATTCCTTGA 50 [zebra]gi|20335095|gb|AF499309.1| GCTCCACCGTCAACACCCAAAGCTGAAATTCTACTTAAACTATTCCTTGA 50 [quagga]gi|29650801|gb|AY246194.1| ------------------------------------------------GA 2  [horse]                                                                           ** • gi|20335096|gb|AF499310.1| TTTCCTCCCCTAAACGACAACAATTCACCCTCATGTACTATGTCAGTATT 100gi|20335095|gb|AF499309.1| TTTCCTCCCCTAAACGACAACAGTTCACCCTCATGTACTATGTCAGTATT 100gi|29650801|gb|AY246194.1| TTTCTTCCCCTAAACGACAACAATTTACCCTCATGTGCTATGTCAGTATC 52                           **** ***************** ** ********** ************ • gi|20335096|gb|AF499310.1| AAAATACATCCT-ATGTAGCATTATACA-GTTCAACATATAATACCCTGT 148gi|20335095|gb|AF499309.1| AAAATACATCCT-ATGTAGTATTATACA-GTTCAACATATAATACCCTGT 148gi|29650801|gb|AY246194.1| AGATTATACCCCCACATAACACCATACCCACCTGACATGCAATATCTTAT 102                           * * ** * **  *  **  *  ****       ****  **** * * * • gi|20335096|gb|AF499310.1| TAACATCCTATGTACATCGTGCATTAAATTGTT----------------- 181gi|20335095|gb|AF499309.1| TAACATCCTATGTACGTCGTGCATTAGATTGTT----------------- 181gi|29650801|gb|AY246194.1| GAATGGCCTATGTACGTCGTGCATTAAATTGTCTGCCCCATGAATAATAA 152                            **   ********* ********** ***** Visual inspection of the alignment can give you a clue that the quagga DNA is closely related to zebra DNA: [1] the internal gaps in the alignment suggest that horse DNA (on the bottom row) is an outlier, and [2] positions that are not conserved (i.e. positions lacking an asterisk) also consistently show that horse DNA differs while quagga and zebra sequences match each other. The pairwise alignment scores also show clearly that the quagga is closer to a zebra: Sequence 1: gi|29650801|gb|AY246194.1| 976 bp [horse]Sequence 2: gi|20335096|gb|AF499310.1| 181 bp [zebra]Sequence 3: gi|20335095|gb|AF499309.1| 181 bp [quagga]Start of Pairwise alignmentsAligning...Sequences (1:2) Aligned. Score: 56Sequences (1:3) Aligned. Score: 55Sequences (2:3) Aligned. Score: 97 Finally a PubMed search with the terms quagga, horse and zebra links to an article suggesting that zebra and quagga shared a common ancestor several million years ago.

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