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Explore various aquatic plant species found in different ecosystems, their habitat requirements, dietary preferences, and whether they are native or invasive. Learn about the predators and impacts of each species on the ecosystem.
Key 1. Species name 2. Habitable zone 3. Species diet 4. Species predators 5. Is the species native or invasive?
1. Common reed (Phragmitesaustralis) 2. Graminoid 3. Light, water, nutrients, and carbon dioxide 4. Muskrat, and Wood duck 5. Invasive 1. Narrow-leaf cattail (Typhaangustifolia) 2. Graminoid 3. Light, water, nutrients, and carbon dioxide 4. Muskrat 5. Native 1. Coontail(Ceratophyllumdemersum) 2. Submerged Aquatic Vegetation 3. Light, water, nutrients, and carbon dioxide 4. Waterfowl 5. Native 1. Purple loosestrife (Lythrumsalicaria) 2. Graminoid 3. Light, water, nutrients, and carbon dioxide 4. Beetles 5. Invasive
1. Pickerelweed (Pontederiacordata) 2. Broadleaf 3. Light, water, nutrients, and carbon dioxide 4. Wood duck, muskrat, and carp 5. Native 1. Water-chestnut (Trapanatans) 2. Submerged Aquatic Vegetation 3. Light, water, nutrients, and carbon dioxide 4. Beetles 5. Invasive 1. Arrow arum (Peltandravirginica) 2. Broadleaf 3. Light, water, nutrients, and carbon dioxide 4. Wood duck, and muskrat 5. Native 1. Spatterdock(Nupharadvena) 2. Broadleaf 3. Light, water, nutrients, and carbon dioxide 4. Muskrat 5. Native
1. Yellow flag (Iris pseudacorus) 2. Broadleaf 3. Light, water, nutrients, and carbon dioxide 4. Muskrat 5. Invasive 1. Wild celery (Vallisneriaamericana) 2. Submerged Aquatic Vegetation 3. Light, water, nutrients, and carbon dioxide 4. Waterfowl 5. Native 1. Common muskrat(Ondatrazibethicus) 2. Graminoid 3. Cattails, Arrow arum, Pickerelweed, and Spatterdock 4. Mink 5. Native 1. White-footed mouse (Peromvscusleucopus) 2. Graminoid 3. Insects, seeds, nuts, and fruits 4. Snakes, owls, and hawks 5. Native
1. Marsh wren (Cistothoruspalustris) 2. Graminoid, and Broadleaf 3. Insects, and spiders 4. Heron, and mink 5. Native 1. Beaver (Castor canadensis) 2. Graminoid 3. Aquatic plant buds and roots, and tree bark 4. Grey wolves, and coyotes 5. Native 1. Wood duck (Aixsponsa) 2. Broadleaf, and Submerged Aquatic Vegetation 3. Arrow arum, acorn, and duckweed 4. Raccoon 5. Native 1. Red-winged blackbird (Agelaiusphoeniceus) 2. Graminoid 3. Seeds, insects, and fruits 4. Hawks, herons, owls, minks, and snakes 5. Native
1. Yellow warbler(Setophagapetechia) 2. Graminoid 3. Insects 4. Snakes, red squirrels, and jays 5. Native 1. Gray catbird (Dumetellacarolinensis) 2. Graminoid 3. Insects, fruits, and seeds 4. Hawks, falcons, and snakes 5. Native 1. Least bittern (lxobrychusexilis) 2. Graminoid 3. Small fish, and insects 4. Turtles, snakes, and hawks 5. Native 1. Snapping turtle (Chelydraserpentina) 2. Graminoid 3. Plants, insects, fish, frogs, and snakes 4. Raccoons, foxes, skunks, and humans 5. Native
1. Common carp (Cyprinuscarpio) 2. Submerged Aquatic Vegetation 3. Pickerelweed 4. Osprey 5. Native 1. Green frog (Ranaclamitans) 2. Graminoid, and Broadleaf 3. Insects, and spiders 4. Snakes, and birds 5. Native 1. Banded killifish (Fundulusdiaphanus) 2. Submerged Aquatic Vegetation 3. Insects, nymphs, and mollusks 4. Trout, largemouth bass, and herons 5. Native 1. Golden shiner (Notemigonuscrysoleukas) 2. Submerged Aquatic Vegetation 3. Zooplankton, phytoplankton, and microcrustaceans 4. Fish, birds, and turtles 5. Native
1. Amphipod (Amphipoda) 2. Submerged Aquatic Vegetation 3. Plants, algae, and detritus 4. Fish, and birds 5. Native 1. Dragonfly (Anisoptera) 2. Graminoid 3. Midges, and mosquitoes 4. Birds, fish, and frogs 5. Native