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This document provides an overview of the progress and plans for the Renaissance Lyon project, including local and international dissemination activities, common dissemination activities, and future plans for promotion.
RENAISSANCE LYONWP Progress and PlansWP 4: Dissemination and Promotion Dissemination leaders Hespul & Grand Lyon
WP 4.1 : Local Dissemination and Promotion • State of progress year 4: 6 last months • 3 disseminations meetings to discuss local implementation (2 meetings + 1 tel-conference) • International and local dissemination: - international events: • China: Sustainable development Micro-Scale energy generation and high efficiency to achieve positive energy buildings • Spain: Architecture, City and Enercy (CIBARQ 2008) • Swiss: TetraEner meeting • - local dissemination with construction site visits (VAD, Leonardo) • First steps of dissemination activities in destination of future inhabitants: - 2 pages on Concerto in the “Welcome and orientation booklet”-linked with WP1.5 (socio-eco)
WP 4.1/4.2: Common Dissemination Activities
WP 4.1/4.2 : Common Dissemination Activities
WP4.2 : Dissemination Workshop (Bruxelles, 9th February 2009) • Half-day workshop for the CONCERTO projects’ dissemination experts in Brussels • - ConcertoPlus: here to support communities in disseminating their project and their result for a wider dissemination • - Dissemination matrix: to list the tools/materials of communication of each community - ConcertoPlus website : to publish on line articles, list of events (trainings, conferences…), information on activities - ConcertoPlus DVD: videos, interviews • • upcoming CONCERTO Plus regional and project site visits.
WP 4.1 : Local Dissemination and Promotion Analysis of progress • Several presentations done, with increasing interest for the project (from politicians, administrative bodies, associative networks, etc.) • Some weakness on large public awareness • Locally, still some difficulties to coordinate and to be aware of promotion and dissemination activities of each local partners • Tel-conferences: effective tool to ensure a common work/shared vision on our respective community work (implementation & updating Common Strategy)
WP 4.1 : Local Dissemination and Promotion Plans for the next 6 months • Events : • May 2009: Site and dwellings visits with the theme : « new way to live in the city » • June 2009: Site visits for grand public on the theme: : How “High Environmental Quality” will change the city (all Saturdays) • June 2009: developer event (Lot B), based on the idea: “Concerto quality”, as an additional commercial value to sell flats • September 2009: 1st sessions organized by SPLA Lyon Confluence to welcome the future inhabitants- linked with socio-eco activities (WP1.5)
WP 4.1 : Local Dissemination and Promotion Plans for the next 6 months • To hold a local transversal meeting on dissemination in order to coordinate partners events and to involve each local partner in our dissemination and promotion strateg ? • To update the calendar of promotional events : Salon Pollutec 2009-2010, Assises de l’Energie, Inauguration, etc. • To identify contributions from partners to be published on the Renaissance website (and on Concerto Plus website, if relevant)
WP 4.1/4.2: Plans for the next 6 months • For the 3 communities : • To keep on presenting the project to different target-groups • To regularly update the strategic document of dissemination and calendar events • To strengthen the network strategy: • have a presentation of the Concerto/Renaissance project on all the websites of the consortium partners • update calendar events • optimize information flow through existing networks-relations • Update RENAISSANCE website • To keep on doing tel-conferences with Spanish/Italian partners to keep the information flow going • ConcertoPlus Regional site visits: • June 2009: French/Swiss site visit in Ajaccio- • September 2009: Spanish site visit in Madrid (with Minister Env.) • November 2009: Italian site visit in Roma (with Minister Env.)
WP 4.1/4.2: Plans for the next 6 months For Lombardia: - to produce a double page presentation brochure of the project of the Italian community + an abstract - to transmit the list of events which will give rise to a presentation of the Concerto/Renaissance project
ENERTECH Contact Malorie CLERMONT Tel: +33 (0)4 37 47 80 90 malorie.clermont@hespul.org