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Tools & Tactics in Overcoming Objections to Drug Testing

Discover effective strategies, common objections, and case studies in this presentation by William F. Current. Explore services by WFC & Associates for policy development, supervisor training, and more.

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Tools & Tactics in Overcoming Objections to Drug Testing

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  1. Tools & Tactics inOvercoming Objections to Drug Testing A Presentation by William F. Current WFC & Associates

  2. WFC & Associates Customized Consulting Services in Support of Drug Testing • Policy Review • Policy Development • Supervisor Training • Training & Education Publications • Marketing & Sales Support • Drug-Free Workplace Research • State and Federal Laws & Regulations WFC & Associates

  3. Distinguished Panel of Experts • Mac Allen, NSA • Dennis Bennett, FirstLab • Brick Bradford, ChoicePoint • Joel Howard, LabOne • Mary Ellen Petty, FirstLab • Don Weber, Pinkerton Health Srvs. WFC & Associates

  4. Two Kinds of Buyers 1. Existing drug tester • Cold calling • Take away business • They came to you (referral, marketing) 2. New to drug testing • Cold calling • Referrals from current clients • They came to you (marketing) WFC & Associates

  5. Identifying Your Buyer Assess their current status: • Where are they now? • What are their needs? • What are their objectives? • What is their budget? • What do they currently understand? WFC & Associates

  6. 10 Most CommonObjections to Drug Testing 10. Denial 9. Don’t want to know who uses 8. Don’t trust drug testing 7. Reluctant to change 6. Don’t want to be the bad guy WFC & Associates

  7. 10 Most CommonObjections to Drug Testing 5. Believe it hurts productivity 4. Legal Concerns 3. Cost is prohibitive 2. Don’t know where to start… WFC & Associates

  8. 10 Most CommonObjections to Drug Testing 1. Don’t understand ROI… “Return on Investment” WFC & Associates

  9. Case Study #1 Small Restaurant Company • 3 locations and growing • 100+ employees • Knew problem existed • Wasn’t sure what to do • Wasn’t sure if they should do anything WFC & Associates

  10. 3 Primary Categoriesof Solutions 1. Sell Value 2. Know Your Business 3. Make It As Easy As Possible WFC & Associates

  11. Quality Products Services Partners Follow-Up Support Selling “you” Client retention Answer the phone Stay in touch Benchmark!!! Sell Value WFC & Associates

  12. Case Study #2 Large, nationwide retailer • 30,000 tests a year ($1 million/year) • Dropped drug testing all together • Decided ROI was not there • Is that true? • Who’s to blame? WFC & Associates

  13. What works How it works Why it works Collection processes Lab technology On-Site technology Urine vs. saliva Urine vs. hair Background screening Physicals Delivery systems Know Your Business WFC & Associates

  14. Know Your Business • Consult • Policy review and development • Training • Legal support • Educate • Magnitude of the problem • Cost to employers • Absenteeism, accidents, workers’ comp • State laws, workers’ comp laws, etc. • Stay Current WFC & Associates

  15. Make It As Easy As Possible • Fit your services to meet their needs • Offer alternatives; be flexible • Walk them through the process • Anticipate their questions • Own the implementation WFC & Associates

  16. “ROI” Return On Investment How much does s/a cost per drug user? • $7,000 (national average) How many drug users do you have? • 17% of workforce (national average) • Use their figure How many employees do you have? WFC & Associates

  17. “ROI” Do the Math! • 250 employees • multiplied by % of drug users in their workplace (5%) • multiplied by $7000 • equals cost of s/a • compare to cost of drug testing • (300 tests at $45 per test average) WFC & Associates

  18. “ROI” 250 x 5% =13 13 x $7,000 =$91,000 300 (drug tests/year) x $45 (cost per test) =$13,500 $ 91,000 -13,500 =$ 77,500 SAVINGS! WFC & Associates

  19. 6 Tips That Never Fail 1. Get them to answer their own questions 2. Don’t sell lies and half truths 3. When you hire a liability, you own it 4. Don’t take anything for granted 5. Sell yourself 6. Deliver WFC & Associates

  20. WFC & Associates Customized Consulting Services in Support of Drug Testing William F. Current 954/255-8650 David G. Evans 908/788-7077 WFC & Associates

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