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Here are some of the best electrical safety Hazards tips to keep your house safe that help to maintain proper caution and keep you and your family safe.
INDEX • Electrical Safety Hazards Tips • Types of Electrical Injuries • 10 Electrical Safety Hazards Tips To Keep Your House Safe
Being safe when using any electrical appliances, light bulbs, extension cords and other equipment is easy and safety advice should be included in household rules and daily behaviour expectations for all the house members. • One mistake can spark an electrical fire, but simple prevention measures can be effective solutions.
There are four types of electrical injuries • Electrocutions (death due to electrical shock) • Electrical shock • Burns • Falls Here are some of the best Skilliapp electrical safety Hazards tips that help you to maintain proper caution that help you to keep you and your family safe and to avoid electrical hazards.
Don't Plug a Bunch of Stuff into One Extension Cord • It damages the electrical system in your house or even causes a fire. • Ask Grown-Ups to Put Safety Caps on Unused Electrical Outlets • Covering outlets will help to save energy by stopping cold drafts.
Don't Pull an Electrical Wire From the Wall • Pulling on a wire can damage the appliance, the outlet or the plug. • All Electric Outlets are Tucked away, Tidy and Neat • Pets might chew on electrical wire and person might trip and fall.
Ask a Grown-up for Help • When you need to use something that uses electricity. • Do look up and out for power lines before you climb on a tree • The electricity can go right through the tree branch and you.
Don't Climb on the wall around an electrical substation • If pet or ball gets inside the wall, ask a grown-up to call the electric company they will come to you and get it out for you. • Do Remind your Parents to Watch out for Power Lines • When they are using a chainsaw, ladder or other outdoor equipment.
Keep Electrical Stuff Away From Water Most electrical accidents happen around the house when people use electricity near water such as sinks, bathtubs, pools or overhead vents that may drip. • Wear Shoes When Using Power Tools • It is essential to wear proper attire when handling outside power tools like a lawnmower. You might think it’s cool to mow the yard without shoes on until the blades catch your toes.
Besides shoes, there is safety earplugs, eyewear and gloves to keep your body protected from dangers posed by your power tools.
Even though electricity is commonplace, there is still quite a bit of danger associated with improper use. • Carefully observe all safety measures when using electricity to keep yourself safe.