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Detailed overview of the advanced hadron calorimeter technology in ATLAS, focusing on inner detector gaps, liquid argon components, and copper absorbers. The calorimeter features innovative design for precise jet reconstruction and excellent energy resolution.
Hadron Calorimeter M.Kaneda 19/June/2006 M. Kaneda
ATLAS Calorimeters Gap for Inner detector and Liquid Argon cables, electronics and services (~1.5) Tile barrel Tile extended barrel LAr hadronic end-cap (HEC) LAr EM end-cap (EMEC) LAr EM barrel M. Kaneda LAr forward calorimeter (FCAL)
Calorimeter • EM Calorimeter (presented by Koreki sensei at the last meeting) (LAr sampling calorimeter technique with accordion-shaped electrodes) • The barrel EM calorimeter (|h|<1.4) • The end-cap calorimeter (1.375<|h|3.2) • + presampler • The Forward calorimeter (FCAL1 Cu) (3.2<|h|<4.9) • Hadron Calorimeter • The Tile calorimeter (|h|<1.7) • Sampling device made out of steel and scintillating tiles, as absorber and active material respectively • The Hadronic end-cap calorimeter (HEC) (1.5<|h|<3.2) • LAr sampling calorimeter with copper-plane absorbers • The Forward calorimeter (FCAL2,3 W) (3.2<|h|<4.9) • LAr ionization device integrated into the end-cap cryostat M. Kaneda
ATLAS Hadron Calorimeter ・ >11l in front of Muon system → reduction of punch-through ・ ~10l active calorimeter(incl. 1.2l of EM) → good E-res. for HE jets LAr, rod + tube geometry M. Kaneda
Resolution from some… M. Kaneda
Use of tracks in jet reconstruction The difference between inner detector and calorimeter performance between ATLAS and CMS indicate that the use of tracks in jet reconstruction can give a very good improvement in jet reconstruction performances for CMS M. Kaneda
ATLAS e CMS Test Beams: central region ATLAS /E linearity < 2% 20-300 GeV NIM A449(2000) 461-477 Both calorimeter systems reach the design performances CMS NIM A457 (2001) 75-100 linearity < 15% 20-300 GeV M. Kaneda
Detector effects: e/h and cracks CMS e/h = 1.4 ATLAS e/h = 1.36-1.5 S = 15%- 20% per E 20-300 GeV Had. Cal. CERN/LHC 2006-1 CMSTDR Losses in DM / Ebeam M. Kaneda
PMT WLS fiber Tile The Tile Calorimeter O.Gildemeister proposed a novel structure TILECAL for the ATLAS hadr. calo. • Steel and scintillating tiles • Scint. Tiles run parallel to particles • Cheap and hermetic construction • Projective geometry • Depth sampling (3x) • Fibers are coupled radially to the tiles along the outside faces of each module. • The laminated structure of the absorber allows for channels in which the fibers run. • Double readout • Sufficient light, redundancy (needed during the long expected period of operation of the ATLAS experient) • Segmentation • =0.1x0.1 • 64 Modules for Central Barrel • 64 Modules each for 2 Extended Barrel Double Readout M. Kaneda
The Tile Calorimeter • One barrel and two extended barrel • Cylindrical structure-> radius: inner 2280mm, outer 4230mm • Barrel part is 5640mm along the beam axis(-1.0<eta<1.0) • Extended barrel is 2910mm(0.8<|eta|<1.7) • Gap in the barrel and the extended barrels:600mm (for Inner detector and Liquid Argon cables, electronics and services) • The Intermediate Tile Calorimeter (ITC) (0.8<|eta|<1.0) in extended barrel • Not scintillate in 0.8<|eta|<1.0 • 1.0<|eta|<1.2 ->gap scintillators • 1.2<|eta|<1.6 ->clack scintillators M. Kaneda
Process 10,000 PMT signals from Hadronic Tile Calorimeter (TileCal) Electronics located in 256 “drawers” Up to 45 PMT’s/drawer 16 bit dynamic range Up to 2 TeV in a single cell Down to 30 MeV per cell Must see muons @ 350 MeV/cell for Calibration, monitoring, e- ID The Tile Calorimeter Electronics drawers housing the full chain from PMTs to digitizers, controls and HV M. Kaneda
The Tile Calorimeter Hamamatsu R5900 PMT • Tile+PMT: >>50 pe/GeV • Photocathode 18x18 mm2 (bialkali) • 300 to 650 nm, max @ 420nm • 8 dynodes • Dark current ~ 100pA@680V • t_rise=1.4 ns, width 3.4ns, t_decay=3.3ns • Small sensitivity to B & T (0.25%/°C) Kuraray Y11 WSL fibres bundle →PMT M. Kaneda
Hadronic EndCap Calorimeter (HEC) HEC 1 (front wheel): 32 modules/wheel: 67 tonnes, 0.82m high, 4 m diameter module: 24x8.5mm gaps + (1x12.5+24x25)mm Cu plates HEC 2 (rear wheel): 32 modules/wheel: 90 tonnes, 0.96m high, 4 m diameter module: 16x8.5mm gaps + (1x25+16x50)mm Cu plates EST: insulating layer sandwiched between 2 highly resistive layers PAD: Cu readout sandwiched between two insulators with HRL The Hadronic end-cap calorimeter (HEC) Assembly of the first HEC wheel (horizontal) Granularity: <2.5: = 0.1 x 0.1 >2.5: = 0.2 x 0.2 M. Kaneda
The Forward calorimeter (FCAL) • A challenging detector (which has to cope with the high level of radiation) • A dense calorimeter Rod: HV Matrix: Ground LAr gap = 250m, 375m HCL EM Cu W W 4 rod are ganged for readout → 4k channels M. Kaneda
Tag forward jets =[3.2,4.9] Measure missing ET ~ 40MHz ~ 108 GeV/cm2/s at =4.5 ~ 106 Gy/year ~ 100 Watts absorbed FCAL 1 - Cu matrix + rods - 2.6 l, 28X0 , 2.1 FCAL 2 FCAL 3 - W matrix + rods, Cu tubes - each ~ 3.7 l, 90 X0 , 4 t The Forward calorimeter (FCAL) FCAL module during insertion of W rods M. Kaneda
Total thickness in labs of the ATLAS calorimetry as a function of pseudrapidity The total thickness of the active calorimeters is close to or larger than 10l over the full coverage up to |h| =4.9. The amount of the dead material in front of the calorimeters and in the regions between the Tile and EM Calorimeters. M. Kaneda
The CMS calorimeter Hadronic Outer EM calorimeter || < 3 : PbW04 crystals 1 longitudinal section/preshower 1.1 = 0.0174 0.0174 Central Hadronic || < 1.7 : Brass/scintillator 2 + 1 Hadronic Outer – long. sections 5.9 + 3.9 (|| =0) = 0.087 0.087 EM barrel and EndCap Very Forward Calorimeter Hcal barrel and EndCap Endcap Hadronic 1.3< || < 3 : Brass/scintillator +WLS 2/3 longitudinal sections 10 = ~0.15 0.17 Forward calorimeter 2.9 < < 5: Fe/quartz fibers = ~0.175 0.17 M. Kaneda
Had Barrel: HB Had Endcaps: HE Had Forward: HF Had Outer: HO Tail catcher HO HB HE HF The CMS calorimeter M. Kaneda
ECAL + HCAL Energy Resolution(CMS) Combined Test ECAL SM + HCAL Wedge in Summer 06 M. Kaneda
Refence • Liquid Argon Calorimeter TDR • Tile Calorimeter TDR • http://hcp2006.phy.duke.edu/HCP2006-science.html M. Kaneda