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Combatting Smoking: Facts, Stats & Campaigns

Explore smoking statistics in 2009, the hazards to health, and anti-smoking campaigns. Discover reasons people smoke, worldwide smoking trends, and consequences. Design your own campaign to target specific audiences and emotions. Learn about the challenges of quitting smoking and compile a resource kit to assist smokers in their journey to quit.

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Combatting Smoking: Facts, Stats & Campaigns

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  1. Smoking Hazardous to Your Health

  2. U.S. Statistics in 2009 • Nearly 18 of every 100 U.S. adults aged 18 years or older (17.8%) currently smoke cigarettes. This means an estimated 42.1 million adults in the United States currently smoke cigarettes.1 • Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of preventable disease and death in the United States, accounting for more than 480,000 deaths every year, or 1 of every 5 deaths.2 • More than 16 million Americans live with a smoking-related disease.2 • Current smoking has declined from nearly 21 of every 100 adults (20.9%) in 2005 to nearly 18 of every 100 adults (17.8%) in 2013.1 (image: courtesy of clipart)

  3. The Facts Smoking: • Is addictive – more than heroine or cocaine • Makes your clothes, hair and breath smell • Turns your teeth and fingers yellow • Increases risk of stroke and heart attack • Increases risk of developing diabetes • Is the most common cause of lung, throat and mouth cancer (Website Source: http://www.cyh.com/HealthTopics/HealthTopicDetails.aspx?p=240&np=158&id=2099)

  4. Some Reasons: • Young people are attracted to the image: • Because their friends and family are smokers • Cultural Influences Source: Children Youth and Women’s Health Service

  5. Why Do Young People Start Smoking? Think of Some Reasons Image: Courtesy of ClipArt

  6. Where people smoke the most

  7. What are the rankings? • The highest rates are all in Eastern Europe. • The biggest smokers outside of Eastern Europe are South Koreans, Kazakhs, and Japanese, • Americans rank right in the middle. (about 34th) • In this data set, poorer countries tend to be healthier. Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia have some of the lowest smoking rates in the world. Indians smoke only 96 cigarettes per year per person. Ethiopians only 46. If Americans smoked like that, cigarette companies would collapse overnight, but health-care costs would drop dramatically as well; direct health-care costs related to smoking in the United States are estimated at $96 billion per year.

  8. What are in Cigarettes?Do YOU know?

  9. Over 4000 Chemicals!!!!(60 of which are carcinogenic) Source: www.willwilliams.co.uk/common-issues/smoking/whats-in-a-cigarette) Image courtesy of ClipArt

  10. (Source: www.willwilliams.co.uk/common-issues/smoking/whats-in-a-cigarette)

  11. What are some of the consequences of smoking?

  12. Heart Disease Stroke Lung Cancer Stomach Cancer Smoking Throat Cancer Bladder Cancer Emphysema

  13. But what does these things really look like?How do these images make you feel?

  14. Website Source: http://smokefreewic.com/Facts/Smoking.html

  15. (Website Source: www.quitsmokingpainlesslynow.com/.../

  16. Website Source: http://www.kaheel7.com/eng/index.php/health-a-medicine/80-smoking-the-21st-epidemic-disease

  17. Anti-Smoking CampaignsLet’s Have A Look At Some Image Courtesy of ClipArt

  18. Images courtesy of Flickr

  19. Image courtesy of Flickr

  20. Radio Campaign (Source: http://www.quitnow.info.au/internet/quitnow/publishing.nsf/Content/youth-lp

  21. Answer the following: • Who is the audience? • What is the campaign trying to say? • How does they make you feel? • Do you think the message is clear • and effective?

  22. Anti-Smoking TV Commercials Cigarette Advertising is banned in the US but there are numerous anti-smoking campaigns in the US and around the world.

  23. Questions • How are each of these ads different? • Who is the primary target audience? • How do the ads make you feel? • Which ad do you think is most effective? • What would your anti-smoking campaign look like? • How do these ads compare to the images and radio ad?

  24. Your Task: • Design your own anti-smoking campaign. • Choose your audience (peers, parents, friends, smokers in general) • Choose your media • Consider which emotions you are targeting (fear, guilt, shock) • Think about the main message of your campaign.

  25. But wait……

  26. There’s hope…… People can and do quit smoking But, it won’t be easy because smoking is an addiction. (Image and sound courtesy of ClipArt)

  27. Final Task • To compile a resource kit for your target audience to assist them to quit smoking. • Include things such as information, tips and strategies, support groups, help lines.

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