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These 6 trends in corporate video production are on the rise!

This has created a whole new trend of mobile-first videos. Corporate Film Production Houses are now focusing on creating video content specially for the mobile platform. Smartphones are a more intimate way to connect with the consumers, hence the creation of square, vertical, and portrait oriented video content is on the rise.

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These 6 trends in corporate video production are on the rise!

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  1.   These 6 trends in corporate video production are on the rise!    The advancements in networking and internet technology have turned people into           huge consumers of online content, especially videos. This has led to a revolution in the           corporate video world. Businesses today rate corporate videos as a vital tool for           marketing and sales promotions.    While the growing popularity of corporate videos is a boon to the corporate sector, but             it has brought with it its own set of problems too. The corporate video explosion has                   made it very clear that a common content will not even be seen by the crowd. To               engage the audience who are continuously bombarded with interesting video content,             Corporate Film Production Houses need to consider the latest trends and incorporate             them into their corporate videos too. Here are 6 of the most in demand and effective               trends of 2019.                                                                                                                                                   Spontaneous Stories    Highly popular on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat and           Twitter, Stories are fun, casual, and spontaneous videos depicting amazing and fun             moments of one’s life. They are easily shot and disappear after 24 hours. Not just               popular among social media users, brands are also leveraging the “Stories” feature to             showcase their best products and services. These bite-sized videos are taking the           Internet by storm and can be effectively used to engage the audience. These type of               corporate videos can come in handy for the promotion of e-commerce products that               are new to the market.                                                                                                 

  2.         Recurring video series    Brands have now started taking great risks in the form of long video series. Top             Corporate Video Production Companies in Delhi and brands are working together to           come up with high quality, relevant and interesting long form series videos, and the               results are usually turning out to be very fruitful. By working on such video series,                 gives brands a chance to slow down, observe the reactions of their consumers, explore               their likings, chase their passions and dive deeply into many other aspects. Promoting             and showcasing a certain product in the long run can lead to greater impact and a               larger number of views and engagement.     Mobile-first video      The global number of mobile users is increasing every other day. These smart gadgets               have become the new source of information and entertainment. This has created a             whole new trend of mobile-first videos. ​Corporate Film Production Houses ​are now focusing on creating video content specially for the mobile platform. Smartphones are           a more intimate way to connect with the consumers, hence the creation of square,                 vertical, and portrait oriented video content is on the rise.                                                                                                                                                                                         

  3.     Multi-platform live streaming    Multi-platform live streaming allows your brand to connect with a wide array of people           and helps create a viral buzz on the social media platforms. The audience can watch                 your brand and its special activities live and also interact with you at the very same               time. Social media giants like Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube are the perfect           platform for live streaming. A creative use of the live feeds is one of the most genuine               and authentic ways to connect with an audience and can help the marketers gain               huge traffic numbers.     Virtual Reality    Virtual Reality is the technology of the future. It is a highly engaging trend for               industries related to real estate, interior decor, construction, extreme sports and             gaming. Brands can use it to let the audience experience the features of their products                 in real through a virtual reality model. Virtual reality can be the cheat code for               attracting a young audience including kids and youngsters.    Case studies                                                                                                                                                              

  4. There's so much of experimentation and struggle that eventually leads a business to             success. Sharing the things that helped you grow, along with the things that made you             taste failures, with your audience can bring them closer to you. Rather than sharing             just the success stories, you can choose to make a bold move, be more open and share                 the challenges and failures that changed the direction of your life. Such videos and             case studies help build an emotional connect with the audience and earn their loyalty.     Give your audience the unique and interesting video content they deserve. Serve them             with the right content and your brand will keep reaching newer audience every day               gaining visibility and sales consistently.    Source: ​www.unitymix.com  For more informations Contact Person: Gursimran Jassal  Company Name: Skittles Productions Pvt Ltd  Phone: +91 8218286112  Email: info@skittlesproductions.com   Web: http://skittlesproductions.co                                                                                                              

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