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Groups and subgroups of drug users. Drug-based groups. Opiate users ATS users Polydrug users. Other principles of making groups. Gender Age Social status. Make a choice of subgroups using the following criteria. Vulnerability to HIV
Groups and subgroups of drug users Presentation 6
Drug-based groups • Opiate users • ATS users • Polydrug users Presentation 6
Other principles of making groups • Gender • Age • Social status Presentation 6
Make a choice of subgroups using the following criteria • Vulnerability to HIV • Inadequacy of HIV prevention services specific to this groups Presentation 6
But Why??? Presentation 6
Conclusion: What makes subgroups hard-to-access? • Absence of services suitable for those groups • We do not work methods of work with this specific subgroup • However, we can think of outreach strategies (types, methods of service provision and counseling) to involve more representatives of those subgroups. • In other words, behavior change communication and outreach models depend on the drug scene – how much it is closed or opened. This is why it is important to investigate drug scene on regular basis. Presentation 6
Drug scene definitions and characteristics • Drug Use Scene is a concept based on an analysis of the following components: • The most common drugs used; • The availability of drug traffic (making, selling and drug use); • Socio-demographic characteristics of the community using drugs; availability of health, social services, etc. for drug users, the economic situation of the country, region and various groups of drug users; • Epidemiological situation with regard to HIV and hepatitis; • Police tactics, especially in that region. Presentation 6
Closed Drug Use Scene • Situation where open spaces where drugs are sold (in a particular region) are not visible; there are no open places of drug users’ gathering. As a result, provision of any prevention, social and medical services becomes difficult. An example of a closed drug scene: • Selling drugs over the phone, internet • Contacting IDUs through pharmacies only • Widely used system of drug selling through dealers • Meeting a group of IDUs in the street is not possible Presentation 6
Closed Drug Use Scene • Occasional drug users • Young drug users • Those who like experimenting • People of high social status Presentation 6
Open Drug Use Scene • Selling drugs in the street, characterized by large groups of injecting drug users who are easily accessible from the point of view of providing prevention, social and medical services. • This type of drug use scene requires less effort in establishing BCC compared to closed drug use scene. Presentation 6
Drug Use Scene • Drug Use Scene may also vary based on the type of drug used in the region. • When planning for BCC there is a strong necessity to investigate the local traditions. Presentation 6