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L’alphabet. Click on the speakers to hear each letter in French. a. b. d. c. e. f. g. Click on the speaker to hear the letter in French. a. ch a t. Click on the speaker to hear the letter in French. e. n e uf. l e. d e ux.
L’alphabet Jo Rhys-Jones, Hampshire Schools, October 2010
Click on the speakers to hear each letter in French a b d c e f g Jo Rhys-Jones, Hampshire Schools, October 2010
Click on the speaker to hear the letter in French a chat Jo Rhys-Jones, Hampshire Schools, October 2010
Click on the speaker to hear the letter in French e neuf le deux Jo Rhys-Jones, Hampshire Schools, October 2010
Did you notice this letter sounds almost the same as in English?Listen out for more letters that sound nearly the same. f chef Jo Rhys-Jones, Hampshire Schools, October 2010
Did you notice these ones rhyme?Listen out for more letters that rhyme with this sound b c g d Jo Rhys-Jones, Hampshire Schools, October 2010
Click on the speakers to hear each line a b d c e f g Jo Rhys-Jones, Hampshire Schools, October 2010
Click on the speakers to hear each letter in French h i k j l m n Jo Rhys-Jones, Hampshire Schools, October 2010
Ooh look! Lots of volcanic ash... h Jo Rhys-Jones, Hampshire Schools, October 2010
Hmm... it’s a Ford Ka k Jo Rhys-Jones, Hampshire Schools, October 2010
Did you spot these ones that are nearly the same as in English? m n l Jo Rhys-Jones, Hampshire Schools, October 2010
Did you spot these ones that rhyme? i j Jo Rhys-Jones, Hampshire Schools, October 2010
Hmm – what do you notice about these sounds? j g Jo Rhys-Jones, Hampshire Schools, October 2010
Click on the speakers to hear each line h i k j l m n Jo Rhys-Jones, Hampshire Schools, October 2010
Click on the speakers to hear each letter in French o p r q s t u Jo Rhys-Jones, Hampshire Schools, October 2010
What sound does a dove make? q Jo Rhys-Jones, Hampshire Schools, October 2010
Did you spot these rhyming letters? p t Jo Rhys-Jones, Hampshire Schools, October 2010
What do we breathe?Try rolling your ‘rrrrr’ with a mouthful of toothpaste r Jo Rhys-Jones, Hampshire Schools, October 2010
and did you spot these English sounding ones again? o s Jo Rhys-Jones, Hampshire Schools, October 2010
u Jo Rhys-Jones, Hampshire Schools, October 2010 Put your finger in your mouth like a lollipop. Remove your finger but keep your lips still. Without moving your lips, try to say ‘ee’ That is the French sound ‘u’.
Click on the speakers to hear each line. o p r q s t u Jo Rhys-Jones, Hampshire Schools, October 2010
Click on the speakers to hear each letter in French v w x y z Jo Rhys-Jones, Hampshire Schools, October 2010
Makes more sense to me than double-u v w Jo Rhys-Jones, Hampshire Schools, October 2010
Now take off the letters Tw and you are left with... x Jo Rhys-Jones, Hampshire Schools, October 2010
This is actually taken from the Greek alphabet – it’s the Greek letter i y Jo Rhys-Jones, Hampshire Schools, October 2010
Click on the speakers to hear each line v w x y z Jo Rhys-Jones, Hampshire Schools, October 2010
ab c d efg hi jkl m n opqrstu v wxyz Jo Rhys-Jones, Hampshire Schools, October 2010
How will you remember the letters of the alphabet in French? Jo Rhys-Jones, Hampshire Schools, October 2010 a as in......... b as in ........ c as in ......... d as in ........ e as in ........ f as in ......... g as in ......... h as in ......... i as in .......... j as in .......... k as in ......... l as in .......... m as in ........ n as in.......... o as in ......... p as in ......... q as in ......... r as in .......... s as in .......... t as in .......... u as in ......... v as in .......... w as in ......... x as in ......... y as in .......... z as in ..........