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Living and working in Italy. General information. l ocation Southern Europe area 301.338 km2 capital Rome, 2,7 mil main cities Milan, Rome, Naples, Genoa, Florence, Bologna border countries: France, Switzerland, Slovenia, Austria
General information • location Southern Europe • area 301.338 km2 • capital Rome, 2,7 mil • main cities Milan, Rome, Naples, Genoa, Florence, Bologna • border countries: France, Switzerland, Slovenia, Austria • official language Italian • currency euro
General Information • population 59,6 mil • ethnicity 95,03 % Italians • religion 97,67 % catholics • political system Parliamentary republic
Learning Italian Knowledge of the Italian language is a basic requisite for doing the majority part of works.In order to improve knowledge of Italian, it is advisable to attend courses in any Italian Cultural Institute. For further information, consult the nearest Employment Centre, and the offices of the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research, www.istruzione.it
Economy • Italy has a capitalistic economy, which remains divided into a developed industrial north, dominated by private companies, and a less- developped, agricultural south • according to GDP calculations, Italy was ranked as the seventh largest economy in the world in 2006 • one of the world’s largest exporter of manufactured goods • Italy's major exports are motor vehicles (FIAT, APRILLA, DUCATI), food industry ( BARILLA, MARTINI, CAMPARI) and fashion industry( ARMANI, VALENTINI, VERSACE, PRADA, BENETTON)
Unemployment rate NORTH 3,8% CENTER 6,1% SOUTH 12,2% ITALY 6,8% Youth unemployment rate (15 -24) = 21,6%
Lombardy Region • Lombardy is a region in the North-East of Italy, with the Alps, the • Valley of the river Po and Milan as its capital. • The region consists of the following provinces: • Provincia di Bergamo • Provincia di Brescia • Provincia di Como • Provincia di Cremona • Provincia di Lecco • Provincia di Varese • Provincia di Lodi • Provincia di Mantova • Provincia di Monza e Brianza • Provincia di Milano • Provincia di Pavia • Provincia di Sondrio
Main sectors • Tourism • Machinery • Iron and steel • Chemicals • Food processing • Textiles • Motor vehicles • Clothing • Footwear • Ceramics • Agriculture • Services
Job opportunities • Construction -building sector Building Construction Labourers, Carpenters • Tourism sector Hotel restaurant staff - entertainer (all year through but in particular in summer and winter seasons) • Health Nurses, health treatment • Services computer graphics multimedia, ITC professionals, personal services, connected with the ageing of the population in need of care at home
Working conditions • Medium Salary 22 053 € (for a year) • Normal hours of work: total 40 hours per week (The CCNL can allow for a working week of less than 40 hours) • Night shifts hours are normaly from midnight to 7am • Minimum annual leave - 4 weeks (20 days) • Break: 30-60min
Type of employment • Subordinate employment • Self-employment • Public Sector employment
Job Search-national websites • www.eures.europa.eu • www.welfare.gov.it/eures • www.borsalavoro.it
EURES in Italy EURES Network EURES (European Employment Services) is a network of co-operation between the European Commission and the national public employment services of the Member States. The Italian EURES job offers can be seen directly on the web (address: www.europa.eu.int/eures) and through the local EURES Adviser, whose names and locations are listed in the website www.lavoro.gov.it , as well as directly on the website of the Commission
Public Employment Services I CENTRI PER L’IMPIEGO • www.welfare.gov.it • www.upinet.it • www.isfol.it
Searching a job in Internet www.monster.it/ www.mondolavoro.it/ www.cercolavoro.com/ www.cliccalavoro.it/ www.consulteque.com/ Professional e Freelance www.espertidi.it/ Qualified www.gojobsite.it/ English www.jobonline.it/ www.it.jobpilot.ch/ German - French www.okkupati.rai.it/
Newspapers • “Il Sole 24 ore” on Monday • www.ilsole24ore.com • “Italia Oggi” • www.italiaoggi.it • “La Repubblica” Thursday • www.repubblica.it • “Il Corriere della sera” Friday • www.corriere.it • “La stampa” • www.lastampa.it • “Il messaggero.it” • www.ilmessagero.it
Recruitment agencies • www.collocamentoprivato.com • www.collocare.it • www.emporiodeilavori.it • www.job-on-line.com • www.jobpoint.it • www.laborgroup.it • www.listedicollocamento.it • www.media-work.it • www.progettoimpiego.it • www.sudlavoro.it • www.unimpiego.it • www.adecco.it • www.manpower.it • www.start-italia.it • www.randstad.it
Interim • www.welfare.gov.it • www.prometheo.it/lavoro/interinale.html • http://www.interinaleitalia.it/ • http://www.intertelecom.it/chisiamo.php?id=100Call centers • http://www.lavoroinrete.it/ (web)
Seasonal Work • AGRICOLTURA www.vinitaliaonline.net www.infoimprese.it www.monzaflora.it www.geocities.com/az_agricoltura www.pianteefioriditalia.it • TOURISM www.italyhotels.it www.enit.it www.jobintourism.it www.centrirousseau.it www.stelviopark.it
Running your own business • A BUSINESS OWNER MUST • Be over 18 • Register with the chamber of commerce for Industry Craft and Agriculture • Have a business tax number (IVA-VAT) • Possess the prerequisites for every area of ownership
Working in the public sector Public Contest • One can participate by public competion, pending recognition of prior study relevant to the contest. Certain jobs are reserved only for Italian citizens (managerial & strategics post, diplomats, law enforcement) • Registration in the list for selection by a pubblic entity (art.16) – must have lower school certificate and professional qualificiation asked • Call up of those registered in certain lists pertaining to “protected categories” (that is disadvantaged persons such as orphans, widows, victims of war, those with learning and mobility difficolties)
Working in the private sector Access via: • Employment Centres • Employment Agencies • Eures • Major daily newpapers • Applying for potential postions
Accommodation Means of finding accomodation: • Word of mouth • Advertising • Real Estate agents Rented accommodation: • Small flats: 450 € per month • Small houses: 700 € - 900 € per month • Rooms: 350 € per month Large cities are more expensive and accommodation can be difficult to find.
Prices • Cigarettes 4,20€ • Loaf of bread 2,50€ • Sandwich 1,50€ • Cup of Coffee 0,80€ • Pint of beer 3,30€ • Glass of wine 2,00€ • Chocolate bar 1,00€ • Pizza 6,00€ • Cinema ticket 7,00€ • Short bus journey 1,00€ • Football match 25,00€ • Meal in a restaurant 35,00€
PRE-SCHOOL Duration: 3 years Boys and girls can be registered from the age of 2 and a half. Primary School Duration: 5 years Optional at the age of 5 and a half. Compulsory at the age of 6. Introduction to a European language from the 2nd class. Use of the computer. 1st level secondary school Duration: 3 years Introduction of a second European language. Use of computer technologies. Tutored guidance for the choice of the subsequent pathway. Possibility of choosing between two pathways: secondary schools and education-vocational training. SECONDARY SCHOOLS Duration: 5 years 8 fields: art, classics, human sciences, economics, linguistics, music, science, technology. EDUCATION-VOCATIONAL TRAINING Duration:variable, minimum 3 + 2 years After 3 years, the first qualification spendable in the labour market and recognised at the national and European level. Possibility of gaining further qualifications spendable in the labour market and for access to higher vocational training. Educational System
Public Health System • Foreign citizens in Italy are entitled to use public health service • EU citizens with the old E111 or the European medical card TEAM are entitled to urgent and necessary medical attention if they stay less than 3 months • If they stay more than 3 months • they need to be employed or registered at the CIF or to benefit of a pension or to be a the holder of these E-forms: • E106 – E109 or E37 – E120 – E121 or E33) • In any other case they need to have an health insurance
European Health Insurance Card • La ha sostituito il modulo E111 per i cittadini EU che desiderano usufruire dell’ Assistenza Sanitaria nei Paesi EU
Social Security System The main organisations in this sector are the INPS and INAIL. • INPS(Istituto Nazionale della Previdenza Sociale- National Social Security Institute) is the largest Italian social security body and has jurisdiction with regard to the compulsory social-security contributions that all employers or self-employed workers must pay. www.inps.it • INAIL(Istituto Nazionale Assicurazioni Infortuni sul Lavoro- National Institute of Insurance Against Accidents at Work) has jurisdiction over accidents at work and occupational diseases, for which benefits are paid.
INPSISTITUTO NAZIONALE DELLA PREVIDENZA SOCIALE(National Istitute of Social Welfare) National Insurance is deducted from wages: • Company with less than 15 employees (9,19%) • Company with more than 15 employees (9,49%) • Apprentice (5,54%) The amount you pay depends on how much you earn Self-employed people must pay their own national Insurance
INAILIstituto nazionale Assicurazione sul Lavoro e Malattie ProfessionaliNational Insurance Institute Against Accident at Work • In case of an accident at work, an allowance is provided by INAIL • The employer is obliged to protect the worker from the risk of possible injury or illness at work
Unemployment Benefit • Declaration of status (registration at public employment service – CIF) • At least 2 years assurance against unemployment • • At least 52 weekly contributions in last 2 years before becoming unemployed
Tax System • In the Italian judicial system there are two tax categories: • Direct and indirect: • Direct tax affects income and property • Indirect tax applies to tranfer of goods, commercial transactions and consumers Ministry of the Economy and Finance: www.finanze.it Regional Tax Departments: www.agenziaentrate.it
CV/Resume • Personal details: name, address, telephone numbers, e-mail, nationality, date of birth and marital status, driving licence, car • Education: describe the general content of your education, starting from latest. Degree with marks years and exams. Diploma, other qualification • Work experience: Include a brief description of each job/position, duration, field of activity, stages, starting from latest. • Foreign languages: mother-tongue, spoken and written level, certification (toefl, Delf,) system of learning. • IT skills: systems (windows,unix), programmes (word,excel,pp) internet . • Hobby/personal Interests:non professional interests and leisure activities, sport, visiting foreign countries, social activity, voluntary service. AT THE END “Acconsento al trattamento dei miei dati personali, come da Dlgs 196/03
Cover letter • Send a short letter with your CV or application form • 1 page typed in Italian • Explain why you have the right skills for the job • Explain why you want to work for the company • Write a new letter for each application so it matches the job description • State when you can start work AT THE END “Acconsento al trattamento dei miei dati personali, come da Dlgs 196/03”.
Interview • Interviews are usally formal • There may be more than one person interviewing you • Find out as much as you can about the company • Always dress smartly
Interview- frequent questions • Why do you want to work in Italy? • Speak about yourself about what you did the last 2 years • Do you like travelling? reading? Your last travel, book… • Describe yourself with 3 adjectives • How do you judge yourself? • What do you know about our company? • If you could choose, what kind of job would you like to do? • What is your professional project? • What is your personal style?What you don’t like to do?
Diploma and University Degree • Obtained in another country are not automatically recognized. • Every submission is examined by the relevant authority • The general system does not apply to regulated professions (G.P.’s, medical specialists, nurses, dentists, ostetricians, veterinarians, pharmacists, architects)
Recognition of Qualifications • For UE recognition of qualification is governed by Lisbon Convention that ratifies for member citizens the right to recognition of higher learning qualifications • There is a network of national information centres- NARIC.) www.enic-naric.net www.cimea.it
Tips People are strongly advised that: • The ability to speak Italian is essential for most jobs • Search for a job online • To look up the offers of the CIF • To get in touch with an EURES Adviser
Useful documents if you stay less than 3 months: • Current identity card or passport • Fiscal code number at Entries Agency • CV and cover letter better in Italian • Good Italian knowledge • Experience and/or diploma • European medical card TEAM • Personal tax number (To obtain a tax number visit the local tax office, with a valid identification document
Useful links • Embassies : www.embpage.org • Centri per l’impiego: www.welfare.gov.it/EuropaLavoro/Indirizzario • Private agencies: www.welfare.gov.it/EuropaLavoro/Indirizzario • Police : www.poliziadistato.it/pds/chisiamo/questure/link.htm • Ministry of Finance:www.agenziaentrate.it/indirizzi
EURES Lombardy Laura Robustini Eures Adviser l.robustini@provincia.milano.it Rosaria Petrillo r.petrillo@provincia.milano.it Carmen Segovia c.segovia@provincia.milano.it EURES-Provincia di Milano Polo Orientamento – Provincia di Milano Via Soderini, 24 – 20146 Milano Tel. +39 02 77406416 Fax. +39 02 77405094